pybpc / walrus

Backport compiler for Python 3.8 assignment expressions (walrus).
MIT License
6 stars 1 forks source link

Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 27 #7

Closed pyup-bot closed 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

Update coverage from 5.1 to 5.2.

Changelog ### 5.2 ``` -------------------------- - The HTML report has been redesigned by Victor Salvino. There is now a dark mode, the code text is larger, and system sans serif fonts are used, in addition to other small changes (`issue 858`_ and `pull request 931`_). - The ``coverage report`` and ``coverage html`` commands now accept a ``--precision`` option to control the number of decimal points displayed. Thanks, Teake Nutma (`pull request 982`_). - The ``coverage report`` and ``coverage html`` commands now accept a ``--no-skip-covered`` option to negate ``--skip-covered``. Thanks, Anthony Sottile (`issue 779`_ and `pull request 932`_). - The ``--skip-empty`` option is now available for the XML report, closing `issue 976`_. - The ``coverage report`` command now accepts a ``--sort`` option to specify how to sort the results. Thanks, Jerin Peter George (`pull request 1005`_). - If coverage fails due to the coverage total not reaching the ``--fail-under`` value, it will now print a message making the condition clear. Thanks, Naveen Yadav (`pull request 977`_). - TOML configuration files with non-ASCII characters would cause errors on Windows (`issue 990`_). This is now fixed. - The output of ``--debug=trace`` now includes information about how the ``--source`` option is being interpreted, and the module names being considered. .. _pull request 931: .. _pull request 932: .. _pull request 977: .. _pull request 982: .. _pull request 1005: .. _issue 779: .. _issue 858: .. _issue 976: .. _issue 990: .. _changes_51: ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:

Update isort from 4.3.21 to 5.0.4.

Changelog ### 5.0.4 ``` - Fixed 1264: a regression with comment handling and `force_sort_within_sections` config option - Added warning for deprecated CLI flags and linked to upgrade guide. ``` ### 5.0.3 ``` - Fixed command incorrectly passing check=True as a configuration parameter (see: - Fixed missing patch version - Fixed issue 1253: Atomic fails when passed in not readable output stream ``` ### 5.0.2 ``` - Ensured black profile was complete, adding missing line_length definition. ``` ### 5.0.1 ``` - Fixed a runtime error in a vendored dependency (toml). ``` ### 5.0.0 ``` **Breaking changes:** - isort now requires Python 3.6+ to run but continues to support formatting on ALL versions of python including Python 2 code. - isort deprecates official support for Python 3.4, removing modules only in this release from known_standard_library: - user - Config files are no longer composed on-top of each-other. Instead the first config file found is used. - Since there is no longer composition negative form settings (such as --dont-skip or it's config file variant `not_skip`) are no longer required and have been removed. - Two-letter shortened setting names (like `ac` for `atomic`) now require two dashes to avoid ambiguity: `--ac`. - For consistency with other tools `-v` now is shorthand for verbose and `-V` is shorthand for version. See Issue: 1067. - `length_sort_{section_name}` config usage has been deprecated. Instead `length_sort_sections` list can be used to specify a list of sections that need to be length sorted. - `safety_excludes` and `unsafe` have been deprecated - Config now includes as default full set of safety directories defined by safety excludes. - `--recursive` option has been removed. Directories passed in are now automatically sorted recursive. - `--apply` option has been removed as it is the default behaviour. - isort now does nothing, beyond giving instructions and exiting status code 0, when ran with no arguments. - a new `--interactive` flag has been added to enable the old style behaviour. - isort now works on contiguous sections of imports, instead of one whole file at a time. - isort now formats all nested "as" imports in the "from" form. `import x.y as a` becomes `from x import y as a`. - `keep_direct_and_as_imports` option now defaults to `True`. - `appdirs` is no longer supported. Unless manually specified, config should be project config only. - `toml` is now installed as a vendorized module, meaning pyproject.toml based config is always supported. - Completely new Python API, old version is removed and no longer accessible. - New module placement logic and module fully replaces old finders. Old approach is still available via `--old-finders`. Internal: - isort now utilizes mypy and typing to filter out typing related issues before deployment. - isort now utilizes black internally to ensure more consistent formatting. - profile support for common project types (black, django, google, etc) - Much much more. There is some difficulty in fully capturing the extent of changes in this release - just because of how all encompassing the release is. See: [Github Issues]( for more. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:

Update Sphinx from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2.

Changelog ### 3.1.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 7650: autodoc: the signature of base function will be shown for decorated functions, not a signature of decorator Bugs fixed ---------- * 7844: autodoc: Failed to detect module when relative module name given * 7856: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when non-class object is given to the autoclass directive * 7850: autodoc: KeyError is raised for invalid mark up when autodoc_typehints is 'description' * 7812: autodoc: crashed if the target name matches to both an attribute and module that are same name * 7650: autodoc: function signature becomes ``(*args, **kwargs)`` if the function is decorated by generic decorator * 7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target code contains an attribute and module that are same name * 7806: viewcode: Failed to resolve viewcode references on 3rd party builders * 7838: html theme: List items have extra vertical space * 7878: html theme: Undesired interaction between "overflow" and "float" ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage:
codecov[bot] commented 4 years ago

Codecov Report

Merging #7 into master will not change coverage. The diff coverage is n/a.

Impacted file tree graph

@@           Coverage Diff           @@
##           master       #7   +/-   ##
  Coverage   80.51%   80.51%           
  Files           1        1           
  Lines         744      744           
  Branches      125      125           
  Hits          599      599           
  Misses         92       92           
  Partials       53       53           

Continue to review full report at Codecov.

Legend - Click here to learn more Δ = absolute <relative> (impact), ø = not affected, ? = missing data Powered by Codecov. Last update 3c1de44...c1aba50. Read the comment docs.