pyOpenSci / python-package-guide

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Unique package name - Corrective action steps #280

Closed pb-413 closed 1 month ago

pb-413 commented 1 month ago

I added the steps discussed in #244 to the documentation in a drop down section because these felt like optional steps and I saw this formatting used in another location in the tutorial.

I separated it into two lists, 'required' and 'recommended.' Not sure if that is a design decision in line with your vision.

Side note: Do we want to reiterate project naming guidelines? I know that during #261 I had issues including hyphens in my project name. You mention already in Make your code installable - Step 1: Set Up the Package Directory Structure that you may have a hyphen in the name of your project, but you then create the project with hatch which manages creating the module directory under source with an underscore instead. I don't think we want to re-create with hatch here, but raising spot where a user can trip in the tutorial and even with my new steps. We can add troubleshooting information to these steps or, what I would recommend, front load the "check that your name is available" work to before creating the project with hatch.

lwasser commented 1 month ago

There was a small merge conflict that i cleaned out! we had a bunch of edits to this file. We can merge once CI is happy!