pwitab / visma

A Python Client library for integration to Visma eAccounting, Visma eEkonomi
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Make Visma eAccounting API error codes into python native exceptions #13

Open Krolken opened 6 years ago

Krolken commented 6 years ago

In addition to normal HTTP error codes Visma eAccounting API returns a standard error response with an additional error code and description.

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

{ ErrorCode: 4005, DeveloperErrorMessage: "AuthorizationException - Authorization has been denied for this request.", ErrorId: "1c296026-489d-434c-b7e9-70401278a086" }

By using the ErrorCode we could parse the the response and return more helpful python excetions instead of just a VismaAPIException.

The above should raise something like this:

if error_code == 4005:
    raise AuthorizationException('Authorization has been denied for this request')

Available error codes are:

DataModelValidationError - 2000

This error is thrown when any data model validations are broken in the request. See the rules for each POST method on each property.

ResourceNotFound - 3000

This error is thrown when you refer to a specific object that does not exist, eg. customers, suppliers or articles in a request.

FiscalYearDoesNotExist - 3001

This error is thrown when you refer to a specific fiscalyear that does not exist.

AccountNotFound - 3002

This error is thrown when you refer to a specific account that does not exist.

InsufficientApprovalPermission - 3003

This error is thrown when you have insufficient permissions to bookeep an invoice when using supplier invoice approval flow.

Confilct - 4000

This error is thrown when you try to create a object that cannot exist as a duplicate.

CanNotBeDeleted - 4001

This error is thrown when you try to delete a object that cannot be deleted. For example, when a object has dependencies, it cannot be deleted.

CanNotBeCreatedOrUpdated - 4002

This error is thrown when you try to create or update a object that contains one or more invalid properties that prevents it from being created or updated.

StartupGuideNotCompleted - 4003

This error is thrown when you try to make requests towards a company that hasn't completed the startup guide in Visma eAccounting.

CompanyNotActive - 4004

This error is thrown when you try to make requests towards an inactive company.

NotAuthorized - 4005

This error is thrown when you try to make unauthorized requests towards the API.

NoAccessToScopes - 4006

This error is thrown when you try to make requests towards an endpoint which require scopes that you are not authorized with.

PermissionDenied - 4007

This error is thrown when you try to make requests with an authorized user that does not have sufficient permissions for that specific endpoint.

InvalidControlDigit - 4008

This error is thrown when you try to make a request towards an endpoint with ControlDigit validation and the value is invalid.

NoAccessDueToProductVariant - 4009

This error is thrown when you try to make requests towards and endpoint that is not included in the authorized company's product variant.

TooManyRequests - 4010

This error is thrown when you try to more requests than allowed. Read more about this here

NoAccessForAuthenticatedUser - 4011

This error is thrown when the authenticated user does not have access to eAccounting for this company. Give the user access to eAccounting or reauthenticate with a user that have access to eAccounting to solve the issue.

InternalServerError - 5000

This error is thrown when you encounter a error that we have not handled on our side. This can occur if there is a bug in eAccounting. These errors should be reported to us at

CantReachSystemDependendency - 5001

This error is thrown when you make a request towards and endpoint with external service dependencies, and that dependency is not answering in time. This can occur if a service is down.

QueryParameterError - 6000

This error is thrown when you make a request with $filter parameters and the query is invalid.

InvalidInput - 6001

This error is thrown when you make a request with DateTime properties or filtering and the provided format is wrong.