pybites / challenges

PyBites Code Challenges
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initial commit #659

Closed RedHoodJT1988 closed 5 years ago

RedHoodJT1988 commented 5 years ago

Difficulty level (1-10): [1] Estimated time spent (hours): [1] Completed (yes/no): [Yes] I stretched my coding skills (if yes what did you learn?): [I stretched my abilities with Python by building a GUI for a game with Pygame and then stretched it further by building out the game. Slither is a clone of snake with a twist. You gather up a mouse and that updates your score as well as increases the size of your snake. It was a fun process and I learned a bit about what it takes to make a game in Pygame and how to make a pretty awesome looking GUI for the start of the game. ] Other feedback (what can we improve?): []