pwmt / zathura

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dbus jump to named target #384

Open sebastinas opened 1 year ago

sebastinas commented 1 year ago

On GitLab by @pl on Mar 10, 2023, 24:12

Is there a way to get zathura to jump to some named target in the current file via dbus ?

I have multiple zathura instances that are all reading from a different file though they all share the same references hidden in them e.g. \label{someTarget}.


I can get most browser to go to any someOtherLaTeXLabel but not zathura yet !

I currently have to find somehow on what page the song is and then : dbus-send --type="method_call" --dest=org.pwmt.zathura.PID-123456 /org/pwmt/zathura org.pwmt.zathura.GotoPage uint32:44 out of a 2k+page document.

In fact, if somehow zathura could return back the page in which named-target is…

Any hints on how to go about this feature ?