pyOpenSci / python-package-guide

scientific Python package recommendations & guidance curated by pyOpenSci
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Fix - tutorial listing on packaging page - add numbers to tutorial names & fix first tutorial name! #299

Closed lwasser closed 9 hours ago

lwasser commented 3 weeks ago

from @pb-413

Side note: are the tutorials suppose to be more independent (as they appear in the list under "Beginner friendly Python packaging tutorials"), or executed in sequence (which more so matches my experience so far). If sequential is desired, as it seems, consider a numbered list under "Beginner friendly Python packaging tutorials" rather than a collection of seemingly independent tutorials.

they are meant to be completed in order. we could number them easily by adding a number to each tutorial's name (also a beginner friendly task). i'm also noticing the first tutorial has the incorrect name! i'm going to turn this comment into a new issue and mark it help-wanted! another great catch!

Originally posted by @lwasser in

lwasser commented 3 weeks ago

this page - has a list of tutorials that are intended to be completed in order. ALSO the first tutorial's name is incorrect.

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