This roadmap outlines the planned development phases for the Pyccel CUDA project.
Our goal is to enhance Pyccel's capabilities with CUDA support, enabling efficient GPU acceleration for Python code.
The Aim for the Core Development is to have a cuda module inside pyccel that can be only used with pyccel that we can later use it to add any libraries (numba, cupy...)
[ ] Core Development
[x] #26
[x] #45
[x] #28
[ ] #43
[ ] #3
[x] #41
[ ] #29
[ ] #39
[ ] #34
[ ] #35
[ ] #40
[ ] #36
[ ] Cuda Pyccel Internal library -- arrays creation routines
[ ] #37
[ ] #38
[ ] #30
[ ] add random Cuda API
[x] #31
User interface
[ ] Automatic array transfer when passing CPU arrays to kernels. (user only pyccelizes kernels)
This roadmap outlines the planned development phases for the Pyccel CUDA project. Our goal is to enhance Pyccel's capabilities with CUDA support, enabling efficient GPU acceleration for Python code.
The Aim for the Core Development is to have a cuda module inside pyccel that can be only used with pyccel that we can later use it to add any libraries (numba, cupy...)