pwatts6060 / SuppliesTrackerExternal

Tracks supplies, ammo, and weapon charges
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
9 stars 14 forks source link

Items consumed on the same tick do not get tracked #74

Open NickMotta opened 1 year ago

NickMotta commented 1 year ago

Tick-eating multiple foods will only track the first item consumed. Example: If you eat a shark and karambwan on the same tick, the tracker will only log the shark. If you drink a potion in the same tick as you dig into a Barrows grave, the potion sip is not logged.

pwatts6060 commented 1 year ago

Interesting find, thanks for reporting it. That should be fixable, I don't know code that does it but I assume it might only be storing one action rather than keeping track of all menu actions or it might not be checking for more than one inventory change.