pyOpenSci / python-package-guide

scientific Python package recommendations & guidance curated by pyOpenSci
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[UX] Review navigation: Can't get to packaging guide from #268

Open zackw opened 1 month ago

zackw commented 1 month ago

There should be a prominent link from the “Community-created Python Packaging Guide” section of to . This is where you end up if you start at the front page of the website, ignore the menus, and try to get to the packaging documentation using only links in the body text, and then you're stuck unless you think to look at the menus. (Menus are, in general, risky to rely on for essential navigation, because they may get filtered out of a reader's conscious awareness by ad-blindness.)

pb-413 commented 1 month ago

I think I agree that it should be more obvious that it is the place to begin.

It is the destination of "What is a Python package" under "Beginner friendly Python packaging tutorials" on that page, but it looks like a tutorial among tutorials when I would call it more like the entry point for your tutorial that spans many pages.

Side note: are the tutorials suppose to be more independent (as they appear in the list under "Beginner friendly Python packaging tutorials"), or executed in sequence (which more so matches my experience so far). If sequential is desired, as it seems, consider a numbered list under "Beginner friendly Python packaging tutorials" rather than a collection of seemingly independent tutorials.

zackw commented 1 month ago

I see this as a separate issue from "where do I begin"? I knew I was looking specifically for the package guide and I still got stuck at the "community-created packaging guide" section of that overview page because I was blind to the menus.

willingc commented 1 month ago

Next action: Review the navigation pathways for usability.

lwasser commented 3 weeks ago

i've tagged this as help-wanted. I think adding a link to that page makes perfect sense and i'm 😆 that i never added that important element.

this is a beginner friendly issue. this is the block where you can add a button with a link that would be super prominant - on this page in our website

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 5 17 45 PM
   - image_path: images/pyopensci-people-working-together.png
     image_size: 500px
     alt: "A group of people working on a tetris like set of building blocks, trying to stack the blocks together. "
     title: "Community-created Python Packaging Guide"
     excerpt: "
     Our packaging guide is a living document that will help you navigate the Python packaging ecosystem and learn about modern Python packaging best practices.

    * Created & curated by the community

    * Reviewed by beginner to expert level Pythonistas

    * Accurate, modern & beginner-friendly

     All contributions are recognized both on our website and in the guidebook's citation.

essentially you'd add a few lines to that block so it looks like this:

   - image_path: images/pyopensci-people-working-together.png
     image_size: 500px
     alt: "A group of people working on a tetris like set of building blocks, trying to stack the blocks together. "
     title: "Community-created Python Packaging Guide"
     btn_label: Learn more and get involved with peer review today.
     btn_class: btn--primary

     excerpt: "
     Our packaging guide is a living document that will help you navigate the Python packaging ecosystem and learn about modern Python packaging best practices.

    * Created & curated by the community

    * Reviewed by beginner to expert level Pythonistas

    * Accurate, modern & beginner-friendly

     All contributions are recognized both on our website and in the guidebook's citation.

the order of the items doesn't matter, but just adding that button element and the correct link to the package guide, would do the trick. then it would have a button like the block below ! and fit perfectly into our existing design. 

<img width="1315" alt="Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 5 21 34 PM" src="">

Great catch @zackw !!
lwasser commented 3 weeks ago

@pb-413 i wonder if we could add this

Side note: are the tutorials suppose to be more independent (as they appear in the list under "Beginner friendly Python packaging tutorials"), or executed in sequence (which more so matches my experience so far). If sequential is desired, as it seems, consider a numbered list under "Beginner friendly Python packaging tutorials" rather than a collection of seemingly independent tutorials.

as a new issue. they are meant to be completed in order. we could number them easily by adding a number to each tutorial's name (also a beginner friendly task). i'm also noticing the first tutorial has the incorrect name! i'm going to turn this comment into a new issue and mark it help-wanted! another great catch!