For my use case, i want to encrypt the string in javascript while string decryption will happen on server side (Flask based application).
I am using the below function. However, if the string is encrypted like this, the returned value is a string and not a bytes object that private key expects.
Below is the code that i am using for encoding after extracting the modulus and exponent from public key in python
async function encryptWithPublicKey(modulusB64, exponentB64, data) {
// Decode base64 strings to bytes
function base64ToHex(str) {
var raw = atob(str);
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
var hex = raw.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
result += (hex.length === 2 ? hex : '0' + hex);
return result.toUpperCase();
// Decode base64 to hexadecimal
var modulusHex = base64ToHex(modulusB64);
var exponentHex = base64ToHex(exponentB64);
// Create RSAKey object and set public key
var rsa = new RSAKey();
rsa.setPublic(modulusHex, exponentHex);
console.log("set public key" + rsa);
var encrypted = rsa.encrypt(data);
return encrypted;
the return value encrypted is passed to private key decrypt
However, i am getting
<_cython_3_0_10.generator object at 0x0000025EC04F2EF0>
For my use case, i want to encrypt the string in javascript while string decryption will happen on server side (Flask based application). I am using the below function. However, if the string is encrypted like this, the returned value is a string and not a bytes object that private key expects.
Below is the code that i am using for encoding after extracting the modulus and exponent from public key in python
modulusB64 = base64.b64encode(public_key[Attribute.MODULUS]).decode('utf-8') exponentB64 = base64.b64encode(public_key[Attribute.PUBLIC_EXPONENT]).decode('utf-8')
These are passed to javascript.
async function encryptWithPublicKey(modulusB64, exponentB64, data) { // Decode base64 strings to bytes function base64ToHex(str) { var raw = atob(str); var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { var hex = raw.charCodeAt(i).toString(16); result += (hex.length === 2 ? hex : '0' + hex); } return result.toUpperCase(); }
the return value encrypted is passed to private key decrypt key_private[0].decrypt(encrypted_text_hsm)
However, i am getting <_cython_3_0_10.generator object at 0x0000025EC04F2EF0>
how to address this issue?