pwa-builder / PWABuilder-CLI

Node.js tool for App Generation
1.62k stars 142 forks source link

Cannot build windows10 appx. #336

Open hv0905 opened 4 years ago

hv0905 commented 4 years ago

CLI version: 2.0.3-rc.1 I have tried the following method to generate an windows 10 appx with pwabuilder,.

pwabuilder -i path_to_icon.png -p windows10,web -l debug

the pwabuilder printed:

[debug] pwabuilder  : Loading platform module: pwabuilder-windows10
[debug] pwabuilder  : Loading platform module: pwabuilder-web

which shows that it should loaded the pwabuilder-windows10 correctly. Then i execute:

cd Kahla
pwabuilder package -p windows10 -l debug

But the pwabuilder just do nothing and print a debug output:

[debug] pwabuilder  : Available platforms within project: web
[debug] pwabuilder  : Packaging the following platforms: 

I don't know why the windows10 platform is unavaliable and I wonder if it is because of a bug of pwabuilder or my fault.

fasouto commented 4 years ago

Same here, the process prints this:

[debug] pwabuilder  : Available platforms within project: windows10
[debug] pwabuilder  : Packaging the following platforms: windows10
[debug] pwabuilder  : Loading platform module: pwabuilder-windows10

and stops, nothing happens. Unfortunately with this I'm unable to follow this guide to upload the app to the Microsoft store. I'm using Fedora 30.

JudahGabriel commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the error report. We'll investigate and get back to you.

JudahGabriel commented 4 years ago

Are you guys able to try packaging with Put in your URL -> Build My App -> Microsoft Store. Can you try?

hv0905 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I have already packed a PWA appx via and uploaded it to MS Store successfully.

fasouto commented 4 years ago

Same here, I'm able to package via Unfortunately I need the CLI since I need to change the DisplayName and I cannot do that on the website.

JudahGabriel commented 4 years ago

Can you confirm whether you have the required Win10 images: 44x44, 50x50, 150x150? I'm wondering if it's related to this issue.