Open mudi47 opened 4 years ago
7-zip (POSIX): 16.02-1 A-Bypass: 1.0.5 Aperturize: 2.1.2 AppList: 1.5.15~beta1 APT (apt-key): 1.8.2-1 APT (libapt-pkg): 1.8.2-1 APT 0.7 Transitional: 1:0-2 APT 1.4 Transitional: 1:0 APT Strict (lib): 1.8.2-1 APT: 1.8.2-3 Arab-Cydia Icons: 1.4-1 Assuan: 2.5.1-1 azf Library: 1.0-1 BackupAZ 3 (iOS 10 - 13) Cracked: 1.7.1 Base Structure: 1-5 Berkeley DB: 6.2.32-1 BetterCCXI: 1.6.0 betterW: 1.1.7 BigBoss Icon Set: 1.0 Bourne-Again SHell: 5.0.3-2 Boxy 4 (iOS 13) Free: 4.1.1 bzip2: 1.0.6-1 CA Certs: 0.0.2 Carrierizer: 1.0.5 Cask: 0.2 CCSupport: 1.2.2 CellDia: 0.0~beta5 Cephei: 1.14 Choicy: 1.1.4 clang-10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 clang: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 Core Utilities (/bin): 8.31-1 Core Utilities: 8.31-1 CracksHelper: 100.3 CrashReporter (SparkDev): 1.17.2 cURL: 7.65.0-1 Cydia Installer: 1.1.32~b24 Cydia Translations: 1.1.32~b1 CyDown: 7.0.6 Cylinder: 1.1 Darwin CC Tools: 927.0.2-1 Darwin Tools: 1.1-1 Debian Packager: 1.19.7-1 Debian Utilities: 4.8.6-1 debugserver-10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 debugserver: 10-1 Diff Utilities: 3.6-1 diskdev-cmds: 593.221.1-1 DockX: 1.2 DzMohaipa Icons: 10.2 EverAK: 1.0 file: 5.35-2 Filza File Manager: 3.7.3-16k Find Utilities: 4.6.0-2 Flame: 1.3 FlyJB: 0.2.3~beta6 FoxFort Tools: 1.0.15 Gawk: 4.2.1-1 gettext: 0.19.8-1 Git: 2.20.0-1 GNU Cryptography: 1.8.3-1 GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library: 6.1.2-1 GnuPG Errors: 1.32-1 GnuPG: 2.2.11-2 GnuTLS: 3.5.19-1 grep: 3.1-1 gzip: 1.9-1 IconTweak Cracked: 1.0.5 iOS Firmware: 13.3 iPhone Firmware (/sbin): 0-1 Jailbreak Resources: 1.0~b27 jbctl: 0.2.3-1 KillX Pro Cracked: 2.1.2-1 KSBA: 1.3.5-1 Launch Daemon Controller: 23-1 ld64: 450.3-1 libc++-10-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libc++-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libclang-common-10-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libclang-cpp10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libcolorpicker: 1.6.7 libcrashreport (SparkDev): 1.1.2 Liberty Lite (Beta): 0.2.12 libfoxfortutils: 1.0.14 libidn2: 6.1.2-1 libllvm10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 liblto10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libnghttp2-14: 1.38.0-1 libpackageinfo (SparkDev): 1.1.4 libplist: 2.0.0-2 libSparkAppList: 1.0.7 libssh2: 1.8.0-2 libswift (stable): 5.0 libsymbolicate (SparkDev): 1.9.2 libtapi10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libtasn1: 4.13-1 libunistring: 0.9.10-1 libxml2: 2.6.32-1 Link Identity Editor: 2:2.1.2+24497ae-1 Locale Profiles in UTF-8: 1.0-1 LocalIAPStore13: 0.0.2 LZ4: 1.7.5-1 LZMA Utils: 2:4.32.7-2 Make: 4.2.1-2 Nettle: 3.4.1-1 New Curses: 5.9-1 New Curses: 6.1+20181013-1 New GNU Portable Threads: 1.6-1 NewTerm (iOS 10 – 13): 2.4 OpenSSL 1.0 Libraries: 1.0.2s-1 p11-kit: 0.23.12-1 Perl: 5.28.0-2 PicsArt Hack: 0.0.2 PortraitXI: 2.0.5 PowerSelector (iOS 11 to 13): 1.2.6 PreferenceLoader: 2.2.4 PrefixUI: 1.2.6 Profile Directory: 0-1 readline: 8.0-1 ReProvision: 0.5~release Rocket for Instagram Cracked: 3.6.12 RocketBootstrap: 1.0.7~beta3 rsync: 3.1.3-2 SCW: 0.0.1-1+debug sed: 4.5-1 shell-cmds: 118-8 Slider Ahmad Mokadam: 3.0.2-2+debug Soda Repo Icons: 1.2 SourcePlus: 2.7 Spotilife: 1.1a StoreSwitcher 2: 1.0.2 Substitute Support Package: 0.1~b4 Substrate Safe Mode: 0.9.6003 system-cmds: 790.30.1-2 Tape Archive: 1.30-2 TechSupport Framework (SparkDev): 1.5.2 Theos Installer 2 (unc0ver and checkra1n): 1.0.2 TheosTips: 1.0-1 Trust Cache Injector: 0.4~b5 UIKit Tools: 1.1.15-2 unrar: 5.6.4-1 unzip: 6.0+deb9u1-1 UUID Generator: 1.6.2-1 Watusi 2 for WhatsApp Cracked: 1.2.36 WatusiTools Cracked: 2.1.18 wget: 1.19.5-2 XAR: 1.6.1-2 XML Parser Toolkit: 2.2.5-1 XZ Utils: 5.2.4-4 YTplus: 2.0 zip: 2.32-1
I don't know why some are crossed out
7-zip (POSIX): 16.02-1
A-Bypass: 1.0.5
Aperturize: 2.1.2
AppList: 1.5.15~beta1
APT (apt-key): 1.8.2-1
APT (libapt-pkg): 1.8.2-1
APT 0.7 Transitional: 1:0-2
APT 1.4 Transitional: 1:0
APT Strict (lib): 1.8.2-1
APT: 1.8.2-3
Arab-Cydia Icons: 1.4-1
Assuan: 2.5.1-1
azf Library: 1.0-1
BackupAZ 3 (iOS 10 - 13) Cracked: 1.7.1
Base Structure: 1-5
Berkeley DB: 6.2.32-1
BetterCCXI: 1.6.0
betterW: 1.1.7
BigBoss Icon Set: 1.0
Bourne-Again SHell: 5.0.3-2
Boxy 4 (iOS 13) Free: 4.1.1
bzip2: 1.0.6-1
CA Certs: 0.0.2
Carrierizer: 1.0.5
Cask: 0.2
CCSupport: 1.2.2
CellDia: 0.0~beta5
Cephei: 1.14
Choicy: 1.1.4
clang-10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
clang: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
Core Utilities (/bin): 8.31-1
Core Utilities: 8.31-1
CracksHelper: 100.3
CrashReporter (SparkDev): 1.17.2
cURL: 7.65.0-1
Cydia Installer: 1.1.32~b24
Cydia Translations: 1.1.32~b1
CyDown: 7.0.6
Cylinder: 1.1
Darwin CC Tools: 927.0.2-1
Darwin Tools: 1.1-1
Debian Packager: 1.19.7-1
Debian Utilities: 4.8.6-1
debugserver-10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
debugserver: 10-1
Diff Utilities: 3.6-1
diskdev-cmds: 593.221.1-1
DockX: 1.2
DzMohaipa Icons: 10.2
EverAK: 1.0
file: 5.35-2
Filza File Manager: 3.7.3-16k
Find Utilities: 4.6.0-2
Flame: 1.3
FlyJB: 0.2.3~beta6
FoxFort Tools: 1.0.15
Gawk: 4.2.1-1
gettext: 0.19.8-1
Git: 2.20.0-1
GNU Cryptography: 1.8.3-1
GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library: 6.1.2-1
GnuPG Errors: 1.32-1
GnuPG: 2.2.11-2
GnuTLS: 3.5.19-1
grep: 3.1-1
gzip: 1.9-1
IconTweak Cracked: 1.0.5
iOS Firmware: 13.3
iPhone Firmware (/sbin): 0-1
Jailbreak Resources: 1.0~b27
jbctl: 0.2.3-1
KillX Pro Cracked: 2.1.2-1
KSBA: 1.3.5-1
Launch Daemon Controller: 23-1
ld64: 450.3-1
libc++-10-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
libc++-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
libclang-common-10-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
libclang-cpp10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
libcolorpicker: 1.6.7
libcrashreport (SparkDev): 1.1.2
Liberty Lite (Beta): 0.2.12
libfoxfortutils: 1.0.14
libidn2: 6.1.2-1
libllvm10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
liblto10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
libnghttp2-14: 1.38.0-1
libpackageinfo (SparkDev): 1.1.4
libplist: 2.0.0-2
libSparkAppList: 1.0.7
libssh2: 1.8.0-2
libswift (stable): 5.0
libsymbolicate (SparkDev): 1.9.2
libtapi10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1
libtasn1: 4.13-1
libunistring: 0.9.10-1
libxml2: 2.6.32-1
Link Identity Editor: 2:2.1.2+24497ae-1
Locale Profiles in UTF-8: 1.0-1
LocalIAPStore13: 0.0.2
LZ4: 1.7.5-1
LZMA Utils: 2:4.32.7-2
Make: 4.2.1-2
Nettle: 3.4.1-1
New Curses: 5.9-1
New Curses: 6.1+20181013-1
New GNU Portable Threads: 1.6-1
NewTerm (iOS 10 – 13): 2.4
OpenSSL 1.0 Libraries: 1.0.2s-1
p11-kit: 0.23.12-1
Perl: 5.28.0-2
PicsArt Hack: 0.0.2
PortraitXI: 2.0.5
PowerSelector (iOS 11 to 13): 1.2.6
PreferenceLoader: 2.2.4
PrefixUI: 1.2.6
Profile Directory: 0-1
readline: 8.0-1
ReProvision: 0.5~release
Rocket for Instagram Cracked: 3.6.12
RocketBootstrap: 1.0.7~beta3
rsync: 3.1.3-2
SCW: 0.0.1-1+debug
sed: 4.5-1
shell-cmds: 118-8
Slider Ahmad Mokadam: 3.0.2-2+debug
Soda Repo Icons: 1.2
SourcePlus: 2.7
Spotilife: 1.1a
StoreSwitcher 2: 1.0.2
Substitute Support Package: 0.1~b4
Substrate Safe Mode: 0.9.6003
system-cmds: 790.30.1-2
Tape Archive: 1.30-2
TechSupport Framework (SparkDev): 1.5.2
Theos Installer 2 (unc0ver and checkra1n): 1.0.2
TheosTips: 1.0-1
Trust Cache Injector: 0.4~b5
UIKit Tools: 1.1.15-2
unrar: 5.6.4-1
unzip: 6.0+deb9u1-1
UUID Generator: 1.6.2-1
Watusi 2 for WhatsApp Cracked: 1.2.36
WatusiTools Cracked: 2.1.18
wget: 1.19.5-2
XAR: 1.6.1-2
XML Parser Toolkit: 2.2.5-1
XZ Utils: 5.2.4-4
YTplus: 2.0
zip: 2.32-1
well for starters, you have cracked tweaks installed.
Sooo, it happened again.. without tweaks etc..
Do I get help here or no?!
@mudi47 Send use your repo list. Remove all pirated packages, after you have done so remove your pirate repos. Try disabling all youtube related tweaks. After doing all this see if it still "HARD RESTART" from now on.
@mudi47 Send use your repo list. Remove all pirated packages, after you have done so remove your pirate repos. Try disabling all youtube related tweaks. After doing all this see if it still "HARD RESTART" from now on.
I don’t have any pirate repos. And I have only a tweak for YouTube and this I developed by my self Here my repos (Jannikcrack is not a pirate repo)
@mudi47 uninstall Liberty lite or disable it with choicy and uninstall that youtube tweak or disable with choicy. Report back if you still hard restart.
@mudi47 uninstall Liberty lite or disable it with choicy and uninstall that youtube tweak or disable with choicy. Report back if you still hard restart.
I uninstalled liberty & I will now uninstall yt tweak too.
@mudi47 please post all panic-base, reset-counter, and panic-full crash logs.
@mudi47 please post all panic-base, reset-counter, and panic-full crash logs.
I will upload when I’m getting restart.
@mudi47 you probably have left over ones from last time, please post those.
@mudi47 you probably have left over ones from last time, please post those.
Idk whichone it is, i have lot of logs in my paniclogs
@mudi47 send all named panic-base, reset-counter, and panic-full.
@mudi47 send all named panic-base, reset-counter, and panic-full.
{"bug_type":"115","timestamp":"2020-03-28 21:32:17.51 +0100","name":"Reset count","os_version":"iPhone OS 13.3 (17C54)","incident_id":"6C85E7CE-197B-4095-B451-35A7EE40D74F"} Incident Identifier: 6C85E7CE-197B-4095-B451-35A7EE40D74F CrashReporter Key: fbcea8a719467ace0608761f5961be2c8496dd1e Date: 2020-03-28 21:32:14.78 +0100 Reset count: 0 Boot failure count: 1 Boot faults: btn_rst Boot stage: 48 Boot app: 2681261667
@mudi47 send the files ugh
@mudi47 do you have any panic-full's those are the most important
@mudi47 please send all your panic-full's at once
@mudi47 please send all your panic-full's at once
I have only one panic-full file
@mudi47 alright post the panic-full next time you random reboot.
nothing to do for now
@mudi47 alright post the panic-full next time you random reboot.
Ok I’ll do it. Thx
can i submit my problem here too? i6s u0 4.3.1 random reboot since few days ago
@abheizthe Yes please submit all your panic-full crashlogs and your unc0ver diagnostics.
nothing to do for now
Hi it's me again, I did the day before yesterday Restore Rootfs and I have the same tweaks, now I have 2 days uptime
nothing to do for now
Hi it's me again, I did the day before yesterday Restore Rootfs and I have the same tweaks, now I have 2 days uptime
I’ll contact you if I’m getting restart again
@abheizthe Yes please submit all your panic-full crashlogs and your unc0ver diagnostics.
@Cryptiiiic it's safe to post it all here?
should i post my list tweak too?
@Cryptiiiic After two days uptime I’m getting restart again.. My Panic-Full & ResetCounter
@Cryptiiiic I am getting reboots whenever I have a jailbreak detection bypass running for Snapchat, nothing else.
@Hamlock-Maneuver this is the megathread for all random reboots. I close others for being duplicates. Not gonna have multiple of the same issue open at once, that's just spam. Don't tell me what to do just leave if you don't like my methods. I know what I'm doing much more than you.
There is an unc0ver bug that has been causing panics. I identified the problem and notified pwn. He is working on a fix. Maybe the jailbreak bypass panics are the same as the other panics.
So has pwn found a way around it or have you just pointed him in the right direction of the issue at the moment?
He's too lazy to read this issues section so I do it for him and figure out bugs then report my findings. I figured out what part of the kernel it was panicing at. Pwn then realized he made a mistake. Will be fixed in v4.4.0.
He's too lazy to read this issues section so I do it for him and figure out bugs then report my findings. I figured out what part of the kernel it was panicing at. Pwn then realized he made a mistake. Will be fixed in v4.4.0.
New panic & resetcounter.
@Hamlock-Maneuver you've been mad from the start, how am I entitled when I know what I'm talking about. Stop making a fool of yourself.
@mudi47 it's the same panic which will be fixed.
He's too lazy to read this issues section so I do it for him and figure out bugs then report my findings. I figured out what part of the kernel it was panicing at. Pwn then realized he made a mistake. Will be fixed in v4.4.0.
yep. thank you and i think for now. feel more better after upgrading substitue and jailbreak res
I have reboot issue on iPad Pro 9.7 w 13.3 Is it same issue??!AvysgesyBOSsgaoU9FO4IrtFj_358Q Attatchment. full-panic, resetcounter, unc0ver diagno.
So I found out that A-Bypass stops my reboots, however it causes me to still get banned on Snapchat. So either way it's a lose lose situation for me.
@Hamlock-Maneuver what’s your problem? A-Bypass isn’t mentioned in this thread at all and I tried the other bypasses that were mentioned and it didn’t work. So instead of acting all angry and jumping to conclusions, take the same approach that @Cryptiiiic is taking to provide us with support.
What version are you running of Undecimus/Unc0ver?
On Apr 4, 2020, at 5:32 PM, Homin Rhee wrote:
I have reboot issue on iPad Pro 9.7 w 13.3 Is it same issue??!AvysgesyBOSsgaoU9FO4IrtFj_358Q Attatchment. full-panic, resetcounter, unc0ver diagno.
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Ok I am tired of the emails and asked what the version is 4.3.1? Have you done a hard reset and airplane mode on...
On Apr 5, 2020, at 9:18 PM, Hamlock-Maneuver wrote:
I think maybe you are the one jumping to conclusions. Because 11 days ago, in this thread. I gave you the answers you were looking for. I also mentioned that any jailbreak detection bypass will cause this behavior.
So still think I'm the one "jumping to conclusions"?
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I read through the issues, and to my knowledge SnapChat has a check for Jailbreaks, there definitely isn’t A bypass WITHIN any jailbreak from any team other than to bypass the system that removes root capabilities from the user. I have seen a Tweak recently for SnapChat, and if I am mistaken about the check then so be it as I do not use SnapChat but arguing over it isn’t the solution, the solution would be you are on a device that can be jailbroken obviously there is yet to be one for 13.4 that I know of yet but you can easily restore RootFS USING the Jailbreak Tool or SnapBack, and for the future I would recommend SnapBack as it images the phones contents at the time of the snapshot.
But if you ARE having issues with the Jailbreak itself where you are rebooting, then it’s most likely a tweak that’s installed, go into safe mode and make sure that your tweaks are all 13.3 compatible, if they are then uninstall the ones that you installed after the date it started as maybe a conflict is causing the reboot. Without further details this isn’t an issue that could even possibly be fixed do you have any tweak possibly showing you logs of crashes?
On Apr 5, 2020, at 9:30 PM, Hamlock-Maneuver wrote:
Go ahead MertLightz. Tell this guy your problem. Walk him around in a circle for another 11 days. Lets see if you come up with the same answer you have already gotten 11 days ago.
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What version are you running of Undecimus/Unc0ver?
On Apr 4, 2020, at 5:32 PM, Homin Rhee wrote:
I have reboot issue on iPad Pro 9.7 w 13.3 Is it same issue??!AvysgesyBOSsgaoU9FO4IrtFj_358Q Attatchment. full-panic, resetcounter, unc0ver diagno.
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Awww, sorry I forgot. unc0ver version : 4.3.1
Thx for read :)
@theLaxerz the issue seems to be with using any type of bypass on Snapchat specifically (whether it's updated for iOS 13 or not).
I haven’t as I said used SnapChat BUT I do know tweaks, are you off-hand able to name off what bypasses you have tried? I’m sure liberty/lib lite, do you have them running at the same time? Like I said to me it sounds like a bad tweak somewhere and the best thing to do would be safe mode remove them, about SnapChat let me do some looking around and asking around bc it’s a popular tool but there are just some apps that Jailbreaks don’t work with and one being a game that’s only cheat is the ability to travel (Niantic) and thus with the Size and $ that SnapChat has behind it I can guarantee if they do manage to make a tweak for it that it will Quickly be corrected. Thus, I have to be honest as a person who has Jailbroken for 10 years. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and decide jailbreak or app. Personally I have my main phone non-JB for that reason. My iPhone X, iPad 9.7 Pro and iPad Pro 3rd Gen are my tweaking/jailbreaking devices and I have obviously spent time waiting for the last of those myself. But like I said I will do some looking for anyone that is jailbreaking actually using Snap on a JB’n device or what bc I’m guessing they aren’t, but I did see a Snap specific tweak last week as well. Thus, off hand this is all I know but i would give it a 95% in odds that the Rebooting Is not the Jailbreak but something installed within the subsystem now after achieving root (being jailbroken and a tweak installed).
Sincerely, Aaron Lax
On Apr 6, 2020, at 5:18 PM, MertLightz wrote:
@theLaxerz the issue seems to be with using any type of bypass on Snapchat specifically (whether it's updated for iOS 13 or not).
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@theLaxerz I've tried Liberty Lite, A-Bypass, Shadow, Choicy and Tweaks Manager. All have caused reboots apart from A-Bypass but I still get banned on Snapchat while using A-Bypass.
From what I see it’s not actually the Jailbreak itself but tweaks on the JB that may cause it at least from SnapChat’s own page on Jailbroken phones but I’m still looking for the tweak I saw bc it wasn’t any of those it had Snap in its name for sure, thus give me a minute and I will see what I can find but like I said it may just take biting the bullet or hell if SnapChat is that needed over just msging you can TeamViewer or RDP into a computer or even I believe phones now. But I’m still looking for a tweak bc that’s obviously not the ‘best’ solution but it is certainly a way to bypass the ability to detect a JB bc requests are obviously coming from the computer rather the phone
From what I see it’s not actually the Jailbreak itself but tweaks on the JB that may cause it at least from SnapChat’s own page on Jailbroken phones but I’m still looking for the tweak I saw bc it wasn’t any of those it had Snap in its name for sure, thus give me a minute and I will see what I can find but like I said it may just take biting the bullet or hell if SnapChat is that needed over just msging you can TeamViewer or RDP into a computer or even I believe phones now. But I’m still looking for a tweak bc that’s obviously not the ‘best’ solution but it is certainly a way to bypass the ability to detect a JB bc requests are obviously coming from the computer rather the phone
Are you talking about SnapHide?
My iPhone 8 on iOS 13.3 does hard RESTART after one jailbroken day... pls help!! Im on the last unc0ver version.