pyOpenSci / pyos-package-template

A Python package template that supports the pyOpenSci pure Python packaging tutorial
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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pyproject.toml cleanup #50

Open lwasser opened 2 days ago

lwasser commented 2 days ago

Is it possible to clean up the pyproject.toml just a little bit so the spacing is uniform between tables? It will be easier to read if each table has a space after it! some do and others don't.

only-packages = true

packages = ["src/mypkg"]
testpaths = ["tests"]
markers = ["raises"]

source = [

branch = true
parallel = true

exclude_lines = ["pragma: no cover"]
precision = 2
line-length = 88

select = ["ALL"]
ignore = [
    "D107",  # 'Missing docstring in __init__' ignored because pydoclint wants us to document the class instead.
    "D203",  # '1 blank line required before class docstring' ignored because we want no blank line.
    "D212",  # 'Multi-line docstring summary should start at the first line' ignored because we want the summary to start on the second line.
    "D407",  # 'Missing dashed underline after section' ignored because Google style docstrings don't underline.
    "ANN002",  # 'Missing type annotation for {*args} in method'.
    "ANN003",  # 'Missing type annotation for {*kwargs} in method'.
    "ANN101",  # 'Missing type annotation for {self} in method'.
    "ANN102",  # 'Missing type annotation for {cls} in classmethod'.
exclude = [

"" = [
    "E401",  # 'Multiple imports on one line'
    "E402",  # 'Module level import not at top of file'
    "F401",  # 'Imported but unused'
    "I001",  # 'Import block is un-sorted or un-formatted' ignored because we may have to import in a particular, not-alphabetical order.
"tests/**/*.py" = [
    "S101",  # 'Use of assert detected' ignored because we are using pytest.
    "INP001",  # 'Insecure input' ignored because we are testing.
    "ANN201",  # 'Missing type annotation for {return}' ignored because all tests return `None`.

case-sensitive = true
known-first-party = ["src", "mypkg"]
lines-after-imports = 1

style = "google"  # TODO: Other styles are possible here, like 'numpy'
arg-type-hints-in-docstring = false
check-return-types = false
check-yield-types = false
# Hatch Environments
description = """Check the style of the codebase."""
dependencies = [
detached = true

docstrings = "pydoclint"
code = "ruff check {args}"
format = "ruff format {args}"
check = ["docstrings", "code"]

description = """Check dependencies for security vulnerabilities."""
extra-dependencies = [

check = ["pip-audit"]
description = """Build or serve the documentation."""
dependencies = [
    "pydata_sphinx_theme ~=0.16",
    "myst-parser ~=4.0",
    "Sphinx ~=8.0",
    "sphinx-autobuild ==2024.10.3"

build = ["sphinx-apidoc -o docs/api src/mypkg", "sphinx-build {args:-W -b html docs docs/_build}"]
serve = ["sphinx-apidoc -o docs/api src/mypkg", "sphinx-autobuild docs --watch src/mypkg {args:-b html docs/_build/serve}"]

description = """Test the installation the package."""
dependencies = [
detached = true

check = [
    "pip check",
    "hatch build {args:--clean}",
    "twine check dist/*",
description = """Run the test suite."""
extra-dependencies = [

python = ["3.10", "3.11", "3.12", "3.13"]

run = "pytest {args:--cov=mypkg --cov-report=term-missing}"
tkoyama010 commented 2 days ago

Using toml-sort in a pre-commit hook is an effective way to resolve this issue.

Midnighter commented 2 days ago

I was not very careful with managing whitespace in the jinja statements. Doing some kind of automated formatting would be my preferred option, too.

Midnighter commented 2 days ago

toml-sort looks nice, but I'm not sure how to best introduce it. I see the following possible solutions:

  1. Go through the jinja statements and carefully consider how they add or remove whitespace.
  2. Run toml-sort as a task post template initialization. This will require users to install toml-sort beforehand and add --trust to the copier command (
  3. We can offer a hatch environment for running the command.
  4. It could be turned into a pre-commit hook perhaps?
sneakers-the-rat commented 1 day ago

if we move the actual items in the template into sidecar .yaml data files, then in the template we can sort the data and focus on the meta-layout rather than having the syntactic layout function of the template be mixed with the semantic content of what's being laid out :)