pyOpenSci / test-pyos-review

This is a test repository that we will use to setup our bot. please do not submit packages here.
0 stars 0 forks source link

Test issue march 18 #14

Open lwasser opened 3 months ago

lwasser commented 3 months ago

Submitting Author: ( ) All current maintainers: (@github_handle1, @github_handle2) Package Name: Package name here One-Line Description of Package: Description here Repository Link: Version submitted: Editor: !--editor-->@chayadecacao<!--end-editor--
Reviewers: !--reviewers-list-->@lwasser<!--end-reviewers-list--
Archive: TBD JOSS DOI: TBD Version accepted: v1.0.0
Date accepted (month/day/year): TBD

Code of Conduct & Commitment to Maintain Package



Domain Specific

Community Partnerships

If your package is associated with an existing community please check below:

[^1]: Please fill out a pre-submission inquiry before submitting a data visualization package.

Technical checks

For details about the pyOpenSci packaging requirements, see our packaging guide. Confirm each of the following by checking the box. This package:

Publication Options

JOSS Checks - [ ] The package has an **obvious research application** according to JOSS's definition in their [submission requirements][JossSubmissionRequirements]. Be aware that completing the pyOpenSci review process **does not** guarantee acceptance to JOSS. Be sure to read their submission requirements (linked above) if you are interested in submitting to JOSS. - [ ] The package is not a "minor utility" as defined by JOSS's [submission requirements][JossSubmissionRequirements]: "Minor ‘utility’ packages, including ‘thin’ API clients, are not acceptable." pyOpenSci welcomes these packages under "Data Retrieval", but JOSS has slightly different criteria. - [ ] The package contains a `` matching [JOSS's requirements][JossPaperRequirements] with a high-level description in the package root or in `inst/`. - [ ] The package is deposited in a long-term repository with the DOI: *Note: JOSS accepts our review as theirs. You will NOT need to go through another full review. JOSS will only review your file. Be sure to link to this pyOpenSci issue when a JOSS issue is opened for your package. Also be sure to tell the JOSS editor that this is a pyOpenSci reviewed package once you reach this step.*

Are you OK with Reviewers Submitting Issues and/or pull requests to your Repo Directly?

This option will allow reviewers to open smaller issues that can then be linked to PR's rather than submitting a more dense text based review. It will also allow you to demonstrate addressing the issue via PR links.

Confirm each of the following by checking the box.

Please fill out our survey

P.S. Have feedback/comments about our review process? Leave a comment here

Editor and Review Templates

The editor template can be found here.

The review template can be found here.

Review checklist for @lwasser

🎉 has been approved by pyOpenSci! Thank you for submitting and many thanks to for reviewing this package! 😸

Author Wrap Up Tasks

There are a few things left to do to wrap up this submission:

It looks like you would like to submit this package to JOSS. Here are the next steps: - [ ] Once the JOSS issue is opened for the package, we strongly suggest that you subscribe to issue updates. This will allow you to continue to update the issue labels on this review as it goes through the JOSS process. - [ ] Login to the JOSS website and fill out the JOSS submission form using your Zenodo DOI. **When you fill out the form, be sure to mention and link to the approved pyOpenSci review.** JOSS will tag your package for expedited review if it is already pyOpenSci approved. - [ ] Wait for a JOSS editor to approve the presubmission (which includes a scope check). - [ ] Once the package is approved by JOSS, you will be given instructions by JOSS about updating the citation information in your README file. - [ ] When the JOSS review is complete, add a comment to your review in the pyOpenSci software-review repo here that it has been approved by JOSS. An editor will then add the JOSS-approved label to this issue. 🎉 Congratulations! You are now published with both JOSS and pyOpenSci! 🎉 ## Editor Final Checks Please complete the final steps to wrap up this review. Editor, please do the following: - [ ] Make sure that the maintainers filled out the [post-review survey]( - [ ] Invite the maintainers to submit a blog post highlighting their package. Feel free to use / adapt [language found in this comment]( to help guide the author. - [ ] Change the status tag of the issue to `6/pyOS-approved6 🚀🚀🚀`. - [ ] Invite the package maintainer(s) and both reviewers to slack if they wish to join. - [ ] If the author submits to JOSS, please continue to update the labels for JOSS on this issue until the author is accepted (do not remove the `6/pyOS-approved` label). Once accepted add the label `9/joss-approved` to the issue. Skip this check if the package is not submitted to JOSS. - [ ] If the package is JOSS-accepted please add the JOSS doi to the YAML at the top of the issue. --- If you have any feedback for us about the review process please feel free to share it here. We are always looking to improve our process and documentation in the [peer-review-guide](
pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Hey @lwasser :wave: welcome to pyOpenSci’s scientific Python peer review process!

We’ve seen your message. Someone from our editorial team will get back to you within the next week about this submission. In the meantime, feel free to check out our packaging guide or feel free to ask questions on our Discourse forum.

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot add @chayadecacao as editor

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot help

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot help

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot help

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Hello @lwasser, here are the things you can ask me to do:

# List all available commands
@pyosbot help

# Show our community Code of Conduct and Guidelines
@pyosbot code of conduct

# Allow editors to move the review to EiC checks
@pyosbot assign eic

# Get a list of all editors's GitHub handles
@pyosbot list editors

# Assign a user as the editor of this submission
@pyosbot assign @username as editor

# Remove the editor assigned to this submission
@pyosbot remove editor

# Add to this issue's reviewers list
@pyosbot add @reviewer-login as reviewer

# Remove from this issue's reviewers list
@pyosbot remove @reviewer-login from reviewers

# Add review checklist for a user
@pyosbot add checklist for @username

# Remove the checklist for a user
@pyosbot remove checklist for @username

# Add review checklist for a user
@pyosbot add checklist for @username

# Remove the checklist for a user
@pyosbot remove checklist for @username

# Label issue with: 2/seeking-reviewers. Remove labels: 1/editor-assigned
@pyosbot seeking reviewers

# Label issue with: 3/reviewer(s)-assigned. Remove labels: 2/seeking-reviewers
@pyosbot reviewers assigned

# Label issue with: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes. Remove labels: 3/reviewer(s)-assigned
@pyosbot reviews are in

# Label issue with: 5/awaiting-reviewer-response. Remove labels: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes
@pyosbot author response complete

# Set a value for version
@pyosbot set v1.0.0 as version

# Set a value for archive
@pyosbot set 10.5281/zenodo.7158585 as archive

# Remind an author, a reviewer or the editor to return to a review after a 
# certain period of time (supported units days and weeks)
@pyosbot remind @reviewer in 2 weeks

# Perform checks on the repository
# Optionally, it can be run on a non-default branch 
@pyosbot check repository
@pyosbot check repository from branch custom-branch-name
lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot check repository

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot set v1.0.0 as version

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Done! version is now v1.0.0

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot check repository

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot assign eic

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Editor in Chief checks

Hi there! Thank you for submitting your package for pyOpenSci review. Below are the basic checks that your package needs to pass to begin our review. If some of these are missing, we will ask you to work on them before the review process begins.

Please check our Python packaging guide for more information on the elements below.

Editor comments

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot add @chayadecacao as editor

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Assigned! @chayadecacao is now the editor

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot remove editor

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Editor removed!

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot seeking reviewers

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot add @lwasser as reviewer

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

@lwasser added to the reviewers list!

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot remove @lwasser as reviewer

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

@lwasser removed from the reviewers list!

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot add @lwasser as reviewer

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

@lwasser added to the reviewers list!

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot add @chayadecacao as editor

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

I'm sorry human, I don't understand that. You can see what commands I support by typing:

@pyosbot help

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot add @chayadecacao as editor

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Assigned! @chayadecacao is now the editor

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot reviewers assigned

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot help

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Hello @lwasser, here are the things you can ask me to do:

# List all available commands
@pyosbot help

# Show our community Code of Conduct and Guidelines
@pyosbot code of conduct

# Allow editors to move the review to EiC checks
@pyosbot assign eic

# Get a list of all editors's GitHub handles
@pyosbot list editors

# Assign a user as the editor of this submission
@pyosbot assign @username as editor

# Remove the editor assigned to this submission
@pyosbot remove editor

# Add to this issue's reviewers list
@pyosbot add @reviewer-login as reviewer

# Remove from this issue's reviewers list
@pyosbot remove @reviewer-login from reviewers

# Add review checklist for a user
@pyosbot add checklist for @username

# Remove the checklist for a user
@pyosbot remove checklist for @username

# Add review checklist for a user
@pyosbot add checklist for @username

# Remove the checklist for a user
@pyosbot remove checklist for @username

# Label issue with: 2/seeking-reviewers. Remove labels: 1/editor-assigned
@pyosbot seeking reviewers

# Label issue with: 3/reviewer(s)-assigned. Remove labels: 2/seeking-reviewers
@pyosbot reviewers assigned

# Label issue with: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes. Remove labels: 3/reviewer(s)-assigned
@pyosbot reviews are in

# Label issue with: 5/awaiting-reviewer-response. Remove labels: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes
@pyosbot author response complete

# Set a value for version
@pyosbot set v1.0.0 as version

# Set a value for archive
@pyosbot set 10.5281/zenodo.7158585 as archive

# Remind an author, a reviewer or the editor to return to a review after a 
# certain period of time (supported units days and weeks)
@pyosbot remind @reviewer in 2 weeks

# Perform checks on the repository
# Optionally, it can be run on a non-default branch 
@pyosbot check repository
@pyosbot check repository from branch custom-branch-name
lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot add checklist for @lwasser

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Checklist added for @lwasser

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Checklist added for @lwasser

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot reviews are in

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyos-bot author response complete

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot help

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Hello @lwasser, here are the things you can ask me to do:

# List all available commands
@pyosbot help

# Show our community Code of Conduct and Guidelines
@pyosbot code of conduct

# Allow editors to move the review to EiC checks
@pyosbot assign eic

# Get a list of all editors's GitHub handles
@pyosbot list editors

# Assign a user as the editor of this submission
@pyosbot assign @username as editor

# Remove the editor assigned to this submission
@pyosbot remove editor

# Add to this issue's reviewers list
@pyosbot add @reviewer-login as reviewer

# Remove from this issue's reviewers list
@pyosbot remove @reviewer-login from reviewers

# Add review checklist for a user
@pyosbot add checklist for @username

# Remove the checklist for a user
@pyosbot remove checklist for @username

# Add review checklist for a user
@pyosbot add checklist for @username

# Remove the checklist for a user
@pyosbot remove checklist for @username

# Label issue with: 2/seeking-reviewers. Remove labels: 1/editor-assigned
@pyosbot seeking reviewers

# Label issue with: 3/reviewer(s)-assigned. Remove labels: 2/seeking-reviewers
@pyosbot reviewers assigned

# Label issue with: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes. Remove labels: 3/reviewer(s)-assigned
@pyosbot reviews are in

# Label issue with: 5/awaiting-reviewer-response. Remove labels: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes
@pyosbot author response complete

# Set a value for version
@pyosbot set v1.0.0 as version

# Set a value for archive
@pyosbot set 10.5281/zenodo.7158585 as archive

# Remind an author, a reviewer or the editor to return to a review after a 
# certain period of time (supported units days and weeks)
@pyosbot remind @reviewer in 2 weeks

# Perform checks on the repository
# Optionally, it can be run on a non-default branch 
@pyosbot check repository
@pyosbot check repository from branch custom-branch-name
lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot author response complete

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot accept package

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

I'm sorry human, I don't understand that. You can see what commands I support by typing:

@pyosbot help

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot help

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

Hello @lwasser, here are the things you can ask me to do:

# List all available commands
@pyosbot help

# Show our community Code of Conduct and Guidelines
@pyosbot code of conduct

# Allow editors to move the review to EiC checks
@pyosbot assign eic

# Get a list of all editors's GitHub handles
@pyosbot list editors

# Assign a user as the editor of this submission
@pyosbot assign @username as editor

# Remove the editor assigned to this submission
@pyosbot remove editor

# Add to this issue's reviewers list
@pyosbot add @reviewer-login as reviewer

# Remove from this issue's reviewers list
@pyosbot remove @reviewer-login from reviewers

# Add review checklist for a user
@pyosbot add checklist for @username

# Remove the checklist for a user
@pyosbot remove checklist for @username

# Add review checklist for a user
@pyosbot add checklist for @username

# Remove the checklist for a user
@pyosbot remove checklist for @username

# Label issue with: 2/seeking-reviewers. Remove labels: 1/editor-assigned
@pyosbot seeking reviewers

# Label issue with: 3/reviewer(s)-assigned. Remove labels: 2/seeking-reviewers
@pyosbot reviewers assigned

# Label issue with: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes. Remove labels: 3/reviewer(s)-assigned
@pyosbot reviews are in

# Label issue with: 5/awaiting-reviewer-response. Remove labels: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes
@pyosbot author response complete

# Label issue with: 7/under-joss-review. Remove labels: 4/review-in-awaiting-changes
@pyosbot begin joss

# Label issue with: 9/joss-approved. Remove labels: 7/under-joss-review
@pyosbot joss approved

# Set a value for version
@pyosbot set v1.0.0 as version

# Set a value for archive
@pyosbot set 10.5281/zenodo.7158585 as archive

# Remind an author, a reviewer or the editor to return to a review after a 
# certain period of time (supported units days and weeks)
@pyosbot remind @reviewer in 2 weeks

# Perform checks on the repository
# Optionally, it can be run on a non-default branch 
@pyosbot check repository
@pyosbot check repository from branch custom-branch-name
lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot begin joss

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot begin joss approved

pyosbot commented 3 months ago

I'm sorry human, I don't understand that. You can see what commands I support by typing:

@pyosbot help

lwasser commented 3 months ago

@pyosbot joss approved