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PyBites Code Challenges
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PCC28 alcognito - Flask+Bokeh app deployed to Heroku #747

Open alcognito opened 4 years ago

alcognito commented 4 years ago

Difficulty level (1-10): [7] Estimated time spent (hours): [20] Completed (yes/no): [Yes] I stretched my coding skills (if yes what did you learn?): [It took me about a week to get through this challenge as I had a few stumbling blocks to overcome. Overall, this is a good exercise that requires you to bring together many skills. Particular things I learned/found out along the way: Requests JSON methods - processing speed of r.json() method is much faster than .json.loads(r.text) Gained more confidence in deploying to Heroku Bokeh - there's a limited number of colours in the standard pallets - this can be increased using the linear_palette method. As an inexperienced Github user - combining/managing/navigating and understanding the Heroku repo, Github Community repo, Personal Github Repo and Local Repo was pretty mind bending and confusing at times!] Other feedback (what can we improve?): []