pybamm-team / liionpack

A battery pack simulation tool that uses the PyBaMM framework
MIT License
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saving output for a simulation reaching high/low voltage cut-off #68

Closed ksnvikrant closed 2 years ago

ksnvikrant commented 2 years ago

If a cell in the simulation reaches high/low cut-off voltage, the output is not saved. The error looks something like the following: Solving Pack: 25%|████████████████ | 156/630 [00:04<00:13, 35.83it/s]High voltage limit reached Solving Pack: 25%|████████████████▍ | 159/630 [00:04<00:13, 34.70it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/uvk/Desktop/BatterySimulations/TestLiionpsck/liionpackNov8/", line 39, in lp.plot_output(output) File "/Users/uvk/Desktop/BatterySimulations/TestLiionpsck/liionpackNov8/liionpack/", line 282, in plot_output plot_pack(output) File "/Users/uvk/Desktop/BatterySimulations/TestLiionpsck/liionpackNov8/liionpack/", line 237, in plot_pack ax2.plot(time, i_pack, color="blue", label="simulation") File "/Users/uvk/anaconda2/envs/py3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 1605, in plot lines = [self._get_lines(args, data=data, kwargs)] File "/Users/uvk/anaconda2/envs/py3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 315, in call yield from self._plot_args(this, kwargs) File "/Users/uvk/anaconda2/envs/py3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 501, in _plot_args raise ValueError(f"x and y must have same first dimension, but " ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (159,) and (160,)**

So i changed the, where the time,current,voltage needs to be added to list before checking for the limits of the high/low cut-off voltages. Now I can see the output of the simulation. Here is the modified code:

# Solver utilities

import casadi
import pybamm
import numpy as np
import time as ticker
import liionpack as lp
from tqdm import tqdm

def _mapped_step(model, solutions, inputs_dict, integrator, variables, t_eval):
    Internal function to process the model for one timestep in a mapped way.
    Mapped versions of the integrator and variables functions should already
    have been made.
    model : :class:`pybamm.lithium_ion.BaseModel`
        The built battery model
    solutions : list of :class:`pybamm.Solution` objects for each battery
        Used to get the last state of the system and use as x0 and z0 for the
        casadi integrator
    inputs_dict : list of inputs_dict objects for each battery
    integrator : mapped casadi.integrator
        Produced by `_create_casadi_objects`
    variables : mapped variables evaluator
        Produced by `_create_casadi_objects`
    t_eval : float array of times to evaluate
        Produced by `_create_casadi_objects`
    sol : list
        Solutions that have been stepped forward by one timestep
    var_eval : list
        Evaluated variables for final state of system
    len_rhs = model.concatenated_rhs.size
    N = len(solutions)
    if solutions[0] is None:
        # First pass
        x0 = casadi.horzcat(*[model.y0[:len_rhs] for i in range(N)])
        z0 = casadi.horzcat(*[model.y0[len_rhs:] for i in range(N)])
        x0 = casadi.horzcat(*[sol.y[:len_rhs, -1] for sol in solutions])
        z0 = casadi.horzcat(*[sol.y[len_rhs:, -1] for sol in solutions])
    # t_min = [0.0]*N
    t_min = 0.0
    inputs = []
    for temp in inputs_dict:
        inputs.append(casadi.vertcat(*[x for x in temp.values()] + [t_min]))
    ninputs = len(temp.values())
    inputs = casadi.horzcat(*inputs)
    # p = casadi.horzcat(*zip(inputs, external_variables, [t_min]*N))
    # inputs_with_tmin = casadi.vertcat(inputs, np.asarray(t_min))
    # Call the integrator once, with the grid
    timer = pybamm.Timer()
    tic = timer.time()
    casadi_sol = integrator(x0=x0, z0=z0, p=inputs)
    integration_time = timer.time()
    nt = len(t_eval)
    xf = casadi_sol["xf"]
    # zf = casadi_sol["zf"]
    sol = []
    xend = []
    for i in range(N):
        start = i * nt
        y_sol = xf[:, start:start + nt]
        xend.append(y_sol[:, -1])
        # Not sure how to index into zf - need an example
        sol.append(pybamm.Solution(t_eval, y_sol, model, inputs_dict[i]))
        sol[-1].integration_time = integration_time
    toc = timer.time()
    lp.logger.debug(f"Mapped step completed in {toc - tic}")
    xend = casadi.horzcat(*xend)
    var_eval = variables(0, xend, 0, inputs[0:ninputs, :])
    return sol, var_eval

def _create_casadi_objects(I_init, htc, sim, dt, Nspm, nproc, variable_names):
    Internal function to produce the casadi objects in their mapped form for
    parallel evaluation
    I_init : float
        initial guess for current of a battery (not used for simulation).
    htc : float
        initial guess for htc of a battery (not used for simulation).
    sim : :class:`pybamm.Simulation`
        A PyBaMM simulation object that contains the model, parameter values,
        solver, solution etc.
    dt : float
        The time interval (in seconds) for a single timestep. Fixed throughout
        the simulation
    Nspm : int
        Number of individual batteries in the pack.
    nproc : int
        Number of parallel processes to map to.
    variable_names : list
        Variables to evaluate during solve. Must be a valid key in the
    integrator : mapped casadi.integrator
        Solves an initial value problem (IVP) coupled to a terminal value
        problem with differential equation given as an implicit ODE coupled
        to an algebraic equation and a set of quadratures
    variables_fn : mapped variables evaluator
        evaluates the simulation and output variables. see casadi function
    t_eval : float array of times to evaluate
        times to evaluate in a single step, starting at zero for each step
    inputs = {
        "Current function [A]": I_init,
        "Total heat transfer coefficient [W.m-2.K-1]": htc,
    solver = sim.solver

    # Initial solution - this builds the model behind the scenes
    # solve model for 1 second to initialise the circuit
    t_eval = np.linspace(0, 1, 2)
    sim.solve(t_eval, inputs=inputs)

    # Step model forward dt seconds
    t_eval = np.linspace(0, dt, 11)
    t_eval_ndim = t_eval / sim.model.timescale.evaluate()

    # No external variables - Temperature solved as lumped model in pybamm
    # External variables could (and should) be used if battery thermal problem
    # Includes conduction with any other circuits or neighboring batteries
    # inp_and_ext.update(external_variables)
    inp_and_ext = inputs

    # Code to create mapped integrator
    integrator = solver.create_integrator(
        sim.built_model, inputs=inp_and_ext, t_eval=t_eval_ndim
    integrator =, "thread", nproc)

    # Variables function for parallel evaluation
    casadi_objs = sim.built_model.export_casadi_objects(variable_names=variable_names)
    variables = casadi_objs["variables"]
    t, x, z, p = (
    variables_stacked = casadi.vertcat(*variables.values())
    variables_fn = casadi.Function("variables", [t, x, z, p], [variables_stacked])
    variables_fn =, "thread", nproc)
    return integrator, variables_fn, t_eval

def solve(
    Solves a pack simulation
    netlist : pandas.DataFrame
        A netlist of circuit elements with format. desc, node1, node2, value.
        Produced by liionpack.read_netlist or liionpack.setup_circuit
    parameter_values : pybamm.ParameterValues class
        A dictionary of all the model parameters
    experiment : pybamm.Experiment class
        The experiment to be simulated. experiment.period is used to
        determine the length of each timestep.
    I_init : float, optional
        Initial guess for single battery current [A]. The default is 1.0.
    htc : float array, optional
        Heat transfer coefficient array of length Nspm. The default is None.
    initial_soc : float
        The initial state of charge for every battery. The default is 0.5
    nproc : int, optional
        Number of processes to start in parallel for mapping. The default is 12.
    output_variables : list, optional
        Variables to evaluate during solve. Must be a valid key in the
    output : ndarray shape [# variable, # steps, # batteries]
        simulation output array

    if netlist is None or parameter_values is None or experiment is None:
        raise Exception("Please supply a netlist, paramater_values, and experiment")

    # Get netlist indices for resistors, voltage sources, current sources
    Ri_map = netlist["desc"].str.find("Ri") > -1
    V_map = netlist["desc"].str.find("V") > -1
    I_map = netlist["desc"].str.find("I") > -1
    Terminal_Node = np.array(netlist[I_map].node1)
    Nspm = np.sum(V_map)

    # Generate the protocol from the supplied experiment
    protocol = lp.generate_protocol_from_experiment(experiment)
    dt = experiment.period
    Nsteps = len(protocol)

    # Solve the circuit to initialise the electrochemical models
    V_node, I_batt = lp.solve_circuit(netlist)

    # Create battery simulation and update initial state of charge
    sim = lp.create_simulation(parameter_values, make_inputs=True)
    lp.update_init_conc(sim, SoC=initial_soc)

    # The simulation output variables calculated at each step for each battery
    # Must be a 0D variable i.e. battery wide volume average - or X-averaged for 1D model
    variable_names = [
        "Terminal voltage [V]",
        "Measured battery open circuit voltage [V]",
    if output_variables is not None:
        for out in output_variables:
            if out not in variable_names:
        # variable_names = variable_names + output_variables
    Nvar = len(variable_names)

    # Storage variables for simulation data
    shm_i_app = np.zeros([Nsteps, Nspm], dtype=float)
    shm_Ri = np.zeros([Nsteps, Nspm], dtype=float)
    output = np.zeros([Nvar, Nsteps, Nspm], dtype=float)

    # Initialize currents in battery models
    shm_i_app[0, :] = I_batt * -1

    # Set up integrator
    integrator, variables_fn, t_eval = _create_casadi_objects(
        I_init, htc[0], sim, dt, Nspm, nproc, variable_names

    # Step forward in time
    time = 0
    end_time = dt * Nsteps
    step_solutions = [None] * Nspm
    V_terminal = []
    record_times = []

    v_cut_lower = parameter_values["Lower voltage cut-off [V]"]
    v_cut_higher = parameter_values["Upper voltage cut-off [V]"]

    sim_start_time = ticker.time()

    for step in tqdm(range(Nsteps), desc='Solving Pack'):
        # Step the individual battery models
        step_solutions, var_eval = _mapped_step(
            lp.build_inputs_dict(shm_i_app[step, :], htc),
        output[:, step, :] = var_eval

        time += dt

        # Calculate internal resistance and update netlist
        temp_v = output[0, step, :]
        temp_ocv = output[1, step, :]
        # temp_Ri = output[2, step, :]
        # This could be used instead of Equivalent ECM resistance which has
        # been changing definition
        temp_Ri = (temp_ocv - temp_v) / shm_i_app[step, :]
        # Make Ri more stable
        current_cutoff = np.abs(shm_i_app[step, :]) < 1e-6
        temp_Ri[current_cutoff] = 1e-12
        # temp_Ri = 1e-12
        shm_Ri[step, :] = temp_Ri

        netlist.loc[V_map, ("value")] = temp_ocv
        netlist.loc[Ri_map, ("value")] = temp_Ri
        netlist.loc[I_map, ("value")] = protocol[step]
        if time <= end_time:
            V_node, I_batt = lp.solve_circuit(netlist)
        if time < end_time:
            shm_i_app[step + 1, :] = I_batt[:] * -1
        # Stop if voltage limits are reached
        if np.any(temp_v < v_cut_lower):
            print("Low voltage limit reached")
        if np.any(temp_v > v_cut_higher):
            print("High voltage limit reached")

    # Collect outputs
    all_output = {}
    all_output["Time [s]"] = np.asarray(record_times)
    all_output["Pack current [A]"] = np.asarray(protocol[: step + 1])
    all_output["Pack terminal voltage [V]"] = np.asarray(V_terminal)
    all_output["Cell current [A]"] = shm_i_app[: step + 1, :]
    for j in range(Nvar):
        all_output[variable_names[j]] = output[j, : step + 1, :]

    toc = ticker.time()
        "Solve circuit time " + str(np.around(toc - sim_start_time, 3)) + "s"
    return all_output
TomTranter commented 2 years ago

Solved with #70