py2many / py2many

Transpiler of Python to many other languages
MIT License
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Look into using pylib for nim #229

Open adsharma opened 3 years ago

adsharma commented 3 years ago

pynim/, visit_print() etc could be simplified using this library

adsharma commented 3 years ago

Similar library for rust:

jayvdb commented 3 years ago

IMO, use it, but have a fairly strict rule about when to use it, and when not to, and then break the rule as necessary to reach the goal quicker and leave a comment each time the rule is broken.

Something like: Only use helpers for Python functionality that is not feasible to reproduce using a few lines of the target language usings its stdlib.

i.e. we should inline routines where a person would normally inline routines, and use external libs where a person would normally do it, and err slightly on the side of inlining vs invoking external code, as surely one of the goals of py2many is to show people how to (correctly..?) rewrite Python logic into other languages.

jayvdb commented 5 months ago

That library is still seeing a lot of development.

It looks like it will allow with open(...) and with NamedTemporaryFile() without any plugins, as it allows using Python names and (apparently) Python behaviour.

litlighilit commented 1 week ago

Hello, while it's sad that the original url of pylib: is 404...

yet nimpylib is still alive and even more active! new link here -> [^wiki]

That library is still seeing a lot of development

Now the newly born repo has implemented quite few more Python-like features, as well as some stdlibs.

[^wiki]: here's the history if you're interested.

litlighilit commented 1 week ago

I'm coming when planning about this issue, and wonder if there would be some cooperation between two repos. :)

jayvdb commented 1 week ago

Thanks for advising us of the new project; great to see it is alive.

Unfortunately py2many is not so active at the moment.

However, I can review PRs and organise a new release of py2many if you are wanting to use it as a pre-processor of Python.

py2many has the ability for each language transpiler to add Python -> Python-like transformers, so doing print(... , end=..) -> print(... , endl=..) is trivial.

adsharma commented 3 days ago

With mojo as a new entrant into this area, this idea of rewriting python stdlib from scratch without using C-API has taken a life of its own. Mojo seems to be doing it, not suprisingly in mojo. But the lack of a mojo -> python AST rewriter (I couldn't find an open source AST parser for mojo) makes it a bit harder.

When I was thinking about alternatives, Nim came to mind. Feel free to open issues if something is not working well.