Difficulty level (1-10): [3]
Estimated time spent (hours): [4]
Completed (yes/no): [Yes]
I stretched my coding skills (if yes what did you learn?): [I learnt how to use the Pillow library to resize (and maintain its aspect ratio) and then paste another image on. Then make the pasted image with a transparent background to turn it into a watermark. Then ultimately, use the watermark successively across the whole image. I turned this into an article which was then published on PyBites.]
Other feedback (what can we improve?): []
Difficulty level (1-10): [3] Estimated time spent (hours): [4] Completed (yes/no): [Yes] I stretched my coding skills (if yes what did you learn?): [I learnt how to use the Pillow library to resize (and maintain its aspect ratio) and then paste another image on. Then make the pasted image with a transparent background to turn it into a watermark. Then ultimately, use the watermark successively across the whole image. I turned this into an article which was then published on PyBites.] Other feedback (what can we improve?): []