This is a feature that was mentioned in issue #9 but doesn't seem to have been implemented with the added support for Google oauth.
I want to add the plugin to our teamcity setup that has existing accounts with a user name like "bob" and email address "" so that our users can use oauth to the GSuite account on our domain. The plugin works fine except that an oauth login to requires the user name in the TeamCity account to be The way it is now to add oauth to our setup we would have to change the username on all accounts to be the email address.
I would like the ability to specify that the oauth login look for a user whose email address matches the email address returned from Google. It looks like a small change in ServerPrinicipalFactory.findExistingPrincipal(userName) would do it. If you like the idea but want a PR I could take a stab at it if you could give me a hint as to how to use the TeamCity API to look up a user by email address.
This is a feature that was mentioned in issue #9 but doesn't seem to have been implemented with the added support for Google oauth.
I want to add the plugin to our teamcity setup that has existing accounts with a user name like "bob" and email address "" so that our users can use oauth to the GSuite account on our domain. The plugin works fine except that an oauth login to requires the user name in the TeamCity account to be The way it is now to add oauth to our setup we would have to change the username on all accounts to be the email address.
I would like the ability to specify that the oauth login look for a user whose email address matches the email address returned from Google. It looks like a small change in ServerPrinicipalFactory.findExistingPrincipal(userName) would do it. If you like the idea but want a PR I could take a stab at it if you could give me a hint as to how to use the TeamCity API to look up a user by email address.