pyOpenSci / python-package-guide

scientific Python package recommendations & guidance curated by pyOpenSci
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[UX] Explain that creating a Python package is useful even if you will never upload it to PyPI #272

Open zackw opened 1 month ago

zackw commented 1 month ago

The packaging tutorial should have an alternative intro that explains that creating a Python package gives you the ability to split up a program into multiple Python source files, and the ability to list your program’s dependencies so they can be automatically installed from PyPI (pip install -r requirements.txt, Hatch environments, etc.)

This is for people who are accustomed to writing self-contained single-file #! /usr/bin/python3 scripts that depend only on the standard library and perhaps also packages installed manually via the system package manager. It might need to be a whole new tutorial all by itself, and a new onboarding “funnel” from the top level of the website, because people with this reason to create a package probably don’t know that a package is what they need.

(Some of what’s already listed under “Why create a Python package” does touch on the above, but if you don’t already know that packages are relevant to your problem, you may not realize that that’s what it’s talking about.)

willingc commented 1 month ago

Next action: Pathway for going from a script to a package. Related to

lwasser commented 3 weeks ago

wow @zackw another really good insightful issue!! thank you for all of the thought that you put into all of these issues. so i actually see two potential use cases here that are very much in scope for our tutorial work around code --> module or sharing code.

  1. the case when a user has a single script that might need to be run - this might be a very specific workflow that is a single file and they might just want to share the file + dependencies. In that case the pep that supports //scripts would be very useful (and there is some talk around how this would be supported by conda - if we use hatch i believe it can be done (discussed in another issue but right now i forget which one).
  2. The second usecase is for a scientists /person that has a much more complex code base that contains several files and perhaps modules that depend on each other etc. or perhaps a user that has a GIGANTIC script that would benefit greatly from being both reusable and organized in a more expressive, easier-to maintain way. That user also could create a "package" use the pyproject.toml file to declare and install dependencies + optional dependencies if that makes sense. And could share their code with themselves locally and with others via a github install.

Do those two use cases resonate @zackw ? i can actually see two distinct tutorials here that we could work on and flesh out that would likely help a lot of people.