pyannote / pyannote-audio

Neural building blocks for speaker diarization: speech activity detection, speaker change detection, overlapped speech detection, speaker embedding
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When fine tuning pretrained segmentation model using on well-defined and registered custom finance dataset, it shows the following error message 'PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'pyannote.database.registry.Finance'>: attribute lookup Finance on pyannote.database.registry failed' #1734

Open ZhouFang928 opened 5 days ago

ZhouFang928 commented 5 days ago

Tested versions

System information

Windows 10 -

Issue description

Module Version Used: (or 3.0.1) pyannote.core==5.0.0 pyannote.database==5.1.0 (or 5.0.1) pyannote.metrics==3.2.1 pyannote.pipeline==3.0.1

Code with Problem:

from import Segmentation from types import MethodType from torch.optim import Adam

task = Segmentation( dataset, duration=pretrained_segment_model.specifications.duration, max_num_speakers=len(pretrained_segment_model.specifications.classes), batch_size=64, num_workers=16, loss="bce", vad_loss="bce")

def configure_optimizers(self): return Adam(self.parameters(), lr=1e-4)

pretrained_segment_model.configure_optimizers = MethodType(configure_optimizers, pretrained_segment_model) pretrained_segment_model.task = task pretrained_segment_model.setup(stage='fit')

from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ( EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint, RichProgressBar, )

from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from lightning.fabric.fabric import Fabric from lightning.pytorch.strategies import DDPStrategy

monitor, direction = task.val_monitor checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint( monitor=monitor, mode=direction, save_top_k=1, every_n_epochs=1, save_last=False, save_weights_only=False, filename="{epoch}", verbose=False, ) early_stopping = EarlyStopping( monitor=monitor, mode=direction, min_delta=0.0, patience=10, strict=True, verbose=False, )

callbacks = [RichProgressBar(), checkpoint, early_stopping]

trainer = Trainer( accelerator="gpu", devices=1, callbacks=callbacks, max_epochs=20, gradient_clip_val=0.5 )

Error Message: PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'pyannote.database.registry.Finance'>: attribute lookup Finance on pyannote.database.registry failed

Similar Issue for 2.0 Stating that fix has been released in pyannote.database 4.0.3 For 3.0 or above, the corresponding pyannote.database version should be above 5.0.1.

**Issue if upgrading to If upgrading to the latest version (3.3.1), it shows the following error message. If using --user option to upgrade by following the error message's instruction, the system's CUDA support will be broken. So, there might be a package limitation (or other reasons) which prevents us fine tuning segmentation model as part of fine tuning pyannote v3 model, instead, we can only fine tune hyper-parameter like clustering threshold, currently.

(vtt_pyannote_tune_v3) C:\Users\fcdfaz>pip install --upgrade ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\Users\fcdfaz\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\vtt_pyannote_tune_v3\Library\bin\tbbmalloc.dll' Consider using the --user option or check the permissions.

Is this a bug for How should I fix the PicklingError issue?

In addition, I cannot re-run the below tutorial successfully using

Thanks a lot!

Minimal reproduction example (MRE)

hbredin commented 5 days ago

Training on Windows is not supported.

ZhouFang928 commented 3 days ago

Dear Hervé BREDIN,

Thank you very much for the quick reply.

May I check with you which systems the package would support? Do you have a webpage listing all the system requirements for different versions of the package?

Is supported on linux virtualbox (VMWare Workstation Player with Ubuntu) running on a GPU windows desktop?

Thanks a lot!

ZhouFang928 commented 3 days ago

Dear Hervé BREDIN,

In addition, may I check with you whether the commercial product has Windows support version, which can do both scoring and fine tuning on Windows system?

Thanks a lot!