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[Feature request] Navigate to next page with scrolling #272

Open sebastinas opened 3 years ago

sebastinas commented 3 years ago

On GitLab by @rjk on May 15, 2021, 21:00


When I'm reading a zoomed-in document I need to progress through it using a sequence of 2 different keys: J (go to the next page) and L (scroll to the bottom of the page).

  1. When I start I'm at the top of the page. I read the visible part.
  2. Then I I scroll down using L. Then I read the bottom part.
  3. I need to go to the next page so I press J (or PageDown). (and the cycle repeats)

So to progress through a document I need to use sequence L, J, L, J... In my opinion it's not the best user experience, because you all the time have remember which button you need to press now.

Proposed solution

I think it would make a lot of sense to add a command that would merge both scrolling and going to the next page:

Such a command could be bound to a key, e.g. Space, and then the document could be progressed using single key strokes (Space, Space, Space ...), without a need to think which one you need to press now.

Correct me if I'm wrong

Please correct me if I'm wrong and this is already possible somehow.


I actually see an option in man zathurarc that seem like it could work like this - scroll-page-aware. The problem is it doesn't work like this. Instead it has some pretty weird behavior that I find hard to understand and describe here.

sebastinas commented 1 year ago

On GitLab by @itsming on Jul 26, 2023, 13:10

You can add below to zathurarc to meet your need. What it does is:

  1. navigate to the next page (with the full page shown) by pressing Space. It is equivalent to PageDown.
  2. navigate to the previous page (with the full page shown) by pressing Shift andSpace. It is equivalent to PageUp.
map <Space> navigate next
map <S-Space> navigate previous