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[feature request] change epub css style #374

Open sebastinas opened 1 year ago

sebastinas commented 1 year ago

On GitLab by @avidseeker on Jan 31, 2023, 07:24

Would be convenient to have zathura read from user-defined css files to adjust how epub is displayed.

Many epub viewers have these defined css as "sepia, dark, white" styles with settings for changing padding, margins, fonts, etc.

I know about set recolor and set font, but what about margins and other capabilities HTML has like highlighting, colors etc...

sebastinas commented 1 year ago

On GitLab by @hleft on Mar 17, 2023, 16:36

I open in zathura, no margin, seems weired, Maybe it's the same problem? Need css to define margin. Also get

warning: unknown epub version: 3.0
error: css syntax error: unexpected token (EPUB/styles/epub3-css3-only.css:49) (...body h1, body h2, body h3:not(>.<...)
sebastinas commented 1 year ago

On GitLab by @supbruh on Mar 22, 2023, 13:43