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[Bug] Block coding font is different across platforms #1542

Open laurensvalk opened 3 months ago

laurensvalk commented 3 months ago


Originally posted by @BertLindeman in

laurensvalk commented 3 months ago

It looks like this for me:


laurensvalk commented 3 months ago

The colors are also a bit off, though this might be the screenshot tool.

@bertlindeman - do the colors in your app look like in your screenshot, or more like mine?

BertLindeman commented 3 months ago

It looks like this for me:

Hard to say I am not that color-proof. So I took another screenshot and showed the result next to pybricks and took another windows screenshot, maybe this helps: afbeelding

Pybricks on the right side. Looking at the green I think "my" green is a bit faded. (in Dutch: wat flets)

BertLindeman commented 3 months ago

To me! the code blocks look the same on win11 and on an android tablet.

Also took a code block photo on android of the same program:


On android the background is transparant ;-)