What version (or hash if on master) of pybind11 are you using?
Problem description
Hi, I'm encountering an issue when trying to expose custom C++ exceptions to Python using py::register_exception in pybind11. The exception is correctly caught in Python, but the class attributes (e.g., description, errorCode) are not accessible when caught as a Python exception.
Reproducible example code
// Custom C++ exception class with public fields and methods:
namespace Custom {
class CustomException : public std::exception {
std::string description;
int errorCode;
CustomException(const std::string& desc, int code)
: description(desc), errorCode(code) {}
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return description.c_str();
std::string ErrorCodeAsString() const {
return std::to_string(errorCode);
// Bind exception
void BindCustom(pybind11::module& m) {
py::register_exception<Custom::CustomException>(m, "CustomExceptionError");
py::class_<Custom::CustomException>(m, "CustomException")
.def(py::init<std::string, int>())
.def("ErrorCodeAsString", &Custom::CustomException::ErrorCodeAsString)
[](const Custom::CustomException& e) { return e.description; },
[](Custom::CustomException& e, const std::string& d) { e.description = d; })
[](const Custom::CustomException& e) { return e.errorCode; },
[](Custom::CustomException& e, int code) { e.errorCode = code; });
py::register_exception_translator([](std::exception_ptr p) {
try {
if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
} catch (const Custom::CustomException& e) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.what());
Is this a regression? Put the last known working version here if it is.
Required prerequisites
What version (or hash if on master) of pybind11 are you using?
Problem description
Hi, I'm encountering an issue when trying to expose custom C++ exceptions to Python using py::register_exception in pybind11. The exception is correctly caught in Python, but the class attributes (e.g., description, errorCode) are not accessible when caught as a Python exception.
Reproducible example code
Is this a regression? Put the last known working version here if it is.
Not a regression