Tested this on my sensor, works as you explained to me. Both recover and keep chuggin running hcitool alternating with 30 seconds of test-discovery. ACK.
Tested with:
pkill bluetoothd
rfkill block bluetooth
Note I killed it in between tests.
I, [2017-05-25T19:47:25.803385 #22997] INFO -- : Result thread starting
I, [2017-05-25T19:47:57.089561 #22997] INFO -- : Bluetoothd errors, attempting to recover...
I, [2017-05-25T19:49:07.540768 #22997] INFO -- : Bluetoothd errors, attempting to recover...
I, [2017-05-25T19:49:29.201254 #22997] INFO -- : Bluetoothd errors, attempting to recover...
I, [2017-05-25T19:50:17.839151 #22997] INFO -- : BlueHydra Killed! Exiting... SIGINT
I, [2017-05-25T19:50:17.839605 #22997] INFO -- : Runner stopped. Exiting after clearing queue...
I, [2017-05-25T19:50:17.839842 #22997] INFO -- : Queue clear! Exiting.
W, [2017-05-25T19:50:17.840027 #22997] WARN -- : GOODBYE! ^_^
I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.000713 #28595] INFO -- : BlueHydra Starting...
I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.000971 #28595] INFO -- : Runner starting with 'btmon -T -i hci0' ...
I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.033201 #28595] INFO -- : Marking older devices as 'offline'...
I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.246660 #28595] INFO -- : Btmon thread starting
I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.246990 #28595] INFO -- : Discovery thread starting
I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.254689 #28595] INFO -- : Chunker thread starting
I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.255032 #28595] INFO -- : Parser thread starting
I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.255233 #28595] INFO -- : Result thread starting
I, [2017-05-25T19:54:17.361639 #28595] INFO -- : Bluez reports not ready, attempting to recover...
E, [2017-05-25T19:54:17.361935 #28595] ERROR -- : Bluez reported hci0 not ready, attempting to reset with rfkill
Tested this on my sensor, works as you explained to me. Both recover and keep chuggin running hcitool alternating with 30 seconds of test-discovery. ACK.
Tested with: pkill bluetoothd and rfkill block bluetooth
Note I killed it in between tests.
I, [2017-05-25T19:47:25.803385 #22997] INFO -- : Result thread starting I, [2017-05-25T19:47:57.089561 #22997] INFO -- : Bluetoothd errors, attempting to recover... I, [2017-05-25T19:49:07.540768 #22997] INFO -- : Bluetoothd errors, attempting to recover... I, [2017-05-25T19:49:29.201254 #22997] INFO -- : Bluetoothd errors, attempting to recover... I, [2017-05-25T19:50:17.839151 #22997] INFO -- : BlueHydra Killed! Exiting... SIGINT I, [2017-05-25T19:50:17.839605 #22997] INFO -- : Runner stopped. Exiting after clearing queue... I, [2017-05-25T19:50:17.839842 #22997] INFO -- : Queue clear! Exiting. W, [2017-05-25T19:50:17.840027 #22997] WARN -- : GOODBYE! ^_^ I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.000713 #28595] INFO -- : BlueHydra Starting... I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.000971 #28595] INFO -- : Runner starting with 'btmon -T -i hci0' ... I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.033201 #28595] INFO -- : Marking older devices as 'offline'... I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.246660 #28595] INFO -- : Btmon thread starting I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.246990 #28595] INFO -- : Discovery thread starting I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.254689 #28595] INFO -- : Chunker thread starting I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.255032 #28595] INFO -- : Parser thread starting I, [2017-05-25T19:53:45.255233 #28595] INFO -- : Result thread starting I, [2017-05-25T19:54:17.361639 #28595] INFO -- : Bluez reports not ready, attempting to recover... E, [2017-05-25T19:54:17.361935 #28595] ERROR -- : Bluez reported hci0 not ready, attempting to reset with rfkill