pvvx / ZigbeeTLc

Custom firmware for Zigbee 3.0 IoT devices on the TLSR825x chip
327 stars 15 forks source link


Closed aptem334 closed 8 months ago

aptem334 commented 8 months ago

Please add a sensor LYWSDCGQ/01ZM

aptem334 commented 8 months ago


aptem334 commented 8 months ago

72bef3 0488af

pvvx commented 8 months ago

This is a chip from Nordic Semiconductor. Only devices based on Telink TLSR825x series chips are discussed here.

nonflammable commented 8 months ago

Please add a sensor LYWSDCGQ/01ZM

Probably the nRF51802 chip does not support ZigBee

aptem334 commented 7 months ago

Как на счет того что бы перепаять микроконтроллер из SJWS01LM? Это сработает?

aptem334 commented 7 months ago

This is a chip from Nordic Semiconductor. Only devices based on Telink TLSR825x series chips are discussed here.

How about resoldering the microcontroller from SJWS01LM? Will this work?

pvvx commented 7 months ago

Everything is possible. Example: https://pvvx.github.io/CGDK2/CGDK2-2/ It still works like regular CGDK2. There was no Bluetooth before the redesign. Any TB-xx module will do: https://docs.ai-thinker.com/en/blue_tooth

or ZTU - https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/ztu-module-datasheet?id=Ka45nl4ywgabp