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blog post: pyOpenSci at PyCon #385

Closed kierisi closed 4 months ago

kierisi commented 4 months ago

This is a first pass at the pyOS guide to PyCon post. I figured it would be better to have our current list up and posted, and then we can add to it as we get more information.

htmlproofer is failing due to the blog post link not existing yet, but otherwise everything should be ready for review!

kierisi commented 4 months ago

@lwasser I'm stuck on a codespell error that I have no idea how to fix. in the packaging summit, I have "Mr. Batchelder" because codespell won't let me use Ned's name (it wants me to use Need). is there a way to go about making a commit, even if codespell is unhappy?

lwasser commented 4 months ago

@lwasser I'm stuck on a codespell error that I have no idea how to fix. in the packaging summit, I have "Mr. Batchelder" because codespell won't let me use Ned's name (it wants me to use Need). is there a way to go about making a commit, even if codespell is unhappy?

ahhhhh great question. i thought we had a ignore words file but apparently we don't!

i think we should follow the instructions here

i'd copy what is setup in our packaging guide:

  1. create a pyproject.toml file
  2. add a section like below to it.
  3. create a text file - codespell-ignore.txt (what you name it is less important that it being properly spelled in the toml file!
  4. add ned's name and any other names that you want to the ignore file so it doesn't do that again!
ignore-words = "codespell-ignore.txt"
skip = "./.git,./.nox,./_static,./_build,codespell-ignore.txt,*.svg"

let me know how this goes!!

also - if you are ever super annoyed / stuck and want to push exactly the text that you need in the blog post and don't know how to fix it locally - you can use:

git commit -m "message here" --no-verify

no verify as a flag will skip pre commit hooks altogether so you can atleast make the changes that you want and then ask in the pr or on slack or wherever it makes the most sense to ask - why is it blocking me from doing x.