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Meta-programming project that creates the py5 library code.
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[OSX Apple Silicon] P2D and P3D renderer don't work #76

Closed evayann closed 2 years ago

evayann commented 2 years ago

On my Mac Book Air M1 (2020), I run the following code :

import py5_tools


import py5

def setup():
    py5.size(500, 500, py5.P2D)

def draw():
    py5.background(0.5), 250, py5.sin(py5.frame_count / 100) * 50)


When I running this program, I can see the sketch window appear and directly disappear. On terminal I have a zsh trace trap. With some search, this appear when exception isn't catch. More information here. And this exception can be due to NSException like it said here.

If I don't use native Apple Silicon Lib to use Intel Lib instead. ie Remove line add_options ... . I have the following exception :

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/natives/macosx-universal/gluegen_rt
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
        at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.load0(
        at java.base/java.lang.System.load(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibraryInternal(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.access$000(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase$DefaultAction.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.os.DynamicLibraryBundle$GlueJNILibLoader.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.os.Platform$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.<clinit>(
        at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory.<clinit>(
        at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory.<clinit>(
        at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initIcons(
        at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initFrame(
        at processing.core.PApplet.initSurface(
        at processing.core.PApplet.runSketch(
        at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.hostInvoke(Native Method)
        at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$ Source)
        at java.base/
hx2A commented 2 years ago

Thank you for working with me on this. There are a couple of things that surprise me here.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/natives/macosx-universal/gluegen_rt

Seeing universal is unexpected. After poking around in the Processing source code, I learned that there are such things are "universal" libraries for OSX machines.

Can you show me the full output of this command on your machine?

java -XshowSettings:properties -version

I'm particularly interested in the value of os.arch.

The relevant py5 code is here. It is the only place where processing.natives.TestAppleSilicon does anything.

Here's what confuses me: if System.getProperty("os.arch") is equal to "universal", then wouldn't the if statement on line 72 always be false, regardless of what processing.natives.TestAppleSilicon is set to? If so, wouldn't your results be same when that add_options line is used or not used? Is something changing System.getProperty("os.arch") from "aarch64" to "universal" Somewhere? I don't see anything like that in the Processing code.

Can you try recreating that UnsatisfiedLinkError exception and then run this python code:

import jpype

System = jpype.JClass("java.lang.System")

If something is changing it, this will show it.

hx2A commented 2 years ago

Another thing I will ask you to try is this:

import py5_tools


import py5

def setup():
    py5.size(500, 500, py5.P2D)

def draw():
    py5.background(0.5), 250, py5.sin(py5.frame_count / 100) * 50)

evayann commented 2 years ago

For the java -XshowSettings:properties -version command, the output was :

$Property settings:
    file.encoding = UTF-8
    file.separator = /
    ftp.nonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16
    http.nonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16
    java.class.path = 
    java.class.version = 61.0
    java.home = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-17.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home = /var/folders/7x/dl2j91nd4_g1cl2t9479tr340000gn/T/
    java.library.path = /Users/yannzavattero/Library/Java/Extensions
        . = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
    java.runtime.version = 17.0.2+8-LTS-86 = Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor = Oracle Corporation
    java.specification.version = 17
    java.vendor = Oracle Corporation
    java.vendor.url =
    java.vendor.url.bug =
    java.version = 17.0.2 = 2022-01-18
    java.vm.compressedOopsMode = Zero based = mixed mode, sharing = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM = Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor = Oracle Corporation
    java.vm.specification.version = 17
    java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation
    java.vm.version = 17.0.2+8-LTS-86
    jdk.debug = release
    line.separator = \n 
    native.encoding = UTF-8
    os.arch = aarch64 = Mac OS X
    os.version = 12.3
    path.separator = :
    socksNonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16 = 64
    sun.boot.library.path = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-17.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/lib
    sun.cpu.endian = little = UnicodeBig = SUN_STANDARD
    sun.jnu.encoding = UTF-8 = HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
    sun.stderr.encoding = UTF-8
    sun.stdout.encoding = UTF-8 = FR
    user.dir = /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5
    user.home = /Users/yannzavattero
    user.language = fr = yannzavattero

java version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 17.0.2+8-LTS-86)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.2+8-LTS-86, mixed mode, sharing)

So you can see the os.arch is set to aarch64

For the code

import jpype

System = jpype.JClass("java.lang.System")

the ouput is

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/", line 3, in <module>
    System = jpype.JClass("java.lang.System")
  File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jpype/", line 99, in __new__
    return _jpype._getClass(jc)
jpype._core.JVMNotRunning: Java Virtual Machine is not running

And for the last snippet

import py5_tools


import py5

def setup():
    py5.size(500, 500, py5.P2D)

def draw():
    py5.background(0.5), 250, py5.sin(py5.frame_count / 100) * 50)


Output :

/opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/natives/macosx-universal/gluegen_rt
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
        at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.load0(
        at java.base/java.lang.System.load(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibraryInternal(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.access$000(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase$DefaultAction.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.os.DynamicLibraryBundle$GlueJNILibLoader.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.os.Platform$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.<clinit>(
        at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory.<clinit>(
        at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory.<clinit>(
        at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initIcons(
        at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initFrame(
        at processing.core.PApplet.initSurface(
        at processing.core.PApplet.runSketch(
        at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.hostInvoke(Native Method)
        at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$ Source)
        at java.base/
hx2A commented 2 years ago

Can you try this:

import py5

System = jpype.JClass("java.lang.System")

def setup():
    py5.size(500, 500, py5.P2D)

def draw():
    py5.background(0.5), 250, py5.sin(py5.frame_count / 100) * 50)


Then after you get the UnsatisfiedLinkError, do this again:


My guess is it will be aarch64 the first time and universal the second time.

evayann commented 2 years ago

I don't succeed to make a print(System.getProperty("os.arch")) again when UnsatisfiedLinkError is trigger. But first time, the value is aarch64

hx2A commented 2 years ago

I don't succeed to make a print(System.getProperty("os.arch")) again when UnsatisfiedLinkError is trigger. But first time, the value is aarch64

Why? Is Python crashing and preventing you from doing that?

Try this instead:

import py5
from java.lang import System

This is helpful.

evayann commented 2 years ago

Python don't continue execution and still lock on UnstatisfiedLinkError.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/natives/macosx-universal/gluegen_rt
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
        at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.load0(
        at java.base/java.lang.System.load(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibraryInternal(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.access$000(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase$DefaultAction.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.os.DynamicLibraryBundle$GlueJNILibLoader.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.os.Platform$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.<clinit>(
        at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory.<clinit>(
        at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory.<clinit>(
        at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initIcons(
        at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initFrame(
        at processing.core.PApplet.initSurface(
        at processing.core.PApplet.runSketch(
        at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.hostInvoke(Native Method)
        at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$ Source)
        at java.base/

For the following code

import py5
from java.lang import System

I have the output

hx2A commented 2 years ago

Aha! I think I see what is going on.

From your earlier message 2 hours ago, you have

    java.library.path = /Users/yannzavattero/Library/Java/Extensions

When you import py5, py5 is correctly adding /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/py5/natives/macos-x86_64 to the end. However, Processing is trying to load the library from /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/natives/macosx-universal/, which is a subdirectory of the current working directory the file is in. The . in your java.library.path is in front of what py5 is adding to the path. Maybe if that is removed it will stop looking in the current directory? Can you try this:

import py5

from java.lang import System

# remove . from java.library.path
System.setProperty("java.library.path", "/Users/yannzavattero/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java:/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/py5/natives/macos-x86_64")

def setup():
    py5.size(500, 500, py5.P2D)

def draw():
    py5.background(0.5), 250, py5.sin(py5.frame_count / 100) * 50)


If that doesn't work and you still get the same exact error, can you try copying the contents of /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/py5/natives/macos-x86_64/ to a new directory /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/natives/macosx-universal/? This will at least tell us if it will work if it can find the native libraries.

evayann commented 2 years ago

The code snippet don't work sorry... I copy the content of the repertory like this :

Capture d’écran 2022-04-06 à 23 30 39

And isn't better...

Still don't find the lib...

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /Users/yannzavattero/Documents/Projects/py5/natives/macosx-universal/gluegen_rt
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
        at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.load0(
        at java.base/java.lang.System.load(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibraryInternal(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.access$000(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase$DefaultAction.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.os.DynamicLibraryBundle$GlueJNILibLoader.loadLibrary(
        at com.jogamp.common.os.Platform$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.common.os.Platform.<clinit>(
        at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory.<clinit>(
        at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory$
        at java.base/
        at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory.<clinit>(
        at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initIcons(
        at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initFrame(
        at processing.core.PApplet.initSurface(
        at processing.core.PApplet.runSketch(
        at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.hostInvoke(Native Method)
        at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$ Source)
        at java.base/
hx2A commented 2 years ago

Hmmmm. I'm running out of ideas.

If you haven't done so already, can you download and install the Processing IDE from for Macs, and then run this simple Sketch through Processing:

size(200, 200, P2D);


In the output you might see a directory name with macosx-universal in it. If so, can you tell me the contents of that directory?

evayann commented 2 years ago

I have already installed processing. The result of

size(200, 200, P2D);




When I open the repository of macOS-x86_64, I have this element (same as in py5).


I try to copy past the content of this repo in my natives, macosx-universal but isn't better...

In /Applications/, I just have the Processing application.

hx2A commented 2 years ago

Have you installed Rosetta on your machine? I've done some research and it doesn't seem like it is installed by default.

Can you try running Sketches through Jupyter notebook instead of the generic Python interpreter? On OSX, if a Sketch is run through the generic Python interpreter, closing the Sketch will kill the Python process. This prevents any analysis of the situation after the Sketch is launched or an exception is thrown. However, if a Sketch is run through a Jupyter notebook, you can execute other cells while the Sketch is running or after it dies.

What you can do is run this series of notebook cells, one at a time:

%gui osx


import py5

from java.lang import System

then run the Sketch

def setup():
    py5.size(500, 500, py5.P2D)

def draw():
    py5.background(0.5), 250, py5.sin(py5.frame_count / 100) * 50)


while the Sketch is running, or after the exception is thrown, do this again:


I'm convinced os.arch will change from aarch64 to universal.

The second problem is that OSX has this thing called "universal binaries" that can be created with the lipo terminal command. The exception is being thrown because Processing is looking for these universal binaries but they are simply not on your machine anywhere. I'm not sure where they are supposed to come from.

hx2A commented 2 years ago

I've been experimenting with pyinstaller and writing documentation for how package a py5 Sketch. My documentation works well Linux but does not work for OSX. When I run a packaged Sketch that uses the P2D renderer, I get this exception:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /private/tmp/test/dist/simple/natives/macosx-universal/nativewindow_awt
    at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
    at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.load0(
    at java.base/java.lang.System.load(
    at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibraryInternal(
    at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.access$000(
    at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase$DefaultAction.loadLibrary(
    at com.jogamp.common.jvm.JNILibLoaderBase.loadLibrary(
    at jogamp.nativewindow.NWJNILibLoader.access$000(
    at jogamp.nativewindow.NWJNILibLoader$
    at jogamp.nativewindow.NWJNILibLoader$
    at java.base/
    at jogamp.nativewindow.NWJNILibLoader.loadNativeWindow(
    at jogamp.nativewindow.jawt.JAWTUtil.<clinit>(
    at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory$
    at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory$
    at java.base/
    at com.jogamp.nativewindow.NativeWindowFactory.initSingleton(
    at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory$
    at java.base/
    at com.jogamp.newt.NewtFactory.<clinit>(
    at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initIcons(
    at processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL.initFrame(
    at processing.core.PApplet.initSurface(
    at processing.core.PApplet.runSketch(
    at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.hostInvoke(Native Method)
    at org.jpype.proxy.JPypeProxy.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$ Source)
    at java.base/

Observe it can't find a macosx-universal library. This is on my non-Apple Silicon machine. Confusing, but perhaps it will give me a chance to understand where universal is coming from.

hx2A commented 2 years ago

py5 version 0.6.0 worked fine on Apple Silicon and I believe 0.7.0 worked also. The Processing team started making changes to use native opengl libraries on Apple Silicon, and those efforts are a work in progress. I need to understand what those changes are to repair py5 on that hardware.

hx2A commented 2 years ago

The P2D and P3D renderers now work on Apple Silicon, as per tests done in issue #87. The error message in #87 will be resolved in the next release.