pyOpenSci / python-package-guide

scientific Python package recommendations & guidance curated by pyOpenSci
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Warning about footnotes when building the Spanish version of the guide #390

Open flpm opened 3 weeks ago

flpm commented 3 weeks ago

After merging PR 342, there is now a warning when building the Spanish version of the guide:

/home/felipe/github/pyOpenSci/python-package-guide/tutorials/ WARNING: inconsistent footnote references in translated message. original: ['[^mit]', '[^bsd3]'], translated: []
/home/felipe/github/pyOpenSci/python-package-guide/tutorials/ WARNING: inconsistent footnote references in translated message. original: ['[^mit]', '[^bsd3]'], translated: []

Here is the entire nox log:

❯ nox -s docs-test -- -D language=es
nox > Running session docs-test
nox > Re-using existing virtual environment at .nox/docs-test.
nox > python -m pip install -e .
nox > sphinx-build -b html -W --keep-going -E -a . _build/html -D language=es
Running Sphinx v7.3.7
loading translations [es]... done
myst v3.0.1: MdParserConfig(commonmark_only=False, gfm_only=False, enable_extensions={'deflist', 'attrs_block', 'colon_fence'}, disable_syntax=[], all_links_external=False, links_external_new_tab=False, url_schemes=('http', 'https', 'mailto', 'ftp'), ref_domains=None, fence_as_directive=set(), number_code_blocks=[], title_to_header=False, heading_anchors=3, heading_slug_func=None, html_meta={}, footnote_transition=False, words_per_minute=200, substitutions={}, linkify_fuzzy_links=True, dmath_allow_labels=True, dmath_allow_space=True, dmath_allow_digits=True, dmath_double_inline=False, update_mathjax=True, mathjax_classes='tex2jax_process|mathjax_process|math|output_area', enable_checkboxes=False, suppress_warnings=[], highlight_code_blocks=True)
myst-nb v1.1.1: NbParserConfig(custom_formats={}, metadata_key='mystnb', cell_metadata_key='mystnb', kernel_rgx_aliases={}, eval_name_regex='^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', execution_mode='auto', execution_cache_path='', execution_excludepatterns=(), execution_timeout=30, execution_in_temp=False, execution_allow_errors=False, execution_raise_on_error=False, execution_show_tb=False, merge_streams=False, render_plugin='default', remove_code_source=False, remove_code_outputs=False, code_prompt_show='Show code cell {type}', code_prompt_hide='Hide code cell {type}', number_source_lines=False, output_stderr='show', render_text_lexer='myst-ansi', render_error_lexer='ipythontb', render_image_options={}, render_figure_options={}, render_markdown_format='commonmark', output_folder='build', append_css=True, metadata_to_fm=False)
Using jupyter-cache at: /home/felipe/github/pyOpenSci/python-package-guide/_build/.jupyter_cache
The default value for `navigation_with_keys` will change to `False` in the next release. If you wish to preserve the old behavior for your site, set `navigation_with_keys=True` in the `html_theme_options` dict in your `` file. Be aware that `navigation_with_keys = True` has negative accessibility implications:
building [mo]: all of 7 po files
WARNING: Start of line didn't match any expected
WARNING: Problem on line 98: 'flexibilidad."'
writing output... [100%] locales/es/LC_MESSAGES/
building [html]: all source files
updating environment: [new config] 44 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%] tutorials/setup-py-to-pyproject-toml
/home/felipe/github/pyOpenSci/python-package-guide/tutorials/ WARNING: inconsistent footnote references in translated message. original: ['[^mit]', '[^bsd3]'], translated: []
/home/felipe/github/pyOpenSci/python-package-guide/tutorials/ WARNING: inconsistent footnote references in translated message. original: ['[^mit]', '[^bsd3]'], translated: []
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
preparing documents... done
copying assets... copying static files... done
copying extra files... done
writing output... [100%] tutorials/setup-py-to-pyproject-toml
generating indices... genindex done
writing additional pages... search done
copying images... [100%] images/tutorials/test-pypi-package.png
dumping search index in Spanish (code: es)... done
dumping object inventory... done
sphinx-sitemap: sitemap.xml was generated for URL in /home/felipe/github/pyOpenSci/python-package-guide/_build/html/sitemap.xml
build finished with problems, 2 warnings.
nox > Command sphinx-build -b html -W --keep-going -E -a . _build/html -D language=es failed with exit code 1
nox > Session docs-test failed.

The original file (/tutorials/ does have the footnotes defined at the bottom (line 199):

## Footnotes


This will need to be solved before the Spanish translation can be release since the build in CI will fail.

lwasser commented 3 weeks ago

I am not sure if this is helpful @flpm, but I did notice -- below is the English page in .md format. (Excuse me if you already noticed this!).

## Footnotes


The translation files look like this

#: ../../tutorials/
msgid "" <- NOTE that [^bsd3] is not a part of the line
msgstr ""

#: ../../tutorials/
msgid ""
msgstr ""

i tried this to ensure the footnote is included in the spanish version and it didn't work.

msgid ""
msgstr "[^bsd3]:"

#: ../../tutorials/
msgid ""
msgstr "[^bsd3]:"

i just wonder if there is a bug in the sphinx translation extension or if we could ask over there about this issue? we can also ask other folks who have worked on translation with sphinx -- like maybe @melissawm . i'm just taking a wild guess.

melissawm commented 3 weeks ago

Hi all! Thanks for the ping ❤️ Unfortunately I am not that familiar with the sphinx extension and can't reproduce this failure locally - nox -s docs-test -- -D language=es runs fine for me. Wild guess but I think @oriolabril may be able to help?

OriolAbril commented 3 weeks ago

I think this is due to this issue in the myst-parser: There seems to be a workaround available in the issue itself but it hasn't been "upgraded" to a PR.

I think maintainers of myst-parser/myst-nb are stretched quite thin and can't work much (or at all) on internationalization stuff. I do use sphinx for translations from time to time but there are several rough edges still and I don't really have the knowledge nor availability for in depth testing and fixing. I am interested on getting transaltions with sphinx+myst to work smoothly though so it would be gretlat to get some coordination going.

I also have which similarly to the issue above is waiting for maintainer availability.

tkoyama010 commented 3 weeks ago

@all-contributors please add @melissawm for question. please add @OriolAbril for question.

allcontributors[bot] commented 3 weeks ago


I've put up a pull request to add @melissawm! :tada:

I've put up a pull request to add @OriolAbril! :tada:

flpm commented 3 weeks ago

After @melissawm 's comment, I tried again and starting from a clean slate, it works without warnings on the main branch. I can't understand why, but I will investigate, but it does not seem to be a block for release at this point.

Thank you so much @melissawm and @OriolAbril for taking a look!

lwasser commented 2 weeks ago

@melissawm @OriolAbril - thank you both so much for the help here! It seems like something has been magically fixed. A few of us now don't see the issue. Maybe there was a patch release somewhere? Regardless thank you all for the thought and effort 👐🏻 and thank you @tkoyama010 for being on top of all contributor additions!!