pycascades / welcome-wagon-2018

Welcome Wagon for PyCascades Vancouver 2018
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Update the "Getting Around" section #8

Closed Mariatta closed 6 years ago

Mariatta commented 6 years ago


brettcannon commented 6 years ago

Transit will be the most important (e.g. Compass or where to buy bus passes or how much a cash fare is). The various False Creek ferries are probably worth pointing out. Bikeshare is reasonable, although it is a bit pricey for single-day use. Carshare will only work if you are a local since they need your driver's license so that's probably not worth pointing out. Parking is definitely something to point out due to how little there is at Granville Island. IOW really promote the heck out of the buses. 😄

caffodian commented 6 years ago

I believe carshare requires registration ahead of time.

If we have numbers, we should probably reach out to Mobi for a bikeshare code or something. They have done promotional 24 hr codes in the past. Not sure if anyone would want to bike around in January weather though.

caffodian commented 6 years ago

Issue with parking is mainly the time limit. You can get day parking at a few lots nearby.

yelluw commented 6 years ago
