Individual planned expenditures must be related to individual activities but are generally high level commitments rather than a detailed breakdown of the activity budget. This is only expected if the activity is at least in the implementation phase.
Existing tests
transaction/transaction-type[@code='C'] or transaction/transaction-type[@code='2'] exists (if activity-status/@code is at least 2)?
No issues have been identified.
2016 Aid Transparency Index test
We are not planning to change this test in 2016.
Note: this test was updated for the 2015 Reviews. The change was to make it compatible with v2.01 of the Standard.
Description Individual planned expenditures must be related to individual activities but are generally high level commitments rather than a detailed breakdown of the activity budget. This is only expected if the activity is at least in the implementation phase.
Existing tests
Issues No issues have been identified.
2016 Aid Transparency Index test We are not planning to change this test in 2016.
Note: this test was updated for the 2015 Reviews. The change was to make it compatible with v2.01 of the Standard.