pwatson100 / alienrpg

Alien RPG system for Foundry VTT.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Automatization of Custom Panic table? #266

Open jacksands opened 3 months ago

jacksands commented 3 months ago

Hi! I have been trying to make a custom panic table for my game, what is done, but I haven't been successful in make the automations...

Every time I make the roll from the sheet it rolls the original table, instead of the tables that are in the table list, I made sure to look for all possible panic tables that show in the system, and no luck.

I have the official Core rules and the CMOM, if that makes any difference...

also, the automation for modifiers in the panic roll with items are amazing, can it be altered or customized for my table? were are these items and how do I link than to de roll?

As always thank you for the incredible system!!


pwatson100 commented 3 months ago

Are you replacing the Panic Table?
The panic table is the hardest table to substitute as because of the "More Panic" rule some of the text is hard coded in the language files. Under the lables "Panic1" to "Panic15", so you would need to change thse as well.

The automation is also hard coded (line 611 onwards in actor.js) as the result is checked, to see if its a character change, which I can do as opposed to a party effect which depends on the other actors range.
If it's a result I can do something with (rolls of 8, 10 & 13) I either directly update the actors stats (10 or 13) or for a roll of 8 create an item on the actor with the necessary modifiers.

jacksands commented 3 months ago

kkk It seems I will need to learn a bit of coding to move forward on this or roll it manually...

but a challenge is always fun!

thank you for the guidance!!!

jacksands commented 3 months ago

I'm looking ate it now and I think that with your instructions I may actually be able to do it!

aside from that, this is fantastic!! How much of this codemancy you have use!!!


jacksands commented 3 months ago

It really worked! even the automations!!!

thank you very much!!!

pwatson100 commented 3 months ago

That's really good.
Just remember that when you do an update the actor.js and the language files might be overwritten.

I would be interested in seeing the changes you made.

I have been thinking of how I might build something into the system to make this easier.

jacksands commented 3 months ago

My players and I think that the panic rolls cascading affects and some results impeding the action, even with success reduces the agency to choose their action, of course this is by design and changing that makes the game less deadly, but we choose for the fun factor.

I change the text of the panic results to alter this situations, and make some others dependent on if you had a successful roll, etc.

I’m sending the files, since we play with the interface in English I only change this language file, but the text are on Brazilian Portuguese for our convenience.

I tried to chance this to a minimum to avoid errors, so on the en.json files only the lines 262 to 271 are altered, even that originally I intended to add a few more levels. I know that I would have to add lines in the actor.js near lines 1267 but decided to go save.

Also, in the language file I introduced empty paragraphs “

” to facilitate reading.

About the changes in the actor.js they are very few, I just removed the lines that are result dependent, if I remember correctly case 9 and 12 are jus removed.

Now if I can make a suggestion, you system works flawlessly, perhaps would be more save to just add an option to de system setting allowing to choose for “custom panic tables” and using a Dropbox like menu to choose between any tables in the world, after this would only serve to show the result in the chat.

There is a similar situation on the Savage World System, for injury tables I guess, perhaps that can help with coding. swade exemple

The second part would be automation, I suggest the let the GM know that enabling the custom panic would disable the panic automation or if you want, maybe you can make a field for gms to fill in the modifiers for the system to read when custom is activated.

In any case sorry for the really big text, I thank you for the invaluable help!!!
