pvvx / ZigbeeTLc

Custom firmware for Zigbee 3.0 IoT devices on the TLSR825x chip
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Add pvvx to Model Id #52

Closed krzysztof-kwitt closed 4 months ago

krzysztof-kwitt commented 5 months ago

@devbis suggested that we write down the CFW author in the Model ID field, so I prepared the PR.

Related PR: https://github.com/pvvx/ZigbeeTLc/pull/50

pvvx commented 5 months ago

"ZigbeeTLc" will add "-z" (only Zigbee). "-bz" will be added to "BZdevice" (BLE and Zigbee). "-zb" will be added to "Zigbee2BLE" (Zigbee to BLE - Simplified Zigbee Direct). "-zd" will be added to Zigbee Direct. ... :)

pvvx commented 5 months ago
Today the following numbers are distributed: Name N ...
MHO_C401 1
CGG1 2
LYWSD03MMC_DEVBIS 3 ver https://github.com/devbis/z03mmc
WATERMETER 4 ver https://github.com/slacky1965/watermeter_zed
LYWSD03MMC_B17 5 number used for BLE firmware
CGG1N 7 ver 2022
MHO_C401N 8 ver 2022
LYWSD03MMC_B15 10 number used for BLE firmware
MHO_C122 11
TNK 16 Water tank controller (not yet published at the moment)
TS0201_TZ3000 17
TS0202_TZ3000 18
THB2 19
BTH01 20
TH05 21
Tyua 0xd3a3 1141-d3a3-00463001 TS0201 (_TZ3000_xr3htd96, _TZ3000_qsefbina), 1141-d3a3-00483001 TS0601 (_TZE200_f8mujzmz,_TZE200_yjjdcqsq), ...

These will be supplemented by many devices from Tuya and other manufacturers based on TLSR825x, PHY6xxx, WCH chips, etc. Plus some Dev-board... Plus, each device can have several firmware options with different interfaces.

And the name of each device will be a cipher?

PS: Zigbee device names are made the same to correct the accumulated parser confusion in z2m and zigpy...

pvvx commented 4 months ago

@devbis suggested that we write down the CFW author in the Model ID field, so I prepared the PR.

add {17,'L','Y','W','S','D','0','3','M','M','C','/','d','e','v','b','i','s'} ?

pvvx commented 4 months ago

@krzysztof-kwitt - We are waiting for you to resolve the issues