pwmt / zathura

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zlib License
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Links are opening in chromium when the default browser is qutebrowser #459

Closed sebastinas closed 2 months ago

sebastinas commented 2 months ago

On GitLab by @wgm on Apr 8, 2024, 01:56

xdg-open works as expected and opens in qutebrowser.

Here is my zathura config:

map <C--> zoom out
map <C-=> zoom in
map <Esc> adjust_window width
map ZZ quit
map a scroll left
map d scroll right
map s scroll down
map w scroll up
set abort-clear-search true
set adjust-open "width"
set advance-pages-per-row false
set completion-bg black
set completion-fg white
set completion-group-bg black
set completion-group-fg white
set completion-highlight-bg white
set completion-highlight-fg black
set continuous-hist-save false
set database plain
set default-bg black
set default-fg white
set font "DejaVuSans 12"
set guioptions 0
set highlight-active-color white
set highlight-color black
set highlight-transparency 0.9
set index-active-bg #4c4c4c
set index-active-fg white
set index-bg black
set index-fg white
set inputbar-bg black
set inputbar-fg white
set n-completion-items 0
set notification-error-bg black
set notification-error-fg white
set notification-warning-bg black
set notification-warning-fg white
set page-padding 0
set pages-per-row 1
set recolor true
set recolor-darkcolor white
set recolor-lightcolor black
set render-loading false
set sandbox none
set scroll-step 40
set scroll-wrap false
set search-hadjust false
set selection-clipboard clipboard
set selection-notification false
set statusbar-bg black
set statusbar-fg white
set window-height 600
set window-width 800
set zoom-max 1500
set zoom-min 10
set zoom-step 10
unmap -
unmap <C-p>
unmap <S-=>
unmap <Tab>
unmap =
unmap p
sebastinas commented 2 months ago

This is an issue with the local xdg-open configuration.