pwnieexpress / blue_hydra

Blue Hydra
837 stars 109 forks source link bruter force #151

Open Darkwebmaste opened 10 months ago

Darkwebmaste commented 10 months ago

[]()buildscript {     repositories {         google()         mavenCentral()     } }

[]()dependencies {   implementation ''   implementation '' }

[]()// Construct a request for phone numbers and show the picker private void requestHint() {     HintRequest hintRequest = new HintRequest.

[]()// Get an instance of SmsRetrieverClient, used to start listening for a matching // SMS message. SmsRetrieverClient client = SmsRetriever.getClient(this / context /);

[]()/*   BroadcastReceiver to wait for SMS messages. This can be registered either   in the AndroidManifest or at runtime.  Should filter Intents on   SmsRetriever.SMS_RETRIEVED_ACTION.  */ public class MySMSBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

[]()<receiver android:name=".MySMSBroadcastReceiver" android:exported="true"           android:permission="">               android:permission="">             Credential credential = new Credential.Builder(phoneNumberString)         .setAccountType("")  

[]()// On the next install, retrieve the phone number mCredentialRequest = new CredentialRequest.Builder()     .setAccountTypes("")  // the URL specific to the developer