pwa-builder / PWABuilder

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iOS publishing option is not showing up #2165

Closed superdev40 closed 2 years ago

superdev40 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I no longer see the possibility of compiling the pwa in xcode on pwabuilder. How can we put a pwa on the applestore now? Thanks for your help

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thanks for submitting a new feature request! I've automatically added a vote 👍 reaction to help get things started. Other community members can vote to help us prioritize this feature in the future.

ReinerRunge commented 2 years ago

Seeing this aswell? The ios package options just isn't there.

justrealmilk commented 2 years ago

The option has indeed vanished 👀

jgw96 commented 2 years ago

Hey all! I am unfortunately unable to reproduce this issue. What does this page image look like for yall?

justrealmilk commented 2 years ago

It's visible again.

jgw96 commented 2 years ago

Has anyone else hit this issue again?

jgw96 commented 2 years ago

I have unfortunately not been able to reproduce, neither has anyone on the team.

justrealmilk commented 2 years ago

Maybe there was a hinky dinky donky tonky deploy at some point...

When I was looking, there was a styling issue and the Windows SVG logo width expanded to fill the content area container. Only it and Android were options. I deleted the element to see if anything was hiding under the proverbial HTML rug but alas nothing to be seen. I later came here.

jgw96 commented 2 years ago

Hmmmm, im starting to think we had a bad deploy that was cached at some point. Im going to do some more investigation today around that theory.

jgw96 commented 2 years ago

Did some looking this morning and it does look like we had to deploy twice on the iOS stuff, which is what would have caught users who were unlucky enough to happen to go to the site in the few minutes once it was broken and then the Service Worker cached it. As this deploy is not active anymore, I have not been able to reproduce this issue, the fact that no new people have commented on this issue and the fact that @justrealmilk cannot reproduce anymore either, I am going to close this issue for now. Please feel free to open a new issue though if this pops up again.