pyOpenSci / software-submission

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ObsPy: Software Submission for Review #16

Closed megies closed 2 years ago

megies commented 4 years ago

Submitting Author: @megies Package Name: ObsPy One-Line Description of Package: A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories. Repository Link: Version submitted: 1.1.1 Editor: @lwasser
Reviewer 1: @canyon289 Reviewer 2: @raoulcollenteur
Archive: TBD
Version accepted: TBD


ObsPy is an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for processing seismological data. It provides parsers for common file formats, clients to access data centers and seismological signal processing routines which allow the manipulation of seismological time series (see Beyreuther et al. 2010, Megies et al. 2011, Krischer et al. 2015).

The goal of the ObsPy project is to facilitate rapid application development for seismology.

ObsPy is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v3.0.


* Please fill out a pre-submission inquiry before submitting a data visualization package. For more info, see this section of our guidebook.

It falls under these categories, because we retrieve and munge data. Also loads of the functionality is concerning geospatial aspects (can't be avoided in seismology). Being as high-level as we are in functionality, I'd also consider it to be educational, since you can illustrate how to do many processing steps (and what pitfalls there are) in a few lines of code. If this is more about the core aspects of the software, I guess you could also argue for only retrieval and munging, and the other are rather side aspects.. although it's unclear to me in which bullet item signal processing is included (munging I guess?).

Mainly scientists/researchers, but we know that obspy is also used in industry (no idea about numbers, though). Scientific applications span most fields of seismology that involve real or synthetic data, basically only excluding purely theoretical, pen and paper seismology.

There are various packages with I/O of up to a handful file formats at a time, usually concerned only with 1-3 file formats used by the authors. I am not aware of other packages that offer access clients for all important protocols like we do (FDSN web services, SeedLink, Earthworm, Arclink, NRL, syngine, ...). Most important point would be the widespread use in projects built on top of obspy, most likely.

no pre-submission enquiry filed.

Technical checks

For details about the pyOpenSci packaging requirements, see our packaging guide. Confirm each of the following by checking the box. This package:

Publication options

We have citable papers out, so no need for this I think. If anything we might do a "history of obspy" short story?

JOSS Checks - [ ] The package has an **obvious research application** according to JOSS's definition in their [submission requirements]( Be aware that completing the pyOpenSci review process **does not** guarantee acceptance to JOSS. Be sure to read their submission requirements (linked above) if you are interested in submitting to JOSS. - [ ] The package is not a "minor utility" as defined by JOSS's [submission requirements]( "Minor ‘utility’ packages, including ‘thin’ API clients, are not acceptable." pyOpenSci welcomes these packages under "Data Retrieval", but JOSS has slightly different criteria. - [ ] The package contains a `` matching [JOSS's requirements]( with a high-level description in the package root or in `inst/`. - [ ] The package is deposited in a long-term repository with the DOI: *Note: Do not submit your package separately to JOSS*

Are you OK with Reviewers Submitting Issues and/or pull requests to your Repo Directly?

This option will allow reviewers to open smaller issues that can then be linked to PR's rather than submitting a more dense text based review. It will also allow you to demonstrate addressing the issue via PR links.

Code of conduct

We're using Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct v1.4

P.S. Have feedback/comments about our review process? Leave a comment here

Editor and Review Templates

Editor and review templates can be found here

megies commented 4 years ago

Code of conduct was added after last stable release, it's in master and will be part of soon-to-be-released 1.2.0.

lwasser commented 4 years ago

awesome! thanks @megies for this submission. we will get back to you soon!! likely after agu :) in the meantime are there people who you could suggest as reviewers? i can also dig into our spreadsheets but if you know of folks, please feel free to suggest here. now that i'm writing this i'm realizing we might consider adding this question to our template as well.

Editor's Template

Editor checks:

Editor comments

I asked the submitter below if they were interested in JOSS!

Reviewers: Listed above with a due date of feb 24 Due date:

note: i think it might be good to add the editor checks somewhere in the issue ?? it seems redundant to list reviewers twice and a due date at the bottom.

megies commented 4 years ago

are there people who you could suggest as reviewers?

That'd be somebody working in seismonology, good in Python and not using obspy? Is that even possible?

:point_up_2: just kidding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but yeah, most people I could come up with would be biased :wink:

lwasser commented 4 years ago

hey there @megies !! i'm just catching up on things with the holidays, and beginning of the semester here... so my apologies for the delay. Our next meeting is this thursday so i'll be sure to get this review going.

I'll put a few calls out to try to find some reviewers. it seems to me that someone who uses obspy could be ok?! but if they are closely related to the development already that would not be ok. let's see if we can use a combo of twitter and our forum to find a few reviewers. more in a bit. i'm hoping to play catch up over the next week and this is a priority for me as it's been sitting for a month. thank you for your patience!!

megies commented 4 years ago

Like I said, it's all good, we're in no hurry about this at all. :+1:

canyon289 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I saw the call for reviewers on twitter, all for open source science, would like to be helpful. I'm not in seismology and don't use ObsPy, but do help maintain ArviZ and PyMC3 which I hope qualifies me enough. Let me know if I meet the bar.

raoulcollenteur commented 4 years ago

I could help with a review. Not specifically known in seismology but I am a hydrogeologist and (co-) develop some python packages. Let me know if help is needed :)

lwasser commented 4 years ago

hi @canyon289 and @raoulcollenteur if you have experience developing packages, and are on the geosciences end of things, I think that could work well for this review. @megies please let me know what you think about two people reviewing who are not from the seismology community explicitly? i suspect this might be challenging to find someone without a conflict of interest and such. I know both are technically qualified based upon the comments above!! Thank you all for your responses.

megies commented 4 years ago

@megies please let me know what you think about two people reviewing who are not from the seismology community explicitly?

I don't see a problem with that at all. :+1:

lwasser commented 4 years ago

awesome @raoulcollenteur and @canyon289 if you are still willing, I am going to assign you as reviewers for obspy!! Please plan to have your feedback to @megies by Monday Feb 24th.

You can use our review guide as a basis for your review. We actually have some reviews that you can look out now (our guide is dated already!!) which include:

@megies did check they are ok with issues being submitted directly to the obspy repo! so if you'd like you can organize that review with issues providing commentary here and then linking to issues that you open in obspy. how you prefer to work is up to you!

If you have any questions please get in touch here!! Thank you again for volunteering your time to review this package! It is a very widely used package in this domain looking at the package download stats on conda so we are excited to see it submitted here! Have a wonderful weekend!!

lwasser commented 4 years ago

@megies please excse me if i already asked you this? are you interested in a JOSS citation? it's not a significant amount of extra work. you write the "paper" which can be quite short. earthpy has one in it's repo, and then joss automatically accepts the review that happens here so it's fast once the paper is complete. You then get a more formal citation through a journal which is really nice and linked to your orcid ID (and any other contributors that youd like to add). this is an option so just let me know if you have any interest in it! i'm excited to get this review going!

lwasser commented 4 years ago

one other note -- @raoulcollenteur and @canyon289 the review template is here in case you didn't see it above!

canyon289 commented 4 years ago

Great. I'll get this done by the 24th. Also interested in whether this is getting submitted to JOSS as there seem to be extra reviewer items for me to go through if that's the case.

megies commented 4 years ago

please excse me if i already asked you this? are you interested in a JOSS citation? it's not a significant amount of extra work

No problem. I'm not sure if it would do much though, since we have three citable papers for obspy but if you have a good idea how to theme it or if you think it's still adding something, let me know. :-)

megies commented 4 years ago

Also interested in whether this is getting submitted to JOSS as there seem to be extra reviewer items for me to go through if that's the case

You can start on those items not affected by JOSS submission :-)

lwasser commented 4 years ago

awesome. thanks all!! sure. i'll actually reach out to @arfon on this. Arfon if you happen to see this - does JOSS provide anything new in terms of citation and visibility if a tool has already been published in a few other journals?

arfon commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if it would do much though, since we have three citable papers for obspy but if you have a good idea how to theme it or if you think it's still adding something, let me know.

:wave: If you already have a paper (or multiple papers!) that you like people to cite for this software then I don't think it makes much sense to publish a paper with JOSS.

lwasser commented 4 years ago

Thank you @arfon !! that was fast. ok great.. i just emailed you about this given i have a similar question for another review underway!

canyon289 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I've reviewed the package and have two comments

For the author

  1. Tests are failing in CI and some fail locally.
  2. I wasn't able to quickly find a usage tutorial of the "intro to obspy" sort in the README. The docs are quite extensive so I'm sure one exists somewhere but I wasn't able to find it. The README shows an output image, perhaps the code used to generate that can be shown.

For the editors

  1. There aren't examples for every user facing function, but there are for most and API for this library is so expansive I can sympathize with not having examples for all functionality. Nonetheless if go by the wording it states all functions need user facing documentation. How should the review proceed here?

In depth comments and examples are in this google doc

raoulcollenteur commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the slightly late response, but here it is! I think the authors did a great job on the package . I have a couple of comments which I think would improve the introduction of the package for new users. Please find those at the end of the review.

Package Review


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Readme requirements


Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing:

Review Comments

I am not a seismologist by training so I will limit to software technical/UI review. ObsPy is a Python package targeted at seismologists and seems to have a large and active user base. I think this is better proof for the need and usability of this package than anything else. I congratulate the authors on what seems to me a well accepted Python package. The Wiki and documentation are extensive. Some of the information feels a little dispersed, maybe these two sources could be merge to one website in the future to improve easy access to all these resources. The gallery gives a nice quick overview of the possibilities, including the necessary code. In addition to all these resources there are multiple articles introducing the software that provide a quick introduction. I also found a couple of useful repositories in the organisation account (e.g., that include notebooks, these could be promoted from the main repository as well.

Major comments

Minor comments

megies commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to have a detailed look as soon as I can.. we're pushing for a major release right now, so might not be able to reply immediately.

megies commented 4 years ago

Here's my reply to @canyon289, thanks for the helpful comments. I also left some remarks in the google docs, mainly about those failing tests in CI.


We quite often have tests failing which most times is due to the tests being so rigorous. I can make you a log of numpy floating point operation result differences at the 15th digit and their changes across platforms, architectures and numpy versions. Fun aside, all of the fails you linked are image test fails, you can actually check out the images uploaded to imgur from the traceback message. Usually it's ticks moving around a bit.


Usage examples could be found following the read more link to the wiki and move to Getting started section referring to the Tutorial in the docs. I guess it was not perfectly visible, so I made the read more stand out a bit more and added a small Getting Started section as well. The plot you were referring to is not really an ObsPy plot, but rather plotting our usage stats, so it's not appropriate to show the code for it, but I added a mini code example with a picture as a teaser in the README. Thanks for the suggestion to make usage teaser stand out a bit more in the README.

from obspy import read
st = read()  # load example seismogram
st.filter(type='highpass', freq=3.0)
st ='Z')


megies commented 4 years ago

@raoulcollenteur, thanks for your review, here's my comments/replies:

megies commented 4 years ago

@lwasser responded to both reviews, let me know if you need more from my side

lwasser commented 4 years ago

thank you @megies !! i'll look at this a bit more closely today! one note - when we talk about vignettes we like to see them in the api docs but also something like this is always nice:

It's becoming clear to me that we need to more carefully consider levels of documentation for good, better and best . The issue of API documentation with examples for instance has come up multiple times. I'm curious what your take is on this. We have an discussion on it in discourse started here. @canyon289 and @raoulcollenteur i'm very interested in your thoughts as well if you have any input! All - thank you for supporting / going through review process and for your patience as we develop our policies and guidelines!

lwasser commented 4 years ago

also @canyon289 and @raoulcollenteur can you kindly have a look at the comments above and let me know if you are satisfied with @megies responses? i see that you guys did go back and forth in the google doc! i will copy that text over to this issue just so we have a record of it now (in case the doc gets lost in the future!).

lwasser commented 4 years ago

THIS IS THE GOOGLE DOC REVIEW TEMPLATE - from @canyon289 copying it here for records and safe keeping!!

Review Template

Checklist Legend X - Complete and meets criteria ? - Not sure if criteria is met Not Met - Criteria is not met Not applicable - Not required for this review

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide

No conflict of interest!


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Short description is available on README. Link to a very comprehensive presentation is linked on README to youtube.

But there are a number that are very well documented How strict is the word all here?

Readme requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:

The README should include, from top to bottom:

Badge for review has not been included yet but everything else has


Tests do not pass on my local machine with fresh installation from master (commit: 34c70be39b71c6ec224a38045bb2a89a75f56a76)

When pyimgur is installed tests then fail because they’re hitting a web api that is sending back 400.

This test failure service you’ve implemented though is really cool.

CI integration exists for appveyor and Travis but Travis seems to be failing at the moment

For packages co-submitting to JOSS

Note: Be sure to check this carefully, as JOSS's submission requirements and scope differ from pyOpenSci's in terms of what types of packages are accepted.

The package contains a matching JOSS's requirements with:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing:

Review Comments

Fix: Develop installation

Developer installation isn’t straightforward. For editable mode. It seems that numpy is needed prior to using pip, but this is not listed in the instructions

Suggestion: Intro for dummies

A brief abstract about how this package is useful for seismologists would be great for non seismologists like me. There is an hour youtube video available but that doesn’t work for someone scrolling through

canyon289 commented 4 years ago

also @canyon289 and @raoulcollenteur can you kindly have a look at the comments above and let me know if you are satisfied with @megies responses? i see that you guys did go back and forth in the google doc! i will copy that text over to this issue just so we have a record of it now (in case the doc gets lost in the future!).

There's a couple of things that are still open.

  1. Regarding the note below I still think developer installation can be easier. Instead of requiring a user to understand an error message to fix their install, would it be easier for newcomers if the instructions just included a note to install numpy? image

  2. The failing tests when locally cloned are confusing. I get that in CI things might be flaky, but for a developer who's trying to help out it's difficult to tell if failing tests are a problem with your local environment or an external service. I would advise adding pytest markers that skip tests that could fail locally so folks cloning the library can quickly tell if things are working before start contributing.

All of the above is especially important if code is being pushed straight to master. I think the fixes are fairly easy which is why I'm mentioning this here. These two things will help potential new contributors from experiencing frustration!

Hope this helps!

raoulcollenteur commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the comments on the review @megies, I think all the questions were answered well. Just the last thing I am not really sure about is the failing of CI tests (Travis fails: I agree with @canyon289 that this is rather confusing and could be fixed by allowing some tests to fail. I think many people use this to quickly evaluate a package for a) practical use / quality and b) ensure functioning during development of new features. In general, I would like to see the CI tests work for accepted packages in pyOpenSci.

  • @canyon289 also commented about the missing usage example in README, I added it to the README and also improved the "Getting started" in the wiki. I also added mention of which has static preview notebooks as well as binder for interactive use of all the ObsPy training notebooks (and much more).

The links to seismic live don't work for me, you might want to check those. Readme looks good now.

  • I don't really understand the Vignette(s) demonstrating major functionality that runs successfully locally item actually @lwasser. In any case all the important submodule API landing pages have extensive examples (in addition to examples in specific important method/function API pages), so I'm pretty confident we're good there, e.g.

I agree with @megies, I think this is fine as is. @lwasser I feel PyOpenSci should leave the exact implementation to the developers and not mandate that these vignettes should be in the API. It is nice, but for some applications it is not feasible in my opinion.

  • Possibly start supporting python 3.7? We do actually, and have 3.7 and 3.8 also in CI, I guess you are referring to what is stated on PyPi? Those metadata will get updated by uploading the next release, its already fixed in master.

I was indeed talking about the Pypi badges, great!

megies commented 4 years ago


  • Regarding the note below I still think developer installation can be easier. Instead of requiring a user to understand an error message to fix their install, would it be easier for newcomers if the instructions just included a note to install numpy?

I did not see the problem with the developer installation instructions in the wiki, to be honest. It was advertising using Anaconda as the most straightforward solution, in which case the mentioned error is not encountered as numpy will be there. For people not following the recommendation, I would expect them to be experienced and I would deem "No module named numpy. Please install numpy first, it is needed before installing ObsPy." as sufficiently clear what is the problem. Or is there a misunderstanding and you were you not looking at the "Developer Installation" page in the wiki but some other place I can not think of right now?

In any case, it never hurts to further improve so I made some more changes, which should be crystal clear now.

  • The failing tests when locally cloned are confusing. I get that in CI things might be flaky, but for a developer who's trying to help out it's difficult to tell if failing tests are a problem with your local environment or an external service. I would advise adding pytest markers that skip tests that could fail locally so folks cloning the library can quickly tell if things are working before start contributing.

I am sorry, but I don't see this being feasible right now in a manageable amount of time or without being disruptive to the whole test setup. Tests that can fail locally in maybe even 50% of the test cases, depending on installed numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ... version, depending on operating system in some cases, depending on platform and depending on network availability, etc etc. To be honest, it is even easier to keep false positive fails under control in CI as opposed to user installations (esp. because of volatile dependencies). I doubt it will ever be possible to a-priori identify those at all. Also, pytest is not (yet) our main testing backend but rather plain unittest with our test runner on top, steering things. So, I'm sorry but I do not think I can facilitate that request short term.

In any case, thanks again for the review comments!

megies commented 4 years ago


The links to seismic live don't work for me, you might want to check those. Readme looks good now.

You mean is not working for you? Maybe a random network fail. The link should work

I agree with @megies, I think this is fine as is. @lwasser I feel PyOpenSci should leave the exact implementation to the developers and not mandate that these vignettes should be in the API. It is nice, but for some applications it is not feasible in my opinion.

Looking at the earthpy vignette gallery @lwasser linked, actually this is pretty much what our gallery is? It also has a mosaic of plots that link to corresponding parts of the API pages.

I can see that there is some argument about whether green badges are more important or being able to tell when things really go wrong, and when they started to do so (from the database of test results), and many people are speaking out for skipping tests or removing them -- I don't like either. I think this can not be resolved short term for this review, if anything, I'd rather remove those badges from the README, to be honest. We have a lot of tests relying on network/server feedback, image tests and numerical tests, all of which can be hard to keep passing with volatile dependencies, across platforms and external upstream server and network issues. I really don't see the point of a green badge when it mostly tells you "we removed all failing tests from the code base or just don't run em anymore because they just were a pain". Feel free to keep the review on hold if it doesn't fit the guidelines, I just don't see a short term solution not taking heaps of work to do for now.

lwasser commented 4 years ago

hey there @megies !! this is great insight - thank you for it. Let me tell you first and foremost, things have been slow because i have had some medical and family issues and have pretty much been offline for 2 weeks and am now behind. MY APOLOGIES for that! i am trying to catch up now.

I don't want these issues to STOP this review process! what has been happening is that every review we learn something and potentially change, enhance update our docs. We are new and want to ensure our review process is

  1. robust
  2. not too onerous for reviewers AND
  3. not too onerous for developers

So what we are trying to do is find that middle ground where the python scientific community says "cool - we think pyopensci guidelines are ones we want to follow because they are reasonable yet still robust".

We (including @choldgraf ) had a great discussion about tests and expectations for pyopensci in our last meeting. I absolutely agree that we won't resolve this - in this review. We have some other ongoing discussions about how much documentation is "good enough". I'd like to find a middle ground for this review and then add what we learn to our docs. i will followup on language in our dev guide that might address this and would really appreciate your input on this @megies because as a developer of a larger package, i want to ensure things aren't too onerous for you!

We are running into the same issue with docs.

in the most perfect ideal world we'd have docs as follows:

  1. small application vignettes in the doc strings that are visible calling help(function/class etc) and
  2. tutorials or example workflows.

i see in our docs we ask for a get started in the readme, vignettes and doc strings which seems like a lot. we are trying to find a "good enough" middle ground. This is what we came to in our last meeting and i'm curious what you all think about it! i plan to add a bit more to our discourse discussion as well but let me know what you all think about below:

**good enough (required)**: all user facing functions (inputs and outputs) are documented both in the code and in the user-facing documentation.
**better**: all user facing functions are documented with examples (in tutorials or doc strings)
**best**: all user facing functions are documented and there is are tutorials (vignettes) that demonstrate example user workflows 

i don't have any language for testing yet but would love some help editing our dev_guide language to ensure it's reasonable.

I agree that just removing failing tests is not the answer if they do serve some purpose. i'm just not sure what language is best in this case.

thank you all for your patience. developing our review guidelines has been challenging but also a lot of fun as we are learning so much and getting a lot of input from people like you guys!

canyon289 commented 4 years ago

@megies Thank you for updating the developer instructions! I feel that that point has been sufficiently addressed and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts as well.

@megies @lwasser and @choldgraf About tests and independent of this review, I had similar experiences with flaky tests on ArviZ and the PyMC projects and ended up making some big changes to our testing pipeline to get over the hurdle. To @megies point its often not trivial, and not a feature for end users.

For what its worth I wrote a blog post on the thought process and our solution here. Not suggesting this is what PyOpenSci or obspy should be use as a standard. Just some more background on what my/our open source projects ended up doing, if it is at all helpful.

megies commented 4 years ago

@lwasser no worries and I hope everything got sorted out :+1:

**good enough (required)**: all user facing functions (inputs and outputs) are documented both in the code and in the user-facing documentation.
**better**: all user facing functions are documented with examples (in tutorials or doc strings) 
**best**: all user facing functions are documented and there is are tutorials (vignettes) that demonstrate example user workflows 

@lwasser This looks like a good starting point for a classification. From my experience it might be enough to say (for e.g. "better") "all user facing functions are documented in docstrings, most important or likely-to-be-used-often functions include examples in doc strings and/or tutorials".

But then I have to be self-critical here, obspy has grown from small to very big and some policies for better coding practice were picked up one by one. So at some point we set a policy that all functions/methods/classes deemed private are prefixed by one underscore, and subject to change of API or complete removal without warning or deprecation at devs discretion. For these I would also not demand full documentation or examples in most cases. But, we have lots of such functionality that is not marked private by naming, but we would still consider it more internal helpers that do not need full effort in docstrings or even examples. So I guess in our case you could say that it is not straight forward to tell what is really supposed to be deemed "user-facing". These are historical artifacts and may be similar (or not..) for other projects that were not laid out on the drafting table but rather have grown steadily.

Also, I think many smaller, yet user-facing routines might not not full blown tutorials. As an example, this helper function is for users, but I would argue the docstring says it all:

lwasser commented 4 years ago

ok team. My apologies for being absent for the past few weeks. So many things have been happening. getting back to this and reading through everything again, it seems like the reviewers are generally happy with obspy now. I see that @megies did make the install a bit more clear! thank you. it looks great and i see numpy mentioned as a requirement.

So here we are left with two bigger issues --

  1. How much documentation is "good enough" for pyopensci
  2. Tests - how much do we ask of dev's in terms of testing frameworks when some tests fail locally. options

    • pytest markers which can work well but you are essentially skipping running some tests
    • leave it as is
    • Fix the tests (which may be quite onerous in this case to ensure they run across all user machines

    @canyon289 and @raoulcollenteur have i represented things well above? are there other outstanding issues in this particular review?

canyon289 commented 4 years ago

@lwasser Apologies on my late reply

That list looks good. The one other thing I would add is whether the master branch of CI should be failing or not. Basically should there be a green badge for CI on the README or not.

lwasser commented 2 years ago

Good morning, @megies et al. I am following up on this review. I realize this is a long stale issue but I wanted to revisit to dot i's and cross t's as necessary. First, thank you all for your time in submitting and reviewing this package. If i recall, the issue with proceeding with this review was the fact that many of the tests (please correct me if i'm wrong) were failing due to understandable issues. But i think we, as a community need to talk more about what we look for in test suites. What is difficult from a contribution standpoint is that if tests regularly fail, it might be hard for contributors to understand the points of failure and contribute meaningfully. I'm happy to have a more in depth discussion about this @megies if you'd like to chat further as it could help us as we define standards for review in pyOpenSci. Please let me know. For now, I am going to close this issue. However, if anyone responds I am happy to reopen it and if we need to have a broader discussion, we can move it over to discourse for that purpose.