pwlin / cordova-plugin-file-opener2

A File Opener Plugin for Cordova
MIT License
314 stars 583 forks source link

This plugin has a maintained forked repo now - please use and follow #342

Closed EYALIN closed 1 year ago

EYALIN commented 1 year ago

unfortunately, this plugin creator @pwlin , did fantastic work, and we highly appreciate him not maintaining this plugin anymore (not responding for a while). we moved to a maintained plugin (which forked from this one) to here:

you can install it as an npm package: cordova plugin add community-cordova-plugin-file-opener --save

pwlin commented 1 year ago

@EYALIN I have checked your fork and it's actually a couple of commits behind this repo. Is there anything you have added in a different repo?

EYALIN commented 1 year ago

@pwlin Sorry, I thought it was not maintained anymore, like many other plugins. because this is what you wrote in the readme. I file on your homepage. unfortunately, most of the plugins are not maintained so I just forked a lot of them to maintain them.

please close this post, it's not relevant to this plugin.


pwlin commented 1 year ago

No it's fine I applaud and support your efforts to work further on this plugin :) It's just that I have not seen anything added to your fork and it is actually a couple of commits behind the main branch here. I will keep an eye on your fork and if you commit any changes, we can always see if we can merge them back here. Good luck!

EYALIN commented 1 year ago

excellent @pwlin thanks. I appreciate your work.

I wanted to donate to you but didn't see any sponsorship option on your page. if you add please update me, and I will donate.

I highly appreciate plugin maintainers :-)