pwolfram / MPAS-Model

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add horizontal interpolation for all passive tracers #22

Closed bradyrx closed 5 years ago

bradyrx commented 5 years ago

@pwolfram, c5320aa69de3cb60589ce08e4a5791e8479196dd fixes the segfault issue we saw in Feel free to cherry pick to that branch, if that's the appropriate path forward for something like this.

Simulation runs just fine on IC with DIC/ALK sensors following c5320aa69de3cb60589ce08e4a5791e8479196dd:


I figured I would add a few commits here to follow up with capability for the remaining passive tracers (e.g. NO3, PO4). Let me know if this sounds right.

Following this, I can run some timing tests for our 30to10 production run.

bradyrx commented 5 years ago

Okay, this was tested in 60to30km with all BGC sensors turned on (i.e. DIC, ALK, PO4, NO3, SiO3, NH4, Fe, O2). It ran just fine, so I think this is ready to be merged.


On Monday I will run this branch (or the main one if both PR's are merged) on our coarsened 30to10 production run to figure out performance.