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Searching in index #565

Open jdujava opened 1 month ago

jdujava commented 1 month ago

It would be awesome to have search functionality similar to / available in the index.

By accident I sometimes make a "doubleclick" <Mouse3> in the index, after which typing seems to trigger some kind of "search" functionality. Seems kinda strange, since it isn't documented, coudn't find any further information, and also works only if the given index entry starts with the given search prompt.

Seems to me like a useful thing to have, maybe even some kind of fuzzy matching would be sometimes desirable.

shunlog commented 1 week ago

Can confirm, there is such a feature. Looks like after <Mouse3>, all the key-strokes act on the input panel in the bottom right, and you can search for index entries, but only if they're visible. And then it disappears after 5 seconds.

I think this feature is necessary.
