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Boilers very inefficient (<50%) due to wonky core implementation #536

Open jotakami opened 1 week ago

jotakami commented 1 week ago

Mod source

Factorio Mod Portal

Operating system

=Windows 10

What kind of issue is this?

What is the problem?

As documented in this thread: The core boiler implementation uses the specific heat and minimum temperature of the input fluid to calculate energy consumption, but then just converts that fluid directly to whatever the output fluid is with no adjustments for different specific heat or minimum temperature. The boiler is 100% efficient in vanilla because water and steam have the same values, but in pY the fluids have more "realistic" values which means steam holds less than half the heat energy of water at the same temperature.

The result is that a boiler consumes 3.7 MW to heat 15C water up to 250C, but outputs 250C steam at a power of only 1.76 MW resulting in terrible efficiency of about 47.5%. According to the thread linked above, this behavior will be corrected in 2.0 such that the output fluid rate is adjusted to maintain energy balance. So, if nothing is adjusted in pYmods, then the boiler will output steam at a rate of 15.7/s with this change.

It is possible that the mod was balanced with this inefficient behavior taken into account, but then the balance will change completely when the 2.0 patch takes effect.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Connect one boiler to one steam engine with fuel and water feeds
  2. Add a sufficiently large electric power load and observe that the steam engine produces only 1.76 MW max, while the boiler consumes 3.7 MW

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