pwn20wndstuff / Undecimus

unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 11.0 - 12.4
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Battery Info missing in settings #2274

Open g0sbv opened 2 years ago

g0sbv commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug no battery information availible unc0ver 702 with Fugu. NO other issues 100% ok To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to settings/Battery
  2. Click on Battery
  3. Scroll down to Battery
  4. See error

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badger200 commented 2 years ago

Run a terminal “updatedb”, (make sure your Files app is not connected to any file servers or this will fail. “mount” should reveal if you have any LiveFiles:// mounted, hopefully not.) Then run “locate CurrentPower” and find the deep folder containing about 5 .PLSQL.gz files. Look at the current one and see if you have any in the Quarantine folder. Try opening the CurrentPower log in Filza and view some data and then close it and see if it compacts it’s -WAL file into the .PLSQL. These are the DBs that store you’re battery usage. If one is corrupt, which can happen during the nightly archiving/gzipping process, or permissions somehow got messed up, I’d expect that to produce the problem you’re having. You can also install “lsof” (if your JB doesn’t already have it) and run “lsof CurrentPowerLogWhatever.PLSQL” and see which process has it open. I believe it’s UsageTrackingAgent but aggregated might also be involved.

Check Choicy deep in daemons Show All and see if any tweaks are loading in UsageTrackingAgent , there’s a popular tweak that does and I forget which one but you could try temporarily disabling all tweaks in UTA and reboot and see if it’s any better.

You could also run “oslog --debug -p UsageTrackingAgent” to view any telltale errors being reported. (You can use “info” in place of debug to get less noise but use debug if nothing useful appears.) If nothing seems telltale, open Settings and view that Battery screen, and then immediately CTRL-C quit the oslog and see what errors it reported. Might be easier to use a PC ssh so you can quit about 0.5-1.0 seconds after you view the Battery page.

EDIT: this bug seems inherent to all users of Uncover 8 / Fugu14. See below comment.

funchrist commented 2 years ago

Run a terminal “updatedb”, (make sure your Files app is not connected to any file servers or this will fail. “mount” should reveal if you have any LiveFiles:// mounted, hopefully not.) Then run “locate CurrentPower” and find the deep folder containing about 5 .PLSQL.gz files. Look at the current one and see if you have any in the Quarantine folder. Try opening the CurrentPower log in Filza and view some data and then close it and see if it compacts it’s -WAL file into the .PLSQL. These are the DBs that store you’re battery usage. If one is corrupt, which can happen during the nightly archiving/gzipping process, or permissions somehow got messed up, I’d expect that to produce the problem you’re having. You can also install “lsof” (if your JB doesn’t already have it) and run “lsof CurrentPowerLogWhatever.PLSQL” and see which process has it open. I believe it’s UsageTrackingAgent but aggregated might also be involved.

Check Choicy deep in daemons Show All and see if any tweaks are loading in UsageTrackingAgent , there’s a popular tweak that does and I forget which one but you could try temporarily disabling all tweaks in UTA and reboot and see if it’s any better.

You could also run “oslog --debug -p UsageTrackingAgent” to view any telltale errors being reported. (You can use “info” in place of debug to get less noise but use debug if nothing useful appears.) If nothing seems telltale, open Settings and view that Battery screen, and then immediately CTRL-C quit the oslog and see what errors it reported. Might be easier to use a PC ssh so you can quit about 0.5-1.0 seconds after you view the Battery page.

Thank very much for all your expalination. this is a bit advanced for me but i will try . I have choicy yes and filza. I have already dicabled PowerAgnet in choicy but still same. It looks like as soon i press jalbreak battery log freezes. I will try to do what you say but it is a bit advanced. Thank yo anyway

badger200 commented 2 years ago

@funchrist The solution is to use Choicy to Disable All Tweaks for daemons power log helpers and powerUIagent (I probably typed those wrong but if you Show All Daemons you'll find them both). I am running Fugu14 unc0ver 8.0.2 A12X iOS 14.4.

UPDATE: I was wrong, it still doesn't work. It seems everyone using Fugu14/Unc0ver v8.0.1/2 has this same issue. It's disappointing the developers won't acknowledge this bug.