pwatson100 / symbaroum

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Context menu and trait enhancements, along with minor bug fixes #632

Closed pwatson100 closed 1 year ago

pwatson100 commented 1 year ago

Added functionality for visibility if ability/trait is integrated Amended functionality for displaying which ability/trait can be activated Added (self configuring) context menu for items Added quantity changes for equipment to context menu Added ability use to context menu Added attack/defense use to context menu (this means you can do these from the gear page now) Removed trashcans - this is now on context menu (right click) Fix for man-at-arms and armor #617 Removed the use of html table elements from the character sheets Automation of Armored/Robust with Many headed #623 Shield calculations are now automated #528 Added migration for shields Existing scenes with non-linked tokens are not migrated and might have too much defense Added API configurations for exp and rituals API change to not throwing when registring/un-registering combat modifers/abilities/etc that already exists/does not exist Renamed all templates from html to hbs (handlebar templates) Fixed bug with using "data" when "system" should be used for applying certain effects from chat Removed old console.log elements Fixed bug with fas enricher