pyannote / pyannote-metrics

A toolkit for reproducible evaluation, diagnostic, and error analysis of speaker diarization systems
MIT License
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Package gets installed in Python 2.7 but gives error when importing in code #11

Closed NeoBoy closed 7 years ago

NeoBoy commented 7 years ago


I installed the package in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with anaconda distribution and python 2.7 which happens without any issue. But when I use the example notebook, I get import error (ImportError: /home/neoboy/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9_M_createERmm)

hbredin commented 7 years ago

Sorry. Never encountered this issue before. Can you provide me with a very simple set of instructions to reproduce the error?

NeoBoy commented 7 years ago

I was just running the example notebook provide by you and error occurs after I run line 2 of the notebook from pyannote.core import Annontation, Segment

hbredin commented 7 years ago

Can you provide with the complete set of installation instructions you used so that I can try to reproduce them?

NeoBoy commented 7 years ago

I downloaded the anaconda python 2 installer for Linux, installed it and then installed gcc and used pip to install pyannote.metrics

hbredin commented 7 years ago

Here is what I did:

$ conda create -n pyannote-metrics-py27 python=2.7 anaconda
$ source activate pyannote-metrics-py27
$ conda install gcc
$ pip install pyannote.metrics
$ python -c "from pyannote.core import Segment, Annotation"

This does not raise any error: I cannot replicate your error.

NeoBoy commented 7 years ago

I have identified the problem. Mistakenly I installed the package without installing the gcc package first and somehow this package did get installed but gave error when importing the package. I retried installation after installing gcc but pip was using cached files so error was not disappearing. After using pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade pyannote.metrics, the package is now functional.