Closed Hypnos623 closed 4 years ago
7-zip (POSIX): 16.02-1 AdBlock for YouTube: 1.0.7 AppList: 1.5.14 AppStore++: 0.7-2 AppSync Unified: 32.0 APT (apt-key): 1.4.9-1 APT 1.4 Strict (libapt-pkg): 1.4.9-1 APT Command Line: 1:0-2 APT Strict (lib): 1.4.9-2 APT Strict: 1.4.9-1 Assuan: 2.5.1-1 AudioSnapshotServer: 1.0.0 Badge Customizer: 1.4.3-2 Base Structure: 1-5 BatteryPercentX [Public]: 1.2.1-1 Berkeley DB: 6.2.32-1 BetterCCXI: 1.4.8 BigBoss Icon Set: 1.0 Bourne-Again SHell: 5.0.3-1 bzip2: 1.0.6-1 CA Certs: 0.0.2 CCModules: 1.3-3 CCSupport: 1.2-3 Cephei: 1.12 Cercube for YouTube: CircleIcons: 1.1.3-15 ClearDock: 1.0-2 ColorFlow 4 (iOS 11 – 12): 1.2.2 Core Utilities (/bin): 8.30-3 Core Utilities: 8.30-2 Cydia Installer: 1.1.32~b12 Cydia Substrate: 0.9.7032 Cydia Translations: 1.1.32~b1 Darwin Tools: 1-6 ddlc-ios: 2.0 Debian Packager: 1.18.25-11 Debian Utilities: 4.8.6-1 Diff Utilities: 3.6-1 diskdev-cmds: 593.221.1-1 DontKillMyMusic: 1.2.0 Easy Notifications: 1.0-1 Eclipse 12 (iOS12): 6.0.4-7k Essential: 0-1 FDots: 1.0.0-4 file: 5.35-2 Filza File Manager: 3.6.4 Find Utilities: 4.6.0-2 Flame: 1.3 FlatSafariURL: 0.0.1 Flipswitch: 1.0.15 FloatingDock: 1.5 gettext: 0.19.8-1 Gif2Ani V2: 2.1 GNU Cryptography: 1.8.3-1 GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library: 6.1.2-1 GnuPG Errors: 1.32-1 GnuPG: 2.2.11-2 GnuTLS: 3.5.19-1 grep: 3.1-1 gzip: 1.9-1 Hide Labels: 0.0.1-10 HighDate: 0.0.1 HYI Repo Icons: 8.0.4 iCleaner Pro: 7.7.1 IconSupport: 1.11.1 iOS Firmware: 12.0 iPhone Firmware (/sbin): 0-1 Jailbreak Resources: 1.0~b11.5 Jellyfish: 1.0.2 KarenLocalizer: 1.0.4 KarenPrefs: 1.4 KSBA: 1.3.5-1 LetMeBlock: 0.0.1 libbulletin: 0.1-145 libCercube: 1.1.1 libcolorpicker: 1.6-1 libCSColorPicker: 1.0 libCSPreferences: 1.1.1 libidn2: 6.1.2-1 libmitsuha: 0.1.5 libnepeta: 0.1.1 libpackageinfo: libplist: 2.0.0-2 libRocket: 1.0.5 libSparkAppList: 1.0.1-1 libtasn1: 4.13-1 libunistring: 0.9.10-1 Link Identity Editor: 2:2.1.1+elucubratus2 LocalIAPStore: 1.4-2 LZ4: 1.7.5-1 LZMA Utils: 2:4.32.7-2 MDausch Utils: 0.0.2 Melior [Public]: 1.0.6-1 MessageBubbles: 0.2.2 MessageColors: 1.5 MitsuhaXI: 0.5.5 Muze 4: 1.04 Nettle: 3.4-2 New Curses: 5.9-1 New Curses: 6.1-1 New GNU Portable Threads: 1.6-1 NoBlur: 1.6.2 Notifica: 0.2.7 OpenSSL 1.0 Libraries: 1.0.2r-1 OwO: 0.2.1 p11-kit: 0.23.12-1 PassBy: 1.8.3 plutil: 0.1.0 PM, really?: 1.2 Poseidon: 2.3.0-1+debug PreferenceLoader: 2.2.3-3 PreferenceOrganizer 2: 4.0.5 Profile Directory: 0-1 PullToRespring: 1.2 readline: 8.0-1 RealCC: 1.0.1 ReProvision: 0.4.2 Rocket for Instagram: 3.3.5 RocketBootstrap: 1.0.6 RomanPasscode: 2.1 Safari Plus: 1.6.7 sed: 4.5-1 Selector: 0.1.1 shell-cmds: 118-8 Signing Certificate: 0.0.1 SmallSiri: 1.2.1 SnowBoard: 1.0.1 Spotilife: 1.0 Substrate Safe Mode: 0.9.6001.1 Sylph: 1.1~Beta.1 System Memory Reset Fix: 1.0 system-cmds: 790.30.1-2 Tape Archive: 1.30-2 TechSupport Framework: Trust Cache Injector: 0.4~b5 tweakCompatible: 0.1.5 TweakConfigurator: 0.3 uasharedtools: 2.1r-66 UIKit Tools: 1.1.13-5 unrar: 5.6.4-1 unzip: 6.0-1 XZ Utils: 5.2.4-4 zip: 2.32-1
About once a day when I open snapchat or take a photo with it, my device reboots. For comparison I probably open the app about 20 ish times a day. I'm on an iphone 6, on ios 12.0 using b49