pyanodon / PyBlock

pymod style seablock
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Progression issue: Dead end when running out of copper plates #17

Open SWeini opened 9 months ago

SWeini commented 9 months ago

It's possible to run out of copper plates after 10+ hours when you don't build a solid separator early enough or underestimate its copper cost.

Most players probably look at their iron plate production first, because that's the first limitation, and if you drop below ~175 copper plates while doing so it's game over.

A dead end is not great from a design perspective. In the first hour it maybe acceptable because it's easier to restart, but not after scaling up iron for many hours.

A crazy suggestion: What about handcrafting the simple and the copper-only (just these two or maybe even all) soot separation recipes?

Luaancz commented 8 months ago

It's not really a dead end, since you can always just look for copper ore patches. Which you should be doing anyway, the soot recipe is atrocious (and you want to use the normal separation recipe to accumulate the rarer materials anyway) :D If you're going for a pure seablock run, you should really know what you're doing and plan way ahead.