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Use main branch of pyosMeta #432

Closed pllim closed 3 days ago

pllim commented 6 days ago

This would use unreleased features/fixes off directly. You may also reject this PR and make a new release to instead in order to fix failing that theoretically was patched in

sneakers-the-rat commented 5 days ago

my 2c since i haven't changed my watching settings after being added to the repo: in general i think it enforces good release discipline to make sure one uses the pypi version of packages for things that are supposed to be decouplable, but since afaik that's a single-purpose package for this site it's probably fine ;). wondering what the barrier to just making a new release of pyosmeta is here tho?

lwasser commented 3 days ago

hey there friends. creating a release of pyosmeta is super easy. i' have hatch_vcs setup with a ci build that allows us to release via github by simply creating a new tagged release in the GUI. i just created a new release. it takes 5 minutes or less to update the changelog and do it!! especialy given what @blink1073 has helped us with. it's really easy.

so i think what would be great is

  1. more people here should be abel to make a release just in case :) i'm happy to do it but the more the merrier if we are in a pinch ever and i can't do it.
  2. that means i need to probably better document the workflow.

i'll open an issue over at the pyosmeta repo to add dev docs. i actually have them for stravalib so we can copy them there. i'll open an issue about this in the repo and we can maybe get help during a sprint!

lwasser commented 3 days ago

i'll close this for now. but @pllim & @sneakers-the-rat you both have been SO helpful. thank you again!!