Closed tarneaux closed 2 years ago
Showing sidetone (and equializer) requires documentation from Logitech. I´ĺl ask again.
There doesn´t appear to be any feature to get battery information so I don´t know whether it is possible at all.
Battery status was for a long time also the only reason I had Windows on my machine. I now charge it every time it beeps which is fine. Would still be cool if it was possible!
The problem is that I don't see an HID++ feature that is related to the battery. The Logitech software may be getting the battery information some other way, but without documentation on how it isn't going to be possible to do in Solaar.
EDIT: It appears that ADC MEASUREMENT {1F20} is for the battery.
It would be useful to find out some more about this device.
In Solaar, go to the device and open the technical details window. (Click on the light-bulb or similar icon on the lower left of the device configuration panel.) Find the Path for the device. It should be of the form /dev/hidrawN for N a small integer.
Install hidrd-convert if it is not already installed.
Then post the output of (after changing N below to the integer found above)
cat /sys/class/hidraw/hidrawN/device/uevent
hidrd-convert -o spec /sys/class/hidraw/hidrawN/device/report_descriptor
Here are the outputs:
HID_NAME=Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset
Usage Page (Consumer), ; Consumer (0Ch)
Usage (Consumer Control), ; Consumer control (01h, application collection)
Collection (Application),
Report ID (1),
Usage (Volume Inc), ; Volume increment (E9h, re-trigger control)
Usage (Volume Dec), ; Volume decrement (EAh, re-trigger control)
Report Size (1),
Report Count (2),
Logical Minimum (0),
Logical Maximum (1),
Input (Variable),
Report Size (6),
Report Count (1),
Input (Constant, Variable),
Report Size (24),
Input (Constant, Variable),
End Collection,
Usage Page (FF43h), ; FF43h, vendor-defined
Usage (0202h),
Collection (Application),
Report ID (17),
Report Count (19),
Report Size (8),
Logical Maximum (255),
Usage (02h),
Usage (02h),
End Collection,
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (01h),
Collection (Application),
Usage (0Ah),
Collection (Logical),
Report ID (255),
Report Count (1),
Report Size (32),
Usage (0Bh),
Logical Minimum (-2147483647),
Logical Maximum (2147483647),
Input (Variable),
End Collection,
Usage (22h),
Collection (Logical),
Report ID (144),
Usage (33h),
Report Size (8),
Logical Minimum (0),
Logical Maximum (255),
Input (Variable),
Usage (34h),
Input (Variable),
Usage Page (Desktop), ; Generic desktop controls (01h)
Usage (Byte Count), ; Byte count (3Bh, dynamic value)
Report Size (16),
Logical Maximum (65535),
Input (Variable),
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (0Ah),
Collection (Logical),
Usage Page (Ordinal), ; Ordinal (0Ah)
Usage Minimum (01h),
Usage Maximum (0Ah),
Report Count (10),
Report Size (8),
Logical Maximum (255),
Input (Variable),
End Collection,
End Collection,
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (22h),
Collection (Logical),
Report ID (144),
Usage (33h),
Report Count (1),
Output (Variable),
Usage (34h),
Output (Variable),
Usage Page (Desktop), ; Generic desktop controls (01h)
Usage (Byte Count), ; Byte count (3Bh, dynamic value)
Report Size (16),
Logical Maximum (65535),
Output (Variable),
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (0Ah),
Collection (Logical),
Usage Page (Ordinal), ; Ordinal (0Ah)
Usage Minimum (01h),
Usage Maximum (0Ah),
Report Count (10),
Report Size (8),
Logical Maximum (255),
Output (Variable),
End Collection,
End Collection,
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (22h),
Collection (Logical),
Report ID (196),
Usage (33h),
Report Count (1),
Input (Variable),
Usage (34h),
Input (Variable),
Usage Page (Desktop), ; Generic desktop controls (01h)
Usage (Byte Count), ; Byte count (3Bh, dynamic value)
Report Size (16),
Logical Maximum (65535),
Input (Variable),
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (0Ah),
Collection (Logical),
Usage Page (Ordinal), ; Ordinal (0Ah)
Usage Minimum (01h),
Usage Maximum (3Bh),
Report Count (59),
Report Size (8),
Logical Maximum (255),
Input (Variable),
End Collection,
End Collection,
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (22h),
Collection (Logical),
Report ID (196),
Usage (33h),
Report Count (1),
Output (Variable),
Usage (34h),
Output (Variable),
Usage Page (Desktop), ; Generic desktop controls (01h)
Usage (Byte Count), ; Byte count (3Bh, dynamic value)
Report Size (16),
Logical Maximum (65535),
Output (Variable),
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (0Ah),
Collection (Logical),
Usage Page (Ordinal), ; Ordinal (0Ah)
Usage Minimum (01h),
Usage Maximum (3Bh),
Report Count (59),
Report Size (8),
Logical Maximum (255),
Output (Variable),
End Collection,
End Collection,
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (0Ch),
Collection (Logical),
Report ID (255),
Usage Page (Desktop), ; Generic desktop controls (01h)
Usage (Byte Count), ; Byte count (3Bh, dynamic value)
Report Count (1),
Feature (Variable),
Usage (Counted Buffer), ; Counted buffer (3Ah, logical collection)
Collection (Logical),
Usage Page (Ordinal), ; Ordinal (0Ah)
Usage Minimum (01h),
Usage Maximum (3Eh),
Report Count (62),
Feature (Variable),
End Collection,
End Collection,
Usage Page (FF00h), ; FF00h, vendor-defined
Usage (0Ch),
Collection (Logical),
Report ID (226),
Usage Page (Desktop), ; Generic desktop controls (01h)
Usage (Byte Count), ; Byte count (3Bh, dynamic value)
Report Count (1),
Input (Variable),
Usage (Counted Buffer), ; Counted buffer (3Ah, logical collection)
Collection (Logical),
Usage Page (Ordinal), ; Ordinal (0Ah)
Usage Minimum (01h),
Usage Maximum (3Eh),
Report Count (62),
Input (Variable),
End Collection,
End Collection,
End Collection
Sorry, didn't want to close. (missclicked)
I am getting almost identical results. One of the hidrd outputs is probably it. I just don't know which one
Thanks. The output shows how to control the volume of the headset. There are several other Logitech-defined controls. It may be possible to find out what they do.
@J-onasJones You can get the N from Solaar as described above or just try them all. But if you have the same headset model then the output should be the same.
Yes, I just checked, the output string is exactly the same
Have either of you used the headset under the Logitech software? If so, was there a way to control the overall volume?
I have documentation on sidetone and equalizer. Sidetone was easy to implement, but equalizer will take a little time.
Yes, I have used my headset on Windows a couple of months back with the Logitech G-Hub. This image looks somewhat like the volume/equalizer control. I just tried to install the G-Hub in a virtual machine but it requires a lot more setup for it to recognize my devices so i won't continue attempting to get it running. But to answer your question: yes, there was a way to control the overall volume of the headset.
@J-onasJones So the control had a range for volume as opposed to an up/down button?
Yes, the volume can be controlled using a slider and no up and down buttons
PR #1630 adds support for sidetone and equalizer. Please try it out. Run Solaar as bin/solaar dd
and report on any errors or warnings or unexpected behavior. Some of the code is untested as I don't have a device with an equalizer setting.
To clone and use Solar from its GitHub repository
git clone
cd Solaar
Run Solaar as bin/solaar from this directory.
To run PR #1630, first clone Solaar if you have not already done so and cd to the clone directory. The first time you download the pull request, fetch it into a new branch and checkout that branch, as in:
git fetch origin pull/1630/head:pull_1630
git checkout pull_1630
To download a new version of the pull request, fetch it and then set your pull branch to the new fetch, as in:
git checkout pull_1630
git fetch origin pull/1630/head
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
So I ran Solaar with said pull request and I am now getting this UI:
I can see the sidetone slider but there is no equalizer setting. Sadly, I cannot test the sidetone as I don't have my headset's detachable microphone anymore.
You said to run bin/solaar dd
but this didn't work for me. I get the following error:
usage: solaar {show,probe,config,pair,unpair} ... solaar: error: argument {show,probe,config,pair,unpair}: invalid choice: 'dd' (choose from 'show', 'probe', 'config', 'pair', 'unpair')
Oops, it's bin/solaar -dd
Please also provide output of bin/solaar show
bin/solaar show
Solaar version 1.1.3
USB and Bluetooth Devices
00:19:41,299 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 3
1: G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse
Device path : /dev/hidraw8
USB id : 046d:C08B
Codename : G502 Hero
Kind : mouse
Protocol : HID++ 4.2
Polling rate : 1 ms (1000Hz)
Serial number:
Model ID: C08B00000000
Unit ID: 3539470D
Firmware: U1 27.03.B0010
Bootloader: BOT 81.00.B0002
Supports 18 HID++ 2.0 features:
0: ROOT {0000}
1: FEATURE SET {0001}
Firmware: Firmware U1 27.03.B0010 C08B
Firmware: Bootloader BOT 81.00.B0002 AAE6
Unit ID: 3539470D Model ID: C08B00000000 Transport IDs: {'usbid': 'C08B'}
4: DEVICE NAME {0005}
Name: G502 HERO Gaming Mouse
Kind: mouse
5: LED CONTROL {1300}
6: unknown:18A1 {18A1} internal, hidden
7: unknown:1E00 {1E00} hidden
8: unknown:1E22 {1E22} internal, hidden
9: unknown:1EB0 {1EB0} internal, hidden
Sensitivity (DPI) (saved): 3400
Sensitivity (DPI) : 3400
11: REPORT RATE {8060}
Polling Rate (ms): 1
Polling Rate (ms) (saved): 1
Polling Rate (ms) : 1
Device Mode: On-Board
Onboard Profiles (saved): Enable
Onboard Profiles : Enable
15: unknown:1801 {1801} internal, hidden
16: DEVICE RESET {1802} internal, hidden
17: CONFIG DEVICE PROPS {1806} internal, hidden
Battery status unavailable.
00:19:41,451 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 4
2: Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset
Device path : /dev/hidraw5
USB id : 046d:0ABA
Codename : PRO Headset
Kind : headset
Protocol : HID++ 4.2
Serial number:
Model ID: 000000000ABA
Firmware: U1 12.01.B0203
Supports 6 HID++ 2.0 features:
0: ROOT {0000}
1: FEATURE SET {0001}
Firmware: Firmware U1 12.01.B0203 0ABA
Unit ID: FFFFFFFF Model ID: 000000000ABA Transport IDs: {'btid': '0000', 'btleid': '0000'}
3: DEVICE NAME {0005}
Name: PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset
Kind: None
4: EQUALIZER {8310}
5: SIDETONE {8300}
Sidetone (saved): 0
Sidetone : 0
Battery status unavailable.
`bin/solaar -dd´ output:
00:22:02,562 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 00:22:02.728: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
00:22:02,731 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
00:22:02,731 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
00:22:02,886 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
00:22:02,913 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
00:22:02,921 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
00:22:03,045 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
00:22:03,071 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
00:22:03,071 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
00:22:03,114 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
00:22:03,119 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B2F}: 2 = invalid argument
00:22:03,119 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 1 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
00:22:03,121 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
00:22:03,121 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
00:22:03,121 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
00:22:03,122 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
00:22:03,123 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw5', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
00:22:03,123 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
00:22:03,170 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>]
00:22:03,214 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
00:22:03,215 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (14)
00:22:03,216 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (14)
00:22:03,217 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
00:22:09,272 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_sensitive': {'onboard_profiles': False}, '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 94}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
00:22:09,273 INFO [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: New lock <_ThreadedHandle(/dev/hidraw5)>
00:22:09,932 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_sensitive': {'onboard_profiles': False}, '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 100}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
00:22:10,603 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_sensitive': {'onboard_profiles': False}, '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 95}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
00:22:11,455 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_sensitive': {'onboard_profiles': False}, '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 90}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
00:22:16,447 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_sensitive': {'onboard_profiles': False}, '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 0}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
00:22:23,486 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: stopping receiver listening threads [<ReceiverListener(ReceiverListener:hidraw8, started daemon 140155772720704)>, <ReceiverListener(ReceiverListener:hidraw5, started daemon 140155763226176)>]
00:22:23,515 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_sensitive': {'onboard_profiles': False}, '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'divert-crown', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 0}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
00:22:23,516 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has stopped
00:22:24,144 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has stopped
00:22:24,146 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: stopping desktop notifications
Looks OK, but Solaar has blacklisted the equalizer setting. You need to edit ~/.config/solaar/config.yaml and remove the _absent field for the headset and then try bin/solaar -ddd
. Post the result - there will be a lot of output.
00:57:36,310 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
00:57:36,435 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
00:57:36,435 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
00:57:36,581 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
00:57:36,589 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
00:57:36,601 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
00:57:36,662 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
00:57:36,663 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
00:57:36,664 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
00:57:36,758 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
00:57:36,758 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
00:57:36,758 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
00:57:36,759 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/root/.local/share/icons', '/root/.icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
00:57:36,768 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: failed to detect icons
00:57:36,857 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
00:57:36,875 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
00:57:36,877 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw0', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
00:57:36,878 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) pinging device 255
00:57:36,878 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 10
00:57:36,879 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 001B 0000BB00000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,882 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 001B 0402BB00000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,883 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000C 00010000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,887 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000C 01000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,887 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 010D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,892 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 010D 06000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,892 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000D 10000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,897 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,898 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000B 10040000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,902 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,903 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000D 10010000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,907 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,908 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000F 43010000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,913 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,962 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 100}]
00:57:36,963 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000F 00030000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,967 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000F 02000200000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,968 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 020E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,972 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 020E 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
00:57:36,975 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000C 83000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,977 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000C 05000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,979 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
00:57:36,980 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>]
00:57:36,980 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
00:57:36,980 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
00:57:36,981 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 100 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
00:57:36,981 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(100) => b'd'
00:57:36,981 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 051B 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:37,026 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 051B 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:37,027 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
00:57:37,028 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (10)
00:57:37,029 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (10)
00:57:37,029 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
00:57:37,036 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
00:57:37,054 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
00:57:37,057 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
00:57:37,059 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
00:57:37,075 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw0', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
00:57:37,085 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
00:57:37,091 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 100 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
00:57:37,094 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
00:57:37,094 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
00:57:37,095 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
00:57:37,097 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
00:58:13,179 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 100 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
00:58:13,180 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(100) => b'd'
00:58:13,180 INFO [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: New lock <_ThreadedHandle(/dev/hidraw0)>
00:58:13,181 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 051F 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:13,227 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 051F 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:13,228 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 051F 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,392 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 80600000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,393 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,393 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,394 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 020F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,398 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 020F 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
00:58:31,398 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 020F 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
00:58:31,398 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0219 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,403 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0219 0055312012010203010ABA0000000000]
00:58:31,403 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0219 0055312012010203010ABA0000000000]
^CThread 0x00007f0f2cebc640 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/hidapi/", line 363 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 266 in _read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 237 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 172 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Thread 0x00007f0f2d6bd640 (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 320 in wait
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 171 in get
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 60 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Current thread 0x00007f0f3465c740 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 127 in _handlesigint
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/", line 92 in signal_notify
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/overrides/", line 42 in run
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 177 in run_loop
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 169 in main
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/bin/solaar", line 55 in <module>
solaar: exit due to keyboard interrupt
That output looks as if the _absent value had not been removed from ~/.config/solaar/config.yaml for the headset. Please ensure that the value has been removed and try again.
00:57:36,310 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
00:57:36,435 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
00:57:36,435 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
00:57:36,581 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
00:57:36,589 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
00:57:36,601 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
00:57:36,662 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
00:57:36,663 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
00:57:36,664 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
00:57:36,758 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
00:57:36,758 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
00:57:36,758 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
00:57:36,759 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/root/.local/share/icons', '/root/.icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
00:57:36,768 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: failed to detect icons
00:57:36,857 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
00:57:36,875 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
00:57:36,877 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw0', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
00:57:36,878 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) pinging device 255
00:57:36,878 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 10
00:57:36,879 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 001B 0000BB00000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,882 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 001B 0402BB00000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,883 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000C 00010000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,887 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000C 01000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,887 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 010D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,892 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 010D 06000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,892 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000D 10000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,897 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,898 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000B 10040000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,902 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,903 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000D 10010000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,907 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,908 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000F 43010000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,913 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,962 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 100}]
00:57:36,963 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000F 00030000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,967 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000F 02000200000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,968 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 020E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,972 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 020E 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
00:57:36,975 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000C 83000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,977 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000C 05000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:36,979 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
00:57:36,980 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>]
00:57:36,980 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
00:57:36,980 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
00:57:36,981 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 100 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
00:57:36,981 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(100) => b'd'
00:57:36,981 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 051B 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:37,026 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 051B 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:57:37,027 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
00:57:37,028 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (10)
00:57:37,029 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (10)
00:57:37,029 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
00:57:37,036 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
00:57:37,054 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
00:57:37,057 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
00:57:37,059 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
00:57:37,075 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw0', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
00:57:37,085 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
00:57:37,091 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 100 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
00:57:37,094 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
00:57:37,094 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
00:57:37,095 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
00:57:37,097 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
00:58:13,179 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 100 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
00:58:13,180 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(100) => b'd'
00:58:13,180 INFO [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: New lock <_ThreadedHandle(/dev/hidraw0)>
00:58:13,181 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 051F 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:13,227 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 051F 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:13,228 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 051F 64000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,392 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 80600000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,393 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,393 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,394 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 020F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,398 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 020F 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
00:58:31,398 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 020F 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
00:58:31,398 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0219 00000000000000000000000000000000]
00:58:31,403 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0219 0055312012010203010ABA0000000000]
00:58:31,403 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw0] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0219 0055312012010203010ABA0000000000]
^CThread 0x00007f0f2cebc640 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/hidapi/", line 363 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 266 in _read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 237 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 172 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Thread 0x00007f0f2d6bd640 (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 320 in wait
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 171 in get
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 60 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Current thread 0x00007f0f3465c740 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 127 in _handlesigint
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/", line 92 in signal_notify
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/overrides/", line 42 in run
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 177 in run_loop
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 169 in main
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/bin/solaar", line 55 in <module>
solaar: exit due to keyboard interrupt
That looks like it is the output from the previous run. Are you sure that this is from a new run?
Here, this should be right. I edited the wrong config file by mistake:
12:36:49,355 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
12:36:49,441 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
12:36:49,442 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
12:36:49,567 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
12:36:49,575 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
12:36:49,585 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
12:36:49,627 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
12:36:49,628 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
12:36:49,629 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
12:36:49,682 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
12:36:49,683 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
12:36:49,683 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
12:36:49,687 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/root/.local/share/icons', '/root/.icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
12:36:49,708 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: failed to detect icons
12:36:49,797 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
12:36:49,841 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
12:36:49,842 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
12:36:49,842 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw7', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
12:36:49,843 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) pinging device 255
12:36:49,843 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 10
12:36:49,843 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[10 FF 0019 000042]
12:36:49,845 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0019 04024200000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,846 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000F 00010000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,848 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000F 01000100000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,849 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 010D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,853 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 010D 12000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,854 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0009 10000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,856 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,856 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0009 10040000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,858 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,858 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0008 10010000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,860 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,860 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000F 43010000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,862 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,876 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 100}]
12:36:49,876 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0008 00030000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,878 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0008 03000200000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,878 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 030B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,880 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 030B 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
12:36:49,881 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0008 81000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,883 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0008 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,883 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
12:36:49,884 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000F 80600000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,886 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000F 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,886 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0B09 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,888 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0B09 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,888 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
12:36:49,888 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 000B 22010000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,890 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 000B 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,890 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0A1D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,892 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0A1D 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
12:36:49,894 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
12:36:49,894 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
12:36:49,895 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
12:36:49,895 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:49,895 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings write 1 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:49,895 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(1) => b'\x01'
12:36:49,895 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0C1B 01000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,898 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0C1B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,898 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
12:36:49,899 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:49,900 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings write 1 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:49,900 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(1) => b'\x01'
12:36:49,901 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0B29 01000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,903 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF FF0B 29020000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,904 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) device 255 error on feature request {0B29}: 2 = invalid argument
12:36:49,904 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 1 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
12:36:49,904 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
12:36:49,904 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:49,905 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings write 3400 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:49,905 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(3400) => b'\x00\rH'
12:36:49,905 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) <= w[11 FF 0A3F 000D4800000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,907 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (10) => r[11 FF 0A3F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,907 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
12:36:49,908 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw7] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (10)
12:36:49,908 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw7] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (10)
12:36:49,908 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw7] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
12:36:49,910 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
12:36:49,910 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw9', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
12:36:49,910 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) pinging device 255
12:36:49,911 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 11
12:36:49,911 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 0019 00001500000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,922 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 0019 04021500000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,923 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 000B 00010000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,927 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 000B 01000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,928 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 0109 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,932 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 0109 06000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,934 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 000C 10000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,938 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,938 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 000E 10040000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,942 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,943 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 000C 10010000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,949 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,950 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 0008 43010000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,954 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,954 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 000C 00030000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,958 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 000C 02000200000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,959 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 020F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,964 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 020F 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
12:36:49,965 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 000F 83000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,969 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 000F 05000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:49,970 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
12:36:49,970 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>]
12:36:49,971 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
12:36:49,971 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
12:36:49,972 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 100 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
12:36:49,972 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(100) => b'd'
12:36:49,972 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) <= w[11 FF 0519 64000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:50,017 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 0519 64000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:50,018 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
12:36:50,020 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw9] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (11)
12:36:50,022 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw9] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (11)
12:36:50,023 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw9] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
12:36:50,029 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
12:36:50,048 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
12:36:50,052 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
12:36:50,054 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
12:36:50,073 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw7', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
12:36:50,082 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
12:36:50,098 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read 1 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:50,126 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read 1 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:50,152 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read 3400 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
12:36:50,154 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
12:36:50,154 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
12:36:50,154 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
12:36:50,154 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
12:36:50,155 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
12:36:50,155 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
12:36:50,155 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
12:36:50,156 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw9', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
12:36:50,156 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
12:36:50,156 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
12:36:50,156 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
12:36:52,682 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon battery-missing not found in current theme
12:36:52,691 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 100 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
12:36:54,874 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 29 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
12:36:54,901 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 29}] to /root/.config/solaar/config.yaml
12:36:54,901 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(29) => b'\x1d'
12:36:54,901 INFO [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: New lock <_ThreadedHandle(/dev/hidraw9)>
12:36:54,902 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 051C 1D000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:54,943 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 051C 1D000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:54,943 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw9] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 051C 1D000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:56,233 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 100 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
12:36:56,245 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 100}] to /root/.config/solaar/config.yaml
12:36:56,246 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(100) => b'd'
12:36:56,246 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 051A 64000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:56,290 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw9] logitech_receiver.base: (11) => r[11 FF 051A 64000000000000000000000000000000]
12:36:56,290 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 051A 64000000000000000000000000000000]
^CThread 0x00007fa2908ae640 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/hidapi/", line 363 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 266 in _read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 237 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 172 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Thread 0x00007fa2911bc640 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/hidapi/", line 363 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 266 in _read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 237 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 172 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Thread 0x00007fa2919bd640 (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 320 in wait
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 171 in get
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 60 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Current thread 0x00007fa298814740 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 127 in _handlesigint
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/", line 92 in signal_notify
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/overrides/", line 42 in run
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 177 in run_loop
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 169 in main
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/bin/solaar", line 55 in <module>
solaar: exit due to keyboard interrupt
Somehow Solaar is still getting a configuration file that has the equalizer blacklisted for the headset. Here is the message that Solaar produced showing the configuration file it loaded (slightly edited).
12:36:49,876 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3',
{'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 3400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 1},
{'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'sidetone': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 100}]
Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to temporarily move or remove both ~/.config/solaar/config.yaml and ~/.config/solaar/config.json
You can move the yaml file back again after generating the debug output. The json file is no longer used.
When I remove the elements the _absent
value and rerun solaar -ddd
, it puts everything back into it.
Yes, but what messages were produced? There is likely some message there that shows what is going wrong. The next run will not have any messages concerning the equalizer because Solaar isn't trying to create the setting.
This is what I got from removing config.yaml
(there was no config.json
) and rerunning it:
19:53:20,749 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 19:53:20.865: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
19:53:20,867 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
19:53:20,867 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
19:53:20,989 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
19:53:20,995 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
19:53:21,005 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
19:53:21,009 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
19:53:21,009 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
19:53:21,010 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
19:53:21,067 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
19:53:21,068 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
19:53:21,068 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
19:53:21,069 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
19:53:21,173 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
19:53:21,240 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
19:53:21,243 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
19:53:21,244 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
19:53:21,245 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) pinging device 255
19:53:21,245 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
19:53:21,245 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[10 FF 0019 0000E0]
19:53:21,248 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0019 0402E000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,249 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 00010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,251 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 01000100000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,251 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 010D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,254 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 010D 12000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,256 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 10000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,258 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,259 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 10040000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,262 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,262 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 10010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,263 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,264 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 43010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,266 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,266 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => []
19:53:21,266 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 00030000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,268 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 03000200000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,268 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0308 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,269 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0308 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
19:53:21,270 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 21200000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,272 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,272 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 21300000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,273 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,274 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 21210000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,276 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,276 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 21100000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,278 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,278 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 21110000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,280 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,280 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 21500000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,282 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,282 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 81000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,283 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,284 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
19:53:21,284 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 80600000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,286 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,286 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B0F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,288 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B0F 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,288 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
19:53:21,288 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 22050000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,291 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,291 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 22010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,294 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,294 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A1D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,297 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A1D 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
19:53:21,302 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
19:53:21,303 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 1B040000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,306 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,307 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 19820000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,309 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,309 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 19830000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,312 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,313 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 40A00000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,315 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,315 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 40A20000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,318 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,319 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 40A30000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,321 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,322 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 1C000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,326 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,327 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 45210000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,330 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,332 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 46000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,335 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,336 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 80100000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,338 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,339 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 80200000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,341 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,343 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 80300000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,346 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,346 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 45310000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,349 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,350 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 45300000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,352 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,352 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 18140000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,355 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,355 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 65010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,358 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,359 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 83000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,362 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,362 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 83100000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,365 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,379 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer']}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
19:53:21,380 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
19:53:21,380 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
19:53:21,381 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,382 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C2C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,384 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C2C 01000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,405 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
19:53:21,406 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings write NamedInt(1, 'Enable') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,406 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(Enable) => b'\x01'
19:53:21,407 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C1C 01000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,410 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C1C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,410 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
19:53:21,411 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,411 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B1F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,414 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B1F 01000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,435 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(1, '1')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
19:53:21,435 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings write NamedInt(1, '1') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,436 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(1) => b'\x01'
19:53:21,436 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B2C 01000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,439 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF FF0B 2C020000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,439 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B2C}: 2 = invalid argument
19:53:21,440 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 1 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
19:53:21,440 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
19:53:21,440 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,441 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A29 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,444 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A29 000D4803E80000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,452 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(1, '1'), 'dpi': NamedInt(3400, '3400')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
19:53:21,453 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings write NamedInt(3400, '3400') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,453 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(3400) => b'\x00\rH'
19:53:21,453 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A3B 000D4800000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,456 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A3B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,456 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
19:53:21,457 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
19:53:21,457 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
19:53:21,458 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
19:53:21,461 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
19:53:21,462 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw4', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
19:53:21,463 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) pinging device 255
19:53:21,464 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
19:53:21,464 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0018 00002A00000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,472 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0018 04022A00000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,473 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 00010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,476 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 01000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,476 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 010C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,481 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 010C 06000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,482 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 10000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,486 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,487 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 10040000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,491 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,492 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 10010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,496 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,496 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 43010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,501 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,502 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 00030000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,507 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 02000200000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,508 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 020F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,512 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 020F 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
19:53:21,513 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 21200000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,517 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,517 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 21300000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,522 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,522 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 21210000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,527 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,529 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 21100000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,532 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,533 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 21110000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,537 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,538 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 21500000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,543 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,544 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 81000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,547 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,547 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 80600000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,552 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,552 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 22050000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,557 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,558 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 22010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,562 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,563 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 1B040000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,567 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,568 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 19820000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,572 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,573 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 19830000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,578 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,581 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 40A00000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,587 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,589 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 40A20000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,593 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,594 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 40A30000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,597 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,597 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 1C000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,602 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,603 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 45210000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,607 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,608 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 46000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,612 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,613 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 80100000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,617 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,617 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 80200000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,622 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,623 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 80300000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,627 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,627 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 45310000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,632 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,633 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 45300000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,637 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,638 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 18140000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,642 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,642 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 65010000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,647 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,647 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 83000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,652 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 05000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,653 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
19:53:21,654 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 83100000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,657 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 04000100000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,658 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0408 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,701 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0408 0A0C0100000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,704 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature equalizer [EQUALIZER] error Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1244, in check_feature
detected =
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 231, in build
validator =, device, **cls.validator_options)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1173, in build
count, dbRange, _, dbMin, dbMax = _unpack('!BBBBB', device.feature_request(_F.EQUALIZER, 0x00))
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 5 bytes
19:53:21,713 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(1, '1'), 'dpi': NamedInt(3400, '3400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer']}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
19:53:21,713 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>]
19:53:21,714 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
19:53:21,714 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
19:53:21,715 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 050B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,755 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 050B 12000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,762 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(1, '1'), 'dpi': NamedInt(3400, '3400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
19:53:21,762 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 18 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
19:53:21,762 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(18) => b'\x12'
19:53:21,762 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 051F 12000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,805 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 051F 12000000000000000000000000000000]
19:53:21,806 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
19:53:21,807 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (14)
19:53:21,808 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (14)
19:53:21,808 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
19:53:21,813 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
19:53:21,882 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
19:53:21,883 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
19:53:21,883 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
19:53:21,905 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw8', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
19:53:21,907 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
19:53:21,913 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read NamedInt(1, 'Enable') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,914 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read NamedInt(1, '1') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,946 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read NamedInt(3400, '3400') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
19:53:21,949 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
19:53:21,949 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
19:53:21,949 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
19:53:21,950 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
19:53:21,951 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
19:53:21,951 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
19:53:21,951 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
19:53:21,952 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw4', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
19:53:21,952 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
19:53:21,953 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
19:53:21,953 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
19:53:23,602 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
19:53:23,603 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 18 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
Thanks. That shows a silly bug in the code.
OK, I fixed that bug. Please download PR #1630 again (see instructions above). Then delete the config file and run bin/solaar -ddd
. If there are errors or problems post the output.
I am seeing another python error:
Gtk-Message: 20:38:46.687: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
20:38:46,691 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
20:38:46,691 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
20:38:47,010 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
20:38:47,042 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
20:38:47,078 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
20:38:47,082 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
20:38:47,084 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
20:38:47,084 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
20:38:47,185 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
20:38:47,186 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
20:38:47,186 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
20:38:47,187 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
20:38:47,297 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
20:38:47,346 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
20:38:47,348 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
20:38:47,349 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
20:38:47,349 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) pinging device 255
20:38:47,350 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
20:38:47,350 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[10 FF 001A 00007C]
20:38:47,353 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 001A 04027C00000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,355 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 00010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,357 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 01000100000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,358 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 010B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,361 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 010B 12000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,363 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 10000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,365 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,366 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 10040000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,369 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,369 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 10010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,371 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,372 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 43010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,375 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,375 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => []
20:38:47,375 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 00030000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,379 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 03000200000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,379 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 030E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,381 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 030E 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
20:38:47,381 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 21200000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,383 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,383 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 21300000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,385 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,386 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 21210000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,389 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,389 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 21100000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,393 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,393 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 21110000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,395 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,395 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 21500000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,397 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,397 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 81000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,399 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,399 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
20:38:47,399 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 80600000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,401 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,401 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B0B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,403 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B0B 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,404 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
20:38:47,404 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 22050000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,407 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,408 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 22010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,411 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,411 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A1B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,415 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A1B 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
20:38:47,419 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
20:38:47,420 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 1B040000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,423 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,424 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 19820000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,427 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,428 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 19830000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,431 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,431 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 40A00000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,435 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,435 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 40A20000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,439 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,440 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 40A30000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,443 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,444 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 1C000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,447 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,448 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 45210000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,451 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,452 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 46000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,455 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,456 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 80100000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,459 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,459 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 80200000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,461 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,462 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 80300000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,465 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,465 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 45310000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,467 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,467 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 45300000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,469 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,469 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 18140000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,471 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,472 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 65010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,475 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,477 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 83000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,481 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,482 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 83100000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,485 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,490 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer']}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
20:38:47,490 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
20:38:47,490 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
20:38:47,490 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:47,490 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C2D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,494 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C2D 01000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,502 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
20:38:47,503 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings write NamedInt(1, 'Enable') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:47,503 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(Enable) => b'\x01'
20:38:47,503 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C1D 01000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,507 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C1D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,507 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
20:38:47,508 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:47,509 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B1D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,511 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B1D 02000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,520 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
20:38:47,520 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings write NamedInt(2, '2') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:47,521 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(2) => b'\x02'
20:38:47,521 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B29 02000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,523 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF FF0B 29020000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,523 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B29}: 2 = invalid argument
20:38:47,524 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 2 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
20:38:47,524 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
20:38:47,524 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:47,525 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A2C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,527 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A2C 00096003E80000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,530 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
20:38:47,531 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings write NamedInt(2400, '2400') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:47,531 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(2400) => b'\x00\t`'
20:38:47,531 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A3A 00096000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,533 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A3A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,533 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
20:38:47,533 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
20:38:47,535 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
20:38:47,536 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw4', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
20:38:47,537 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) pinging device 255
20:38:47,537 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
20:38:47,538 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 001D 00005C00000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,535 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
20:38:47,538 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
20:38:47,541 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 001D 04025C00000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,542 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 00010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,546 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 01000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,547 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 010E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,551 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 010E 06000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,551 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 10000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,556 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,557 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 10040000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,563 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,564 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 10010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,566 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,567 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 43010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,572 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,573 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 00030000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,577 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 02000200000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,578 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 020B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,581 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 020B 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
20:38:47,582 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 21200000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,586 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,587 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 21300000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,592 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,593 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 21210000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,597 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,597 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 21100000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,601 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,602 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 21110000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,606 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,607 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 21500000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,611 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,612 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 81000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,616 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,617 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 80600000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,623 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,624 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 22050000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,626 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,627 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 22010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,631 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,632 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 1B040000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,636 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,637 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 19820000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,641 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,642 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 19830000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,646 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,646 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 40A00000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,651 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,651 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 40A20000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,656 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,657 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 40A30000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,661 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,662 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 1C000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,667 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,668 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 45210000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,671 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,672 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 46000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,676 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,678 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 80100000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,681 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,682 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 80200000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,686 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,687 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 80300000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,691 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,692 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 45310000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,696 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,698 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 45300000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,701 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,702 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 18140000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,706 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,707 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 65010000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,712 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,712 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 83000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,717 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 05000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,718 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
20:38:47,718 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 83100000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,722 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 04000100000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,723 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 040C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,767 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 040C 0A0C0100000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,767 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,813 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041C 0000200040007D00FA01F403E807D000]
20:38:47,816 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature equalizer [EQUALIZER] error Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1247, in check_feature
detected =
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 231, in build
validator =, device, **cls.validator_options)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1187, in build
map[g * 7 + b] = str(int.from_bytes(freqs[2 * b + 1:2 * b + 3], 'big')) + _('Hz')
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
20:38:47,836 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer']}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
20:38:47,837 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>]
20:38:47,837 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
20:38:47,837 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
20:38:47,837 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 050A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,880 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 050A 12000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,897 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'equalizer'], 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
20:38:47,898 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 18 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
20:38:47,899 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(18) => b'\x12'
20:38:47,900 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 051D 12000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,947 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 051D 12000000000000000000000000000000]
20:38:47,948 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
20:38:47,948 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (14)
20:38:47,949 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (14)
20:38:47,949 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
20:38:47,950 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
20:38:47,986 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
20:38:47,987 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
20:38:47,987 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
20:38:47,994 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw8', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
20:38:47,995 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
20:38:48,001 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read NamedInt(1, 'Enable') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:48,004 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read NamedInt(2, '2') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:48,030 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read NamedInt(2400, '2400') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
20:38:48,034 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
20:38:48,034 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
20:38:48,034 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
20:38:48,035 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
20:38:48,036 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
20:38:48,037 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
20:38:48,037 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
20:38:48,038 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw4', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
20:38:48,038 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
20:38:48,038 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
20:38:48,039 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
20:38:49,748 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
20:38:49,753 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 18 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
Hmm. I just "fixed" that line.
Grr. Another stupid bug. Please try again.
Alright, so it seams that that issue has been resolved but now my headset doesn't show up in Solaar anymore. The output:
21:31:04,239 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 21:31:04.352: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
21:31:04,354 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
21:31:04,354 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
21:31:04,488 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
21:31:04,495 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
21:31:04,510 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
21:31:04,517 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
21:31:04,518 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
21:31:04,518 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
21:31:04,584 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
21:31:04,584 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
21:31:04,584 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
21:31:04,585 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
21:31:04,683 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
21:31:04,747 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
21:31:04,749 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
21:31:04,752 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
21:31:04,753 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) pinging device 255
21:31:04,753 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
21:31:04,754 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[10 FF 0019 00009C]
21:31:04,756 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0019 04029C00000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,756 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 00010000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,760 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 01000100000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,762 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 010A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,766 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 010A 12000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,767 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 10000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,770 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,770 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 10040000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,774 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,775 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 10010000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,778 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,779 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 43010000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,782 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,817 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'sidetone': 18}]
21:31:04,818 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 00030000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,822 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 03000200000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,822 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 030F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,826 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 030F 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
21:31:04,827 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 81000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,830 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,830 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
21:31:04,831 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 80600000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,834 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,834 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B0C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,838 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B0C 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,839 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
21:31:04,839 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 22010000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,842 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,843 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A19 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,846 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A19 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
21:31:04,849 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
21:31:04,849 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
21:31:04,849 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
21:31:04,849 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:04,849 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings write 1 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:04,850 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(1) => b'\x01'
21:31:04,850 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C1A 01000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,852 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C1A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,852 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
21:31:04,853 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:04,853 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings write 2 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:04,853 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(2) => b'\x02'
21:31:04,854 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B2F 02000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,856 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF FF0B 2F020000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,856 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B2F}: 2 = invalid argument
21:31:04,857 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 2 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
21:31:04,857 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
21:31:04,857 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:04,858 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings write 2400 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:04,858 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(2400) => b'\x00\t`'
21:31:04,858 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A3D 00096000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,862 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A3D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,862 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
21:31:04,863 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
21:31:04,864 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
21:31:04,864 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
21:31:04,866 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
21:31:04,867 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw4', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
21:31:04,868 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) pinging device 255
21:31:04,868 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
21:31:04,868 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0019 00003900000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,873 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0019 04023900000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,873 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 00010000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,878 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 01000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,878 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 010E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,883 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 010E 06000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,883 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 10000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,889 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,890 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 10040000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,894 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,895 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 10010000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,899 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,900 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 43010000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,904 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,905 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 00030000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,909 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 02000200000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,910 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 020C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,914 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 020C 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
21:31:04,915 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 83000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,919 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 05000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,919 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
21:31:04,920 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 83100000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,924 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 04000100000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,925 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 040D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,971 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 040D 0A0C0100000000000000000000000000]
21:31:04,972 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:05,016 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041F 0000200040007D00FA01F403E807D000]
21:31:05,023 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041E 07000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:05,070 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041E 070FA01F403E80000000000000000000]
21:31:05,073 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature equalizer [EQUALIZER] detected <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>
21:31:05,073 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>, <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>]
21:31:05,074 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
21:31:05,074 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
21:31:05,074 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 18 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
21:31:05,075 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(18) => b'\x12'
21:31:05,076 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 051C 12000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:05,120 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 051C 12000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:05,121 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
21:31:05,121 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
21:31:05,122 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 042B 01000000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:05,174 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF FF04 2B020000000000000000000000000000]
21:31:05,175 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) device 255 error on feature request {042B}: 2 = invalid argument
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 169, in <lambda>
application.connect('startup', lambda app, startup_hook: _startup(app, startup_hook, use_tray, show_window), startup_hook)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 118, in _startup
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 315, in start_all
_process_receiver_event('add', device_info)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 395, in _process_receiver_event
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 298, in _start
rl = ReceiverListener(receiver, _status_callback)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 83, in __init__
receiver.status.changed(True, reason='initialization')
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 311, in changed
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1420, in apply_all_settings
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 336, in apply
value = # Don't use persisted value if setting doesn't persist
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 676, in read
reply = self._do_read()
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 687, in _do_read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 762, in read
return device.feature_request(self.feature, self.read_fnid, self.prefix, self.read_prefix, data_bytes)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 412, in feature_request
return _hidpp20.feature_request(self, feature, function, *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1106, in feature_request
return device.request((feature_index << 8) + (function & 0xFF), *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 400, in request
return _base.request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 456, in request
raise _hidpp20.FeatureCallError(number=devnumber, request=request_id, error=error, params=params)
21:31:05,193 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
21:31:05,229 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
21:31:05,230 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
21:31:05,231 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
21:31:05,236 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw8', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
21:31:05,238 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
21:31:05,246 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read 1 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:05,249 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read 2 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:05,270 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read 2400 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
21:31:05,272 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
21:31:05,272 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
21:31:05,272 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
21:31:05,273 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
my mouse still does
That was due to an ambiguity in the documentation for the feature. It should be fixed now so please try again (with removal of the config file).
Also provide contents of the config file afterwards.
The Equalizer is now showing up which is great! Here the output:
22:13:14,923 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 22:13:15.157: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
22:13:15,161 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
22:13:15,161 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
22:13:15,475 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
22:13:15,510 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
22:13:15,554 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
22:13:15,559 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
22:13:15,561 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
22:13:15,561 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
22:13:15,717 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
22:13:15,728 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
22:13:15,729 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
22:13:15,736 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
22:13:15,870 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
22:13:15,917 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
22:13:15,918 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
22:13:15,918 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
22:13:15,918 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) pinging device 255
22:13:15,918 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
22:13:15,918 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[10 FF 001F 0000F6]
22:13:15,921 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 001F 0402F600000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,922 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 00010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,925 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 01000100000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,926 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0109 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,929 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0109 12000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,930 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 10000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,934 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,935 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 10040000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,938 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,939 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 10010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,941 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,942 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 43010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,945 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,946 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => []
22:13:15,947 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 00030000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,951 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 03000200000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,951 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0308 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,953 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0308 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
22:13:15,953 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 21200000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,955 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,955 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 21300000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,957 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,958 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 21210000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,961 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,961 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 21100000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,963 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,963 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 21110000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,965 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,965 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 21500000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,967 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,967 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 81000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,969 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,969 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
22:13:15,969 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 80600000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,971 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,971 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B0D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,974 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B0D 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,975 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
22:13:15,975 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 22050000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,977 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,978 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 22010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,981 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,982 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A18 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,985 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A18 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
22:13:15,989 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
22:13:15,990 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 1B040000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,993 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,994 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 19820000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,997 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:15,998 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 19830000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,001 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,003 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 40A00000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,005 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,006 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 40A20000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,009 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,010 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 40A30000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,014 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,015 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 1C000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,018 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,019 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 45210000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,022 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,023 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 46000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,025 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,026 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 80100000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,031 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,032 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 80200000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,035 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,036 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 80300000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,039 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,040 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 45310000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,043 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,044 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 45300000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,047 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,048 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 18140000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,051 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,051 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 65010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,055 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,057 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 83000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,060 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,061 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 83100000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,066 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,087 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer']}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:16,089 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
22:13:16,091 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
22:13:16,092 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,093 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C2A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,099 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C2A 01000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,109 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:16,111 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings write NamedInt(1, 'Enable') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,112 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(Enable) => b'\x01'
22:13:16,112 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C1E 01000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,116 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C1E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,119 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
22:13:16,120 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,121 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B1F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,124 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B1F 02000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,136 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:16,137 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings write NamedInt(2, '2') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,137 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(2) => b'\x02'
22:13:16,137 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B2D 02000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,139 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF FF0B 2D020000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,140 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B2D}: 2 = invalid argument
22:13:16,141 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 2 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
22:13:16,141 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
22:13:16,141 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,142 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A29 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,146 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A29 00096003E80000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,153 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:16,154 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings write NamedInt(2400, '2400') to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,154 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(2400) => b'\x00\t`'
22:13:16,154 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A39 00096000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,157 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A39 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,158 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
22:13:16,160 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
22:13:16,167 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
22:13:16,170 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw4', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
22:13:16,171 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) pinging device 255
22:13:16,171 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
22:13:16,171 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 001A 00007400000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,168 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
22:13:16,172 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
22:13:16,177 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 001A 04027400000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,179 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 00010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,185 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 01000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,186 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 010F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,190 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 010F 06000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,190 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 10000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,194 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,195 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 10040000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,199 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,200 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 10010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,204 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,205 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 43010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,210 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,211 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 00030000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,215 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 02000200000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,216 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 020A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,220 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 020A 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
22:13:16,221 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 21200000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,224 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,224 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 21300000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,230 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,231 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 21210000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,234 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,235 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 21100000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,240 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,240 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 21110000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,244 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,245 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 21500000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,250 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,251 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 81000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,255 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,255 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 80600000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,261 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,262 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 22050000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,265 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,266 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 22010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,270 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,270 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 1B040000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,274 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,275 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 19820000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,280 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,281 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 19830000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,285 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,287 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 40A00000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,290 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,291 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 40A20000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,294 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,295 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000E 40A30000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,299 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,300 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 1C000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,305 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,306 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 45210000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,309 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,311 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 46000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,314 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,315 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 80100000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,319 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,321 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 80200000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,324 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,325 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 80300000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,329 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,330 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 45310000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,334 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,334 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 45300000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,340 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,340 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 18140000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,345 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,345 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 65010000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,349 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,350 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 83000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,355 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 05000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,356 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
22:13:16,356 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 83100000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,360 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 04000100000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,361 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0408 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,405 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0408 0A0C0100000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,406 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,450 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041F 0000200040007D00FA01F403E807D000]
22:13:16,455 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041C 07000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,500 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041C 070FA01F403E80000000000000000000]
22:13:16,501 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature equalizer [EQUALIZER] detected <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>
22:13:16,518 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params']}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:16,519 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>, <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>]
22:13:16,519 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
22:13:16,519 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:16,520 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0509 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,563 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0509 12000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,567 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:16,567 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings write 18 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:16,567 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(18) => b'\x12'
22:13:16,567 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 051C 12000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,608 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 051C 12000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,608 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
22:13:16,608 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:16,609 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 042B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,667 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 042B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
22:13:16,681 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], 'sidetone': 18, 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:16,682 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings write {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:16,683 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
22:13:16,684 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (14)
22:13:16,685 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (14)
22:13:16,685 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
22:13:16,688 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
22:13:16,794 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
22:13:16,795 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
22:13:16,795 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
22:13:16,799 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw8', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
22:13:16,801 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
22:13:16,810 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read NamedInt(1, 'Enable') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,820 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read NamedInt(2, '2') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,874 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read NamedInt(2400, '2400') from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
22:13:16,877 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
22:13:16,877 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
22:13:16,877 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
22:13:16,879 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
22:13:16,880 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
22:13:16,880 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
22:13:16,880 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
22:13:16,881 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw4', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
22:13:16,882 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
22:13:16,882 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
22:13:16,882 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
22:13:18,251 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
22:13:18,259 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 18 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:18,286 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:23,950 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], 'sidetone': 18, 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, '_sensitive': {'equalizer': 'ignore'}}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:24,784 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], 'sidetone': 18, 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:24,785 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings write {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:24,789 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], 'sidetone': 18, 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:27,927 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings write key 0 value 10 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:27,928 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings write {0: 10, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:27,945 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], 'sidetone': 18, 'equalizer': {0: 10, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
22:13:29,320 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings write key 0 value 0 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:29,320 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings write {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
22:13:29,353 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], 'onboard_profiles': NamedInt(1, 'Enable'), 'report_rate': NamedInt(2, '2'), 'dpi': NamedInt(2400, '2400')}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], 'sidetone': 18, 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
The config file:
- 1.1.3
- _NAME: G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse
_absent: [hi-res-scroll, lowres-scroll-mode, hires-smooth-invert, hires-smooth-resolution, hires-scroll-mode, smart-shift, thumb-scroll-invert, thumb-scroll-mode,
pointer_speed, dpi-sliding, speed-change, mouse-gestures, backlight, backlight-timed, fn-swap, reprogrammable-keys, persistent-remappable-keys, divert-keys,
disable-keyboard-keys, crown-smooth, divert-crown, divert-gkeys, m-key-leds, mr-key-led, multiplatform, change-host, gesture2-gestures, gesture2-divert,
gesture2-params, sidetone, equalizer]
_modelId: C08B00000000
_unitId: 3539470D
dpi: 2400
onboard_profiles: 1
report_rate: 2
- _NAME: Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset
_absent: [hi-res-scroll, lowres-scroll-mode, hires-smooth-invert, hires-smooth-resolution, hires-scroll-mode, smart-shift, thumb-scroll-invert, thumb-scroll-mode,
onboard_profiles, report_rate, pointer_speed, dpi, dpi-sliding, speed-change, mouse-gestures, backlight, backlight-timed, fn-swap, reprogrammable-keys,
persistent-remappable-keys, divert-keys, disable-keyboard-keys, crown-smooth, divert-crown, divert-gkeys, m-key-leds, mr-key-led, multiplatform, change-host,
gesture2-gestures, gesture2-divert, gesture2-params]
_modelId: 000000000ABA
_sensitive: {equalizer: true}
equalizer: {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}
sidetone: 18
That looks better, but I'm not sure that the equalizer changes are being correctly written to the device. Please download the PR again. Then run bin/solaar -ddd
, change a couple of equalizer values, and post the output. Try changing an equalizer setting from its min to its max and listen for a change (probably while playing music). You don't have to remove the config file.
Yeah, the equalizer has no effect on the music.
23:07:06,585 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 23:07:06.717: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
23:07:06,720 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
23:07:06,720 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
23:07:06,845 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
23:07:06,852 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
23:07:06,863 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
23:07:06,866 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
23:07:06,867 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
23:07:06,867 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
23:07:06,943 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
23:07:06,944 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
23:07:06,945 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
23:07:06,945 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
23:07:07,060 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
23:07:07,089 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
23:07:07,091 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
23:07:07,092 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
23:07:07,093 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) pinging device 255
23:07:07,093 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
23:07:07,093 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[10 FF 001A 000039]
23:07:07,095 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 001A 04023900000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,095 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 00010000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,097 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 01000100000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,098 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 010D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,101 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 010D 12000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,101 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 10000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,103 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,104 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 10040000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,105 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,106 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 10010000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,109 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,110 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 43010000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,114 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,125 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}]
23:07:07,125 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 00030000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,129 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 03000200000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,130 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 030A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,133 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 030A 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
23:07:07,134 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 81000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,137 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,137 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
23:07:07,138 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 80600000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,141 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,142 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B0C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,145 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B0C 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,146 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
23:07:07,146 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 22010000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,149 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,150 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A1D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,151 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A1D 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
23:07:07,152 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
23:07:07,153 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
23:07:07,153 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
23:07:07,153 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,153 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: setting write 1 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,153 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(1) => b'\x01'
23:07:07,153 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C1D 01000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,155 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C1D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,156 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
23:07:07,156 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,156 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: setting write 2 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,156 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(2) => b'\x02'
23:07:07,156 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B28 02000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,159 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF FF0B 28020000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,161 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B28}: 2 = invalid argument
23:07:07,161 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 2 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
23:07:07,161 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
23:07:07,161 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,162 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: setting write 2400 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,162 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(2400) => b'\x00\t`'
23:07:07,162 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A3F 00096000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,165 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A3F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,165 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
23:07:07,166 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
23:07:07,166 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
23:07:07,166 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
23:07:07,167 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
23:07:07,168 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw4', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
23:07:07,168 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) pinging device 255
23:07:07,168 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
23:07:07,168 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 001B 00005400000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,173 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 001B 04025400000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,173 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 00010000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,178 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 01000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,179 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 010D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,183 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 010D 06000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,184 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 10000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,188 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,189 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 10040000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,194 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,194 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 10010000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,198 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,199 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 43010000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,203 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,204 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 00030000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,208 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 02000200000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,209 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 020F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,213 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 020F 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
23:07:07,214 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 83000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,224 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 05000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,225 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
23:07:07,225 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 83100000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,229 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 04000100000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,230 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 040F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,272 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 040F 0A0C0100000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,273 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0418 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,319 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0418 0000200040007D00FA01F403E807D000]
23:07:07,324 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041A 07000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,368 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041A 070FA01F403E80000000000000000000]
23:07:07,372 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature equalizer [EQUALIZER] detected <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>
23:07:07,372 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>, <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>]
23:07:07,373 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
23:07:07,373 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:07,374 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: setting write 18 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:07,374 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(18) => b'\x12'
23:07:07,374 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 051E 12000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,422 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 051E 12000000000000000000000000000000]
23:07:07,422 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
23:07:07,422 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:07,423 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:07,423 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:07:07,423 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
23:07:07,424 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (14)
23:07:07,425 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (14)
23:07:07,425 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
23:07:07,428 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
23:07:07,477 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
23:07:07,477 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
23:07:07,478 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
23:07:07,483 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw8', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
23:07:07,484 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
23:07:07,492 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read 1 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,494 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read 2 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,517 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read 2400 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:07:07,524 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
23:07:07,525 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
23:07:07,525 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
23:07:07,526 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
23:07:07,527 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
23:07:07,527 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
23:07:07,528 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
23:07:07,528 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw4', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
23:07:07,529 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
23:07:07,529 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
23:07:07,529 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
23:07:08,968 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
23:07:08,975 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 18 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:09,005 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:14,071 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 0 value -12 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:14,071 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: -12, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:14,111 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: -12, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
23:07:14,112 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:07:16,681 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 0 value 12 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:16,681 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 12, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:16,686 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
23:07:16,686 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:07:19,777 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 0 value 0 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:19,778 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:07:19,800 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
23:07:19,801 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
^CThread 0x00007fdb9c9af640 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/hidapi/", line 363 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 266 in _read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 237 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 172 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Thread 0x00007fdb9d2bd640 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/hidapi/", line 363 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 266 in _read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 237 in read
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 172 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Thread 0x00007fdb9dabe640 (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 320 in wait
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 171 in get
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 60 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Current thread 0x00007fdba525e740 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 127 in _handlesigint
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/", line 92 in signal_notify
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/overrides/", line 42 in run
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 177 in run_loop
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 169 in main
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/bin/solaar", line 55 in <module>
solaar: exit due to keyboard interrupt
Something is going wrong when trying to write.
I can't figure out what is going wrong, but I put in some debugging print statements. Download the PR, run `bin/solaar -ddd', try changing several equalizer settings, and post the output.
23:37:23,809 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 23:37:24.091: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
23:37:24,095 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
23:37:24,095 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
23:37:24,308 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
23:37:24,319 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
23:37:24,356 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
23:37:24,360 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
23:37:24,361 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
23:37:24,362 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
23:37:24,491 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
23:37:24,491 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
23:37:24,491 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
23:37:24,492 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
23:37:24,594 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
23:37:24,620 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
23:37:24,621 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
23:37:24,621 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
23:37:24,621 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) pinging device 255
23:37:24,621 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
23:37:24,621 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[10 FF 001F 000083]
23:37:24,625 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 001F 04028300000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,626 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 00010000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,629 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 01000100000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,630 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0108 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,635 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0108 12000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,636 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 10000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,639 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,639 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 10040000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,641 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,642 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 10010000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,645 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,646 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 43010000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,649 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,671 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}]
23:37:24,671 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 00030000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,673 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 03000200000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,673 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 030A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,675 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 030A 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
23:37:24,676 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 81000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,679 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,680 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
23:37:24,680 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 80600000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,683 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,684 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B0B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,687 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B0B 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,687 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
23:37:24,687 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 22010000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,689 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,689 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A1F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,691 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A1F 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
23:37:24,699 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
23:37:24,699 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
23:37:24,700 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
23:37:24,700 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:24,700 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: setting write 1 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:24,700 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(1) => b'\x01'
23:37:24,701 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C1A 01000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,703 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C1A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,703 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
23:37:24,703 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:24,703 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: setting write 2 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:24,703 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(2) => b'\x02'
23:37:24,703 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B2A 02000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,705 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF FF0B 2A020000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,705 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B2A}: 2 = invalid argument
23:37:24,705 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 2 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
23:37:24,705 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
23:37:24,705 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:24,705 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: setting write 2400 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:24,705 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(2400) => b'\x00\t`'
23:37:24,706 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A3B 00096000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,709 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A3B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,709 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
23:37:24,711 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
23:37:24,712 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
23:37:24,712 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
23:37:24,717 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
23:37:24,717 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw4', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
23:37:24,718 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) pinging device 255
23:37:24,718 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
23:37:24,719 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 001F 00005D00000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,725 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 001F 04025D00000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,726 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 00010000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,729 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 01000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,730 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 010D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,734 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 010D 06000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,734 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 10000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,739 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,739 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 10040000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,744 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,745 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 10010000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,749 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,750 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 43010000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,754 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,754 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 00030000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,759 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 02000200000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,760 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 020D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,764 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 020D 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
23:37:24,765 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000C 83000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,770 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000C 05000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,771 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
23:37:24,771 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 83100000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,775 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 04000100000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,776 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0409 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,820 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0409 0A0C0100000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,821 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,865 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041A 0000200040007D00FA01F403E807D000]
23:37:24,870 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041E 07000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,915 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041E 070FA01F403E80000000000000000000]
23:37:24,918 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature equalizer [EQUALIZER] detected <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>
23:37:24,919 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>, <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>]
23:37:24,920 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
23:37:24,920 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:24,920 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: setting write 18 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:24,921 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(18) => b'\x12'
23:37:24,921 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0518 12000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,964 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0518 12000000000000000000000000000000]
23:37:24,964 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
23:37:24,965 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:24,965 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
RVPW 10 [b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
RVPW 10 None
WRITE {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} None
23:37:24,966 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:37:24,966 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
23:37:24,967 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (14)
23:37:24,968 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (14)
23:37:24,968 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw4] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
23:37:24,973 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
23:37:25,066 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
23:37:25,067 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
23:37:25,068 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
23:37:25,072 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw8', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
23:37:25,074 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
23:37:25,078 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read 1 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:25,080 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read 2 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:25,124 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read 2400 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
23:37:25,128 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
23:37:25,128 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
23:37:25,129 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
23:37:25,130 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
23:37:25,131 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
23:37:25,132 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
23:37:25,132 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
23:37:25,134 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw4', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
23:37:25,134 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
23:37:25,134 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
23:37:25,135 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
23:37:28,053 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
23:37:28,061 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 18 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:28,096 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:31,286 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 0 value -12 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:31,287 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: -12, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:31,318 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: -12, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
RVPW 10 [b'\xf4', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
RVPW 10 None
WRITE {0: -12, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: -12, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} None
23:37:31,319 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:37:32,524 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 0 value 0 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:32,524 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:32,530 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
RVPW 10 [b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
RVPW 10 None
WRITE {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} None
23:37:32,530 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:37:33,020 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 1 value 6 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:33,020 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 6, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:33,060 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 6, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
RVPW 10 [b'\x00', b'\x06', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
RVPW 10 None
WRITE {0: 0, 1: 6, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 0, 1: 6, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} None
23:37:33,061 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:37:34,287 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 1 value 1 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:34,287 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:34,322 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
RVPW 10 [b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
RVPW 10 None
WRITE {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} None
23:37:34,324 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:37:36,262 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 3 value 11 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:36,263 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 11, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:36,308 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 11, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
RVPW 10 [b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x0b', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
RVPW 10 None
WRITE {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 11, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 11, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} None
23:37:36,311 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
23:37:37,617 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 3 value 0 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:37,617 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
23:37:37,635 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
RVPW 10 [b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
RVPW 10 None
WRITE {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} None
23:37:37,636 WARNING [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting no data to write
Ooh, tripped up by Python yet again. The fix is simple.
Yet another version of the PR. Same instructions.
Sorry for taking that long. Now, when changing the values of a slider it errors out:
16:00:29,699 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 16:00:29.851: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
16:00:29,854 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
16:00:29,854 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
16:00:29,999 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
16:00:30,008 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
16:00:30,022 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
16:00:30,027 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
16:00:30,029 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
16:00:30,030 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
16:00:30,138 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
16:00:30,139 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
16:00:30,139 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
16:00:30,141 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
16:00:30,242 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
16:00:30,273 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
16:00:30,275 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
16:00:30,275 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
16:00:30,275 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.device: open DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 458, in open
handle = _base.open_path(device_info.path)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 161, in open_path
return _hid.open_path(path)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/hidapi/", line 294, in open_path
return, _os.O_RDWR | _os.O_SYNC)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/hidraw8'
16:00:30,281 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
16:00:30,282 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw5', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
16:00:30,282 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.device: open DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw5', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 458, in open
handle = _base.open_path(device_info.path)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 161, in open_path
return _hid.open_path(path)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/hidapi/", line 294, in open_path
return, _os.O_RDWR | _os.O_SYNC)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/hidraw5'
16:00:30,288 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
16:00:30,346 ERROR [MainThread] solaar.ui: error: permissions /dev/hidraw8
16:00:30,370 ERROR [MainThread] solaar.ui: error: permissions /dev/hidraw5
^CThread 0x00007f85609be640 (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 320 in wait
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 171 in get
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 60 in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016 in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 973 in _bootstrap
Current thread 0x00007f85681c9740 (most recent call first):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 127 in _handlesigint
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/", line 92 in signal_notify
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gi/overrides/", line 42 in run
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 177 in run_loop
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/", line 169 in main
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/bin/solaar", line 55 in <module>
solaar: exit due to keyboard interrupt
~/Downloads/Solaar master ⇡7 30s 16:00:59
❯ bin/solaar -ddd
16:01:00,409 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 16:01:00.536: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
16:01:00,538 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
16:01:00,538 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
16:01:00,661 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
16:01:00,668 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
16:01:00,679 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
16:01:00,684 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
16:01:00,685 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
16:01:00,686 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
16:01:00,750 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
16:01:00,751 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
16:01:00,752 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
16:01:00,753 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
16:01:00,838 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
16:01:00,873 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
16:01:00,874 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
16:01:00,874 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
16:01:00,874 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) pinging device 255
16:01:00,874 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
16:01:00,874 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[10 FF 0018 000031]
16:01:00,878 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0018 04023100000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,879 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 00010000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,882 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 01000100000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,882 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0108 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,886 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0108 12000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,886 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 10000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,887 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,888 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 10040000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,889 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,890 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000D 10010000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,891 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,892 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 43010000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,894 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,948 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}]
16:01:00,949 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 00030000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,952 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 03000200000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,952 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0309 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,956 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0309 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
16:01:00,957 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000B 81000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,960 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000B 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,960 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
16:01:00,961 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 80600000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,964 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,965 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B09 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,968 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B09 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,968 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
16:01:00,969 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000A 22010000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,972 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000A 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,972 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A1D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,975 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A1D 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
16:01:00,982 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
16:01:00,983 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
16:01:00,984 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
16:01:00,985 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:00,985 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: setting write 1 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:00,986 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(1) => b'\x01'
16:01:00,986 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C1F 01000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,990 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C1F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,991 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
16:01:00,991 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:00,991 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: setting write 2 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:00,991 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(2) => b'\x02'
16:01:00,991 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B2F 02000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,994 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF FF0B 2F020000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,994 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B2F}: 2 = invalid argument
16:01:00,995 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 2 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
16:01:00,995 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
16:01:00,995 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:00,995 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: setting write 2400 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:00,996 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(2400) => b'\x00\t`'
16:01:00,996 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A3C 00096000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:00,999 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A3C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,000 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
16:01:01,001 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
16:01:01,001 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
16:01:01,002 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
16:01:01,006 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
16:01:01,008 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw5', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
16:01:01,008 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) pinging device 255
16:01:01,009 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
16:01:01,009 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 001C 0000E200000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,012 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 001C 0402E200000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,013 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 00010000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,018 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 01000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,018 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 010C 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,023 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 010C 06000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,023 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 10000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,028 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,028 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 10040000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,033 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,034 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 10010000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,038 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,038 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 43010000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,042 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,043 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000A 00030000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,049 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000A 02000200000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,050 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 020E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,053 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 020E 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
16:01:01,053 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 83000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,057 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 05000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,058 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
16:01:01,058 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 83100000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,062 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 04000100000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,063 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0409 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,106 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0409 0A0C0100000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,107 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0418 00000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,153 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0418 0000200040007D00FA01F403E807D000]
16:01:01,155 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0418 07000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,198 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0418 070FA01F403E80000000000000000000]
16:01:01,201 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature equalizer [EQUALIZER] detected <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>
16:01:01,201 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>, <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>]
16:01:01,202 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
16:01:01,202 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:01,202 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: setting write 18 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:01,202 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(18) => b'\x12'
16:01:01,203 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0518 12000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,248 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0518 12000000000000000000000000000000]
16:01:01,249 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
16:01:01,249 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:01,249 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
PW [b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
PW [b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
WRITE {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} [b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
16:01:01,249 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting prepare map write({0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}) => [b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
16:01:01,250 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: error applying value {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} so ignore it (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
16:01:01,251 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
16:01:01,252 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (14)
16:01:01,252 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (14)
16:01:01,252 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
16:01:01,254 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
16:01:01,312 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
16:01:01,315 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
16:01:01,318 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
16:01:01,344 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw8', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
16:01:01,346 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
16:01:01,355 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read 1 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:01,358 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read 2 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:01,396 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read 2400 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
16:01:01,402 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
16:01:01,403 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
16:01:01,403 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
16:01:01,405 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
16:01:01,407 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
16:01:01,408 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
16:01:01,408 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
16:01:01,409 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw5', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
16:01:01,410 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
16:01:01,410 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
16:01:01,410 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
16:01:03,340 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
16:01:03,351 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 18 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:03,375 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:36,261 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 0 value 12 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:36,261 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:36,281 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
PW [b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
PW [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
WRITE {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
16:01:36,282 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting prepare map write({0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}) => [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
16:01:36,282 INFO [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: New lock <_ThreadedHandle(/dev/hidraw5)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 53, in _do_write
v = setting.write_key_value(key, v)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 723, in write_key_value
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 706, in write
reply = self._rw.write(self._device, data_bytes)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 769, in write
reply = device.feature_request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 412, in feature_request
return _hidpp20.feature_request(self, feature, function, *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1106, in feature_request
return device.request((feature_index << 8) + (function & 0xFF), *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 400, in request
return _base.request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 410, in request
params = b''.join(_pack('B', p) if isinstance(p, int) else p for p in params)
TypeError: sequence item 1: expected a bytes-like object, list found
16:01:40,125 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': 'ignore'}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
16:01:40,912 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
16:01:40,913 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:40,928 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
PW [b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
PW [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
WRITE {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
16:01:40,928 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting prepare map write({0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}) => [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 51, in _do_write
v = setting.write(v)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 706, in write
reply = self._rw.write(self._device, data_bytes)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 769, in write
reply = device.feature_request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 412, in feature_request
return _hidpp20.feature_request(self, feature, function, *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1106, in feature_request
return device.request((feature_index << 8) + (function & 0xFF), *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 400, in request
return _base.request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 410, in request
params = b''.join(_pack('B', p) if isinstance(p, int) else p for p in params)
TypeError: sequence item 1: expected a bytes-like object, list found
16:01:41,904 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': 'ignore'}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
16:01:42,347 INFO [MainThread] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
16:01:42,348 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
16:01:42,359 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
PW [b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
PW [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
WRITE {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} {0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
16:01:42,359 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting prepare map write({0: 12, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}) => [b'\x00', b'\x0c', b'\x01', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00', b'\x00']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 51, in _do_write
v = setting.write(v)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 706, in write
reply = self._rw.write(self._device, data_bytes)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 769, in write
reply = device.feature_request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 412, in feature_request
return _hidpp20.feature_request(self, feature, function, *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1106, in feature_request
return device.request((feature_index << 8) + (function & 0xFF), *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 400, in request
return _base.request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 410, in request
params = b''.join(_pack('B', p) if isinstance(p, int) else p for p in params)
TypeError: sequence item 1: expected a bytes-like object, list found
I thought that Python would be forgiving here, but it looks like it is being picky.
Yet another version of the PR. Same instructions.
It saved the slider position (when Solaar is rerun) so they are written to the config file but it still errors out:
18:21:59,076 INFO [MainThread] root: language en_US (UTF-8), translations path None
Gtk-Message: 18:21:59.199: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
18:21:59,201 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: Solaar udev file not found in expected location
18:21:59,201 WARNING [MainThread] solaar.gtk: See for more information
18:21:59,324 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.diversion: GDK Keymap set up
18:21:59,331 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: using StatusIcon
18:21:59,341 INFO [MainThread] solaar.upower: connected to system dbus, watching for suspend/resume events
18:21:59,344 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: startup registered=True, remote=False
18:21:59,345 DEBUG [AsyncUI] solaar.tasks: started
18:21:59,345 INFO [MainThread] solaar.ui.notify: starting desktop notifications
18:21:59,399 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: sys.path[0] = /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib
18:21:59,400 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/icons
18:21:59,400 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: looking for icons in /home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons
18:21:59,400 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: icon theme paths: ['/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/share/solaar/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/home/jonas_jones/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/pixmaps', '/usr/local/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/pixmaps']
18:21:59,462 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: starting receiver listening threads
18:21:59,495 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 0 FILTER 1
18:21:59,496 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 0000C08B INTERFACE 1 FILTER 1
18:21:59,496 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw8', vendor_id='046D', product_id='C08B', serial='0D7E39603034', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=1, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
18:21:59,497 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) pinging device 255
18:21:59,497 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 13
18:21:59,497 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[10 FF 001F 0000C3]
18:21:59,500 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 001F 0402C300000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,501 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 00010000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,502 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 01000100000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,503 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 010F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,504 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 010F 12000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,505 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000E 10000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,506 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,506 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 10040000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,508 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,509 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 10010000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,510 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,511 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000F 43010000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,514 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,523 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.configuration: load => ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 12, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}]
18:21:59,523 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0009 00030000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,526 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0009 03000200000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,526 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 030B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,528 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 030B 023539470D0008C08B00000000000000]
18:21:59,529 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 81000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,533 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 0C000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,533 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature onboard_profiles [ONBOARD PROFILES] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>
18:21:59,534 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0008 80600000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,536 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0008 0B000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,536 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B08 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,538 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0B08 8B000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,538 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature report_rate [REPORT RATE] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>
18:21:59,539 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 000C 22010000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,540 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 000C 0A000100000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,540 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A1D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,542 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A1D 000064E0326400000000000000000000]
18:21:59,545 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature dpi [ADJUSTABLE DPI] detected <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>
18:21:59,545 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:onboard_profiles=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:report_rate=None)>, <Setting([feature:choice] G502 Hero:dpi=None)>]
18:21:59,545 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
18:21:59,545 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,546 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: setting write 1 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,546 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings prepare write(1) => b'\x01'
18:21:59,546 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0C1B 01000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,548 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0C1B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,549 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
18:21:59,549 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,549 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: setting write 2 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,549 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings prepare write(2) => b'\x02'
18:21:59,549 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0B2C 02000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,552 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF FF0B 2C020000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,553 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) device 255 error on feature request {0B2C}: 2 = invalid argument
18:21:59,553 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: error applying value 2 so ignore it (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
18:21:59,553 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: apply None (<Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>)
18:21:59,553 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read None from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,553 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: setting write 2400 to <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,553 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings prepare write(2400) => b'\x00\t`'
18:21:59,553 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) <= w[11 FF 0A3E 00096000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,556 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (13) => r[11 FF 0A3E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,556 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
18:21:59,557 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (13)
18:21:59,557 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: notifications listener has started (13)
18:21:59,557 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw8] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
18:21:59,558 DEBUG [MainThread] hidapi.udev: Found device BID 0003 VID 0000046D PID 00000ABA INTERFACE 3 FILTER 3
18:21:59,559 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: receiver event add DeviceInfo(path='/dev/hidraw5', vendor_id='046D', product_id='0ABA', serial='', release=None, manufacturer=None, product=None, interface=3, driver='hid-generic', bus_id=3, isDevice=True)
18:21:59,559 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) pinging device 255
18:21:59,559 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: New lock 14
18:21:59,559 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0019 00000900000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,563 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0019 04020900000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,563 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 00010000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,567 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 01000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,568 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 010D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,573 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 010D 06000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,574 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000D 10000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,579 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000D 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,579 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000F 10040000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,582 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000F 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,583 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 10010000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,588 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,588 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 43010000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,593 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,593 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 000B 00030000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,598 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 000B 02000200000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,598 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 020A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,602 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 020A 01FFFFFFFF0003000000000ABA000000]
18:21:59,603 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0009 83000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,607 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0009 05000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,608 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature sidetone [SIDETONE] detected <Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>
18:21:59,608 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0008 83100000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,612 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0008 04000100000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,613 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 040E 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,660 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 040E 0A0C0100000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,660 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041A 00000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,705 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041A 0000200040007D00FA01F403E807D000]
18:21:59,707 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 041C 07000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,750 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 041C 070FA01F403E80000000000000000000]
18:21:59,751 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings_templates: check_feature equalizer [EQUALIZER] detected <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>
18:21:59,752 INFO [MainThread] logitech_receiver.status: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> pushing device settings [<Setting([feature:range] PRO Headset:sidetone=None)>, <Setting([feature:packed range] PRO Headset:equalizer=None)>]
18:21:59,752 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
18:21:59,752 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
18:21:59,752 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: setting write 18 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
18:21:59,752 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings prepare write(18) => b'\x12'
18:21:59,753 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0519 12000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,800 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF 0519 12000000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,800 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: apply None (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
18:21:59,800 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read None from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
18:21:59,800 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 12, 1: 12, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
18:21:59,801 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting prepare map write({0: 12, 1: 12, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}) => b'\x00\x0c\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
18:21:59,801 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) <= w[11 FF 0438 000C0C00000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,844 DEBUG [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF FF04 38020000000000000000000000000000]
18:21:59,845 ERROR [MainThread] logitech_receiver.base: (14) device 255 error on feature request {0438}: 2 = invalid argument
18:21:59,845 WARNING [MainThread] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: error applying value {0: 12, 1: 12, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} so ignore it (<Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>)
18:21:59,845 INFO [MainThread] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {} (0) initialization
18:21:59,846 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] logitech_receiver.listener: started with <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (14)
18:21:59,846 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] solaar.listener: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: notifications listener has started (14)
18:21:59,847 INFO [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] solaar.listener: status_changed <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>: paired online, {'NOTIFICATION FLAGS': False} (0)
18:21:59,849 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: activate
18:21:59,898 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) initialization
18:21:59,899 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
18:21:59,899 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
18:21:59,907 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw8', 255, True, 'G502 Hero', 'input-mouse', None, None, <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>) at index 0
18:21:59,909 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
18:21:59,911 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: onboard_profiles: settings read 1 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,914 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: report_rate: settings read 2 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,947 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: dpi: settings read 2400 from <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)>
18:21:59,949 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,C08B,G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse,)> (NONE) None
18:21:59,949 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
18:21:59,949 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
18:21:59,950 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
18:21:59,951 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) initialization
18:21:59,952 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
18:21:59,952 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
18:21:59,953 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.window: new device row ('/dev/hidraw5', 255, True, 'PRO Headset', 'audio-headset', None, None, <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>) at index 0
18:21:59,953 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui: status changed: <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)> (NONE) None
18:21:59,953 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:None = battery-missing
18:21:59,953 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.tray: picked device with lowest battery: None
18:22:01,475 DEBUG [MainThread] solaar.ui.icons: battery icon for None:False = battery-missing
18:22:01,483 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: sidetone: settings read 18 from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
18:22:01,496 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: settings read {0: 12, 1: 12, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} from <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
18:22:05,166 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write key 2 value -12 to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
18:22:05,166 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting write {0: 12, 1: 12, 2: -12, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0} to <Device(255,0ABA,Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset,)>
18:22:05,178 INFO [AsyncUI] solaar.configuration: saved ['1.1.3', {'_NAME': 'G502 SE Hero Gaming Mouse', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params', 'sidetone', 'equalizer'], '_modelId': 'C08B00000000', '_unitId': '3539470D', 'dpi': 2400, 'onboard_profiles': 1, 'report_rate': 2}, {'_NAME': 'Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset', '_absent': ['hi-res-scroll', 'lowres-scroll-mode', 'hires-smooth-invert', 'hires-smooth-resolution', 'hires-scroll-mode', 'smart-shift', 'thumb-scroll-invert', 'thumb-scroll-mode', 'onboard_profiles', 'report_rate', 'pointer_speed', 'dpi', 'dpi-sliding', 'speed-change', 'mouse-gestures', 'backlight', 'backlight-timed', 'fn-swap', 'reprogrammable-keys', 'persistent-remappable-keys', 'divert-keys', 'disable-keyboard-keys', 'crown-smooth', 'divert-crown', 'divert-gkeys', 'm-key-leds', 'mr-key-led', 'multiplatform', 'change-host', 'gesture2-gestures', 'gesture2-divert', 'gesture2-params'], '_modelId': '000000000ABA', '_sensitive': {'equalizer': True}, '_unitId': 'FFFFFFFF', 'equalizer': {0: 12, 1: 12, 2: -12, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}, 'sidetone': 18}] to /home/jonas_jones/.config/solaar/config.yaml
18:22:05,178 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.settings: equalizer: range field setting prepare map write({0: 12, 1: 12, 2: -12, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}) => b'\x00\x0c\x0c\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
18:22:05,179 INFO [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: New lock <_ThreadedHandle(/dev/hidraw5)>
18:22:05,179 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (22) <= w[11 FF 043E 000C0CF4000000000000000000000000]
18:22:05,224 DEBUG [ReceiverListener:hidraw5] logitech_receiver.base: (14) => r[11 FF FF04 3E020000000000000000000000000000]
18:22:05,224 DEBUG [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (22) => r[11 FF FF04 3E020000000000000000000000000000]
18:22:05,225 ERROR [AsyncUI] logitech_receiver.base: (22) device 255 error on feature request {043E}: 2 = invalid argument
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/solaar/ui/", line 53, in _do_write
v = setting.write_key_value(key, v)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 722, in write_key_value
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 705, in write
reply = self._rw.write(self._device, data_bytes)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 768, in write
reply = device.feature_request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 412, in feature_request
return _hidpp20.feature_request(self, feature, function, *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 1106, in feature_request
return device.request((feature_index << 8) + (function & 0xFF), *params, no_reply=no_reply)
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 400, in request
return _base.request(
File "/home/jonas_jones/Downloads/Solaar/lib/logitech_receiver/", line 456, in request
raise _hidpp20.FeatureCallError(number=devnumber, request=request_id, error=error, params=params)
logitech_receiver.hidpp20.FeatureCallError: {'number': 255, 'request': 1086, 'error': 2, 'params': b'\x00\x0c\x0c\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'}
solaar --version
andgit describe --tags
): solaar 1.1.3uname -srmo
): Linux 5.17.9-arch1-1 x86_64 GNU/Linuxsolaar show
for the target device (if applicable):USB and Bluetooth Devices
1: Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset Device path : /dev/hidraw0 USB id : 046d:0ABA Codename : PRO Headset Kind : headset Protocol : HID++ 4.2 Serial number: Model ID: 000000000ABA Unit ID: FFFFFFFF Firmware: U1 12.01.B0203 Supports 7 HID++ 2.0 features: 0: ROOT {0000}
1: FEATURE SET {0001}
Firmware: Firmware U1 12.01.B0203 0ABA Unit ID: FFFFFFFF Model ID: 000000000ABA Transport IDs: {'btid': '0000', 'btleid': '0000'} 3: DEVICE NAME {0005}
Name: PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset Kind: None 4: EQUALIZER {8310}
5: SIDETONE {8300}
Battery status unavailable.
solaar: error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/solaar/cli/", line 205, in run, args, _find_receiver, _find_device) File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/solaar/cli/", line 164, in run raise Exception('no settings for %s' % Exception: no settings for Logitech PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset