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zathura inverse search with VimtexInverseSearch() works -- but with a no extra command option #382

Open sebastinas opened 1 year ago

sebastinas commented 1 year ago

On GitLab by @mizo on Mar 6, 2023, 17:43

I have already opened and issue in vimtex on github, however, this is more of a Zathura problem.

I am trying to exploit this latest vimtex functionality VimtexInverseSearch for Zathura to open current vim in terminal instead of gvim (which I rarely use). There have been some partial hacks like this before. But with VimtexInverseSearch this can be neatly done. Based on vimtex help (:h vimtex-synctex-inverse-search), I first tried this:

set synctex-editor-command "vim --remote-silent -v --not-a-term -T dumb -c 'VimtexInverseSearch %{line} %{input}'"

This opens following buffers:

it clearly do not parse after vim --remote-silent as vim options, however this works:

set synctex-editor-command "vim -c 'VimtexInverseSearch %{line} %{input}'"

Is there a way, so I could send whole vim --remote-silent --not-aterm -T dubmb -c as command? It seems zathura only take one command and one options.